Does anyone actually follow TV dinner instructions?

One of the most tedious things about TV dinners


Fuck sakes I just want to eat not read a book.

But most annoying of all is the part where it says "Gently remove brownie from tray and set aside and microwave some more"


Go fuck yourself TV dinner we don't have that kind of relationship. The whole point I'm eating this is cause I'm lazy and also don't want to do dishes. So what? Bust out a saucer and put the brownie on it? Fuck that I don't even stir my mashed potatoes

My brownie is terrible every time and I don't give a fuck, cause really I'm in it for the fried chicken



I love my Hungry-Man dinners, namely the fried chicken. They are delicious with tons of blacks pepper. I always keep a few in the freezer for an emergency meal The sodium is ridiculous though, so it's rarity for me.

Fuck those brownies too. I remember when they used to have apple crumble, or something like that, far better, and it didn't require removing a stupid brownie. The brownies are shit though, so I just leave them in there.

I love mixing the mashed potatoes with the corn, but they take forever to heat up if you don't stir them up half way through cooking, even then there's always a cold spot. Of course, trying to stir them up is like mixing chunks of ice! Maddening!
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TV dinners go way back before microwaves. They've been around since the 1950s hen television became widely watched. The meals were packaged in aluminum trays and heated in an oven. Folding tables were sold to be able to eat while watching television as the sets were large and usually in the living room.

I thought the table legs were built into the packaging
It's a coffee table book about coffee tables that is a coffee table
I love my Hungry-Man dinners, namely the fried chicken. They are delicious with tons of blacks pepper. I always keep a few in the freezer for an emergency meal The sodium is ridiculous though, so it's rarity for me.

Fuck those brownies too. I remember when they used to have apple crumble, or something like that, far better, and it didn't require removing a stupid brownie. The brownies are shit though, so I just leave them in there.

I love mixing the mashed potatoes with the corn, but they take forever to heat up if you don't stir them up half way through cooking, even then there's always a cold spot. Of course, trying to stir them up is like mixing chunks of ice! Maddening!

Man that corn gets nuclear hot tho I burned my tongue on some hot TV dinner corn and it hurt for a week
TV dinners go way back before microwaves. They've been around since the 1950s hen television became widely watched. The meals were packaged in aluminum trays and heated in an oven. Folding tables were sold to be able to eat while watching television as the sets were large and usually in the living room.
I adjust the directions for my microwave which usually means cutting down on the time ever so slightly. I've only had one tv dinner in the past two years that I can remember.

You should try this. Just poke a few holes in the top, microwave for 3 minutes, and voila! No stirring or re-arranging required. Organic, high protein, high fiber, and anti-inflammatory. :)
I don't, it just needs to be heated, doesn't matter how it happens. I transfer into an oven-safe dish and put foil over it, not interested in having melted plastic from those sad containers in my food.
I don't, it just needs to be heated, doesn't matter how it happens. I transfer into an oven-safe dish and put foil over it, not interested in having melted plastic from those sad containers in my food.

plastic tray - "Damnit! Foiled again!"

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