Elizabeth Warren Releases DNA Test Showing "Strong Evidence" of Native American Ancestry

I think this really is not that big of a deal. She was trying to portray herself as not white to score a few points. Just move on. Taking this test was a stupid idea

She didn't bring it up. It was used as a smear on her in 2012, and then Trump started using it to smear her in anticipation of a potential run. He called for her to test.

It's really crazy when you think about it. A long time ago, she mentioned having a distant NA ancestor. So partisans try to portray her as having claimed to be full NA and demanding a test. She takes the test, and the reaction from you guys is either, "she just has a distant NA ancestor" or "why did she take the test?" If it weren't already clear that you guys were acting in bad faith, it certainly is now.
She didn't bring it up. It was used as a smear on her in 2012, and then Trump started using it to smear her in anticipation of a potential run. He called for her to test.

It's really crazy when you think about it. A long time ago, she mentioned having a distant NA ancestor. So partisans try to portray her as having claimed to be full NA and demanding a test. She takes the test, and the reaction from you guys is either, "she just has a distant NA ancestor" or "why did she take the test?" If it weren't already clear that you guys were acting in bad faith, it certainly is now.

people are fuckin' bored out of their mind and feel the need to shit on the other side. I am surprised I am spending so much time defending her in these threads... it's like.. "what da fuck are you people still bitching about???"
"And we will say, 'I will give you a million dollars, paid for by Trump, to your favorite charity if you take the test and it shows you're an Indian ... we'll see what she does. I have a feeling she will say no but we will hold it for the debates." Donald J. Trump

"analysis of her genetic data performed by Carlos Bustamante, a professor of genetics at Stanford and adviser to Ancestry and 23 and Me..."Now, the President likes to call my mom a liar," Warren asks him. "What do the facts say?" Bustamante responds, "The facts suggest that you absolutely have a Native American ancestor in your pedigree."

"Warren tweeted Monday morning that Trump could "send the check to the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center."<Moves>

She called his bluff, let's see Donny move those goal posts to get out of paying his debt, as usual.
Right... so Elizabeth Warren has never touted her Native American background on the campaign trail. it was brought up by a news outlet in 2012, she answered it, her opponent pounced on it and made a big deal about it. Apart from that she never used the fact that her ancestry is part Cherokee for any sort of gains.

So what are you bitching about again in this thread?

Now trump is saying he never said he would donate 1 million to charity if she proved she was Indian. Hilarious

Yet you continue to follow. Baaaaaaaaa
She didn't bring it up. It was used as a smear on her in 2012, and then Trump started using it to smear her in anticipation of a potential run. He called for her to test.

It's really crazy when you think about it. A long time ago, she mentioned having a distant NA ancestor. So partisans try to portray her as having claimed to be full NA and demanding a test. She takes the test, and the reaction from you guys is either, "she just has a distant NA ancestor" or "why did she take the test?" If it weren't already clear that you guys were acting in bad faith, it certainly is now.

"The public really doesn't listen when they are being told straight forward facts, they would rather accept what some charismatic character tells them than really think about what the truth might be. They would rather have the romance of the lies." James Randi talking about psychics, mediums, and other frauds.
Now trump is saying he never said he would donate 1 million to charity if she proved she was Indian. Hilarious

Yet you continue to follow. Baaaaaaaaa

who am I following??... in any case... Baaaaaaaa!...
Yes, this definitely means she's running. And off to a great start.

She would dominate Trump in the debates if she makes it that far. Hilarity would ensue. Trump would actually demean her for being a woman and his supporters would still cheer
She would dominate Trump in the debates if she makes it that far. Hilarity would ensue. Trump would actually demean her for being a woman and his supporters would still cheer
I can't wait.
"And we will say, 'I will give you a million dollars, paid for by Trump, to your favorite charity if you take the test and it shows you're an Indian ... we'll see what she does. I have a feeling she will say no but we will hold it for the debates."

"analysis of her genetic data performed by Carlos Bustamante, a professor of genetics at Stanford and adviser to Ancestry and 23 and Me..."Now, the President likes to call my mom a liar," Warren asks him. "What do the facts say?" Bustamante responds, "The facts suggest that you absolutely have a Native American ancestor in your pedigree."

"Warren tweeted Monday morning that Trump could "send the check to the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center."<Moves>

She called his bluff, let's see Donny move those goal posts to get out of paying his debt, as usual.

She’s 99.999% white though

She should be running as “Mexican-American” if anything if we’re going by the report
Yes, this definitely means she's running. And off to a great start.

Still refusing to apologize for publicly smearing someone based on a false premise, I see. Perfect illustration of the moral emptiness of the Evangelical movement.
Of course, Trump supporters are always saying Trump isn't a racist, but calling someone of Native American heritage "Pocahontas" is absolutely racist. It's like calling a black man "Toby"
Oh please
6-10 generations ago
I wouldn’t be surprised if trump has the same make up
I say this as a Jew middle easterner and Native American by these standards. Anhrjng you say to me is offensive and you putting down a minority.
1/1024... just get a grip. Fauxcahontas is an incredibly apt nickname.
I’m not sure she would win the dem nomination. Some pretty decent candidates running. Hell, Bernie could win. Anyone debating Trump would be hilarious though.
Yeah, we're jumping the gun a bit, but I think Warren is one of the stronger contenders.
Oh please
6-10 generations ago
I wouldn’t be surprised if trump has the same make up
I say this as a Jew middle easterner and Native American by these standards. Anhrjng you say to me is offensive and you putting down a minority.

So Trump is just a blabbering idiot then? Not to be taken seriously?