Ever had your ass thoroughly kicked?

Don't remember being in a real fight since Jnr school, my record there was surprising good dispite being quite undersized at the time and not that confident, children are easy to use basic judo skills on, clinch, leg trip and laying ontop of them until they gave up worked every time.
I'm undefeated.

in running away
Yes but it took 5 guys and they only got me down for about a minute before I scrambled the fuck up and outta there to safety.
one time stands out i was 26 and dating a chick in high school. i was super drunk at some shitty house party and started mouthing off to this sophmore kid who was probably 50 pounds lighter than me, and wore these gay ass braces. so i sucker punched him, and becasue i was drunk i slipped. he then proceeded to kick the shit out of me in front of like 30 high school kids all by himself. once i came to i was pissed off. so i went after his younger brother who was there, and he was a black belt in thugjitsu, so he beat me up to. my gf left with both of them, and i never saw them again. i like to get drunk and start figfhts with peopel smaller than me, it usually works but this time i got beat bad. at least i still had a sick iroc to drive home drunk in.
I can honestly say I've never gotten my ass beat thankfully, in a real fight that is. I've whooped some asses, though never beat anyone down, I stop when I see they've had enough.

I have gotten a whooping in the gym though, when we were sparring in boxing class, it was my first class and my cardio was pretty shit and even though I knew the basics of boxing, I got a reality check on the differences between being trained and just knowing some things for yourself. We were alternating sparring partners every minute in class and about halfway through I was dead tired already.

Needless to say some guys didn't really take it easy on me and I got a pretty good whoopin by the end of it. One guy specifically kept hitting me with right hooks over and over, lol. I couldn't stop it. I ran into one of them and he got me on the nose flush pretty fucking hard. He felt bad and apologized but I was more frustrated than anything and told him to just keep going. I at least learned I had a pretty good chin that day. The next classes were much easier though as my body got in better condition.

Aside from that time at the gym, I got wrestlefucked 2 times during play fighting. Once was by my cousin and the other by some kid, but they actually knew how to wrestle so I don't feel too bad, lol.
Often times back in school. I got literally kicked in the face while on the ground and stuff like that. I didn't deserve it though.
When I was about 12, I got jumped by a kid at school. I was tying up his arms, so he couldn't punch me, and then his mate kicked me in the head while I was down. Didn't rock me, but it hurt. Ended up scrambling up as the teachers arrived to break it up.

Didn't have a mark on me, but I got a headache from the kick. Didn't get beat badly, but it's the only time I didn't give as good as I got.

After that, I decided I'd never be a victim in my life again, and I smacked up a bully a few months later. Didn't get bullied after that.
Oh yeah. Got mugged when I was 19 by 8-9 dudes. Suplexed and then they took turns kicking my head into a brick wall. Wasn't my favorite day.
Got in a fight with one of my friends in my early 20's... we were both pretty wasted and I was nearly KO'd... another one of our friends had to stop him from completely putting my lights out. I was leaking from a cut above the eye and it was also swollen shut the next day as well as tingling swelling on that side. What made it worse is I threw the first punch. Just a really shitty feeling with a huge hangover and swollen face/brain for a few days.
When I was about 14 years old I was taking the bus home and these two older kids came up to me and told me they were going to kick my ass. I got scared and told the driver so he ended up kicking off all three of us at the next stop. I tried to run but they caught up to me about a block away.
Lol, I think that story can be told by every southpaw about their first time encountering another southpaw.

I have gotten better at fighting other southpaws. But it’s still just as awkward as pitching against them in baseball. No wonder it was always so easy to beat the shit out of all the right handed guys. They had no idea what was in store for them.
I'm like 2-3, had 6 stitches over my left eye once. It was actually pretty funny. Getting your ass kicked isn't that bad. It's walking around looking like shiit that is awkward.
I have gotten better at fighting other southpaws. But it’s still just as awkward as pitching against them in baseball. No wonder it was always so easy to beat the shit out of all the right handed guys. They had no idea what was in store for them.
One of my first AM boxing matches was against a southpaw and we were both like "derfuq, how the hell do I fight this guy".
One of my first AM boxing matches was against a southpaw and we were both like "derfuq, how the hell do I fight this guy".

Yeah. My dad never let me fight in PAL like I wanted. But my friends and I would always box each other well into our late twenties. Luckily, one of them was a southpaw. I still suck against them, just a little less. I pretty much suck all around, but am better than wannabe tough guys on the street.

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