Examples of salty fans lurking in the shadows praying for someone’s downfall

I got nothing to hide, I'm waiting on Volkanovskis downfall

why, though? try to better yourself instead of wishing - or, in some cases, openly trying - to ruin other people

trying to ruin a man out of spite is literal women shit.
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Dumb post coupdnt read it it all.. stopped at max fans..

How about being honest about fights and not just calling any sad win a lopsided victory.. max vs volk 1 coulda gone either way. 2 meh 3 def outclassed.. doesnt take away from max or his fans

But as a real example jon bones jones back in the day .. everyone rooted against him because he was an up and comer and defeating everyones fan favorite opponent and continued as he got the belt and the old real fans understand you dont bet against him anymore while the casuals new fans see a undefeated shell and think all of his wins are losses and cant wait for it to happen.

A lot of Max fans were the saltiest I've ever seen after the first two fights with volk. They are a perfect example of what TS is talking about.
Why are you even on Sherdog if you aren't ready to post how a guy on 12+ win streak was never any good?


It's like the Olympics. Why watch if not to shame whoever came in 4th? To tell your mates that you could easily make that gold medal winning vault jump, but you just don't want to in this exact moment.

That's why I respect @StonedLemur . He doesn't lurk; he just outright lets it be known that he is a big max fan, thinks volk is smug, and he doesn't like volk. He is one of the most consistent volk haters I've ever seen, but at least he's open about it lol

Hell, I was a khabib fan and he left me with angry blue balls. I get it a lot of the frustration.

Bro, I was one of like 5 people on here telling everyone Volk was going to be Islam's biggest challenge. All the islam fans laughed at me and were like, " this fight shouldn't even happen. Dumb fight -- Islam by whatever he wants within 2 rounds. his wrestling is too good. Volk stands no chance."

They acted like Volk was chopped liver going into the fight, now after islam squeeks by with a close decision, they are like, "what a great win for islam! volk is a beast! P4P top fighter in the world! what a name on islam's resume!"

Long story short: whatever narrative makes their boy seem best is the one they'll take lol. I'm sure a lot of them want to see volk get finished, though.

I recognize the fact that hes an awesome fighter, but Max is my dude sir lol.
A lot of Max fans were the saltiest I've ever seen after the first two fights with volk. They are a perfect example of what TS is talking about.
I love Max, but even now some of his fans just say some really questionable stuff once Max gets on another streak.
I see stuff said like Volk is on EPO(really?), Max won the second fight(debatable, not really a robbery), Max won the first fight(just delusional) or Volk is making excuses(I think USADA waking up a dehydrated fighter in the middle of the night before his fight is a pretty valid one).

There's also the ones saying Max wasn't himself in the third fight which you know what, that's certainly a possibility. However, Volk was also not at his best in their second fight and yet people shit on him for saying the valid USADA story which has been a reoccurring issue from their end and not only Volk, but a decent amount of other fighters.

I get being a fan of a fighter, I'm just always confused why you need to get this angry at his or her opposition like that to a point where reason gets thrown out of the window. All things considered losing to Volk ain't all that bad considering he's a pretty chill guy himself and a great champion.
Again tho, this isn't all Holloway fans. I'd still say most are pretty chill, but there's odd ones that have a serious hate boner for Volk even after the trilogy was settled.
I love Max, but even now some of his fans just say some really questionable stuff once Max gets on another streak.
I see stuff said like Volk is on EPO(really?), Max won the second fight(debatable, not really a robbery), Max won the first fight(just delusional) or Volk is making excuses(I think USADA waking up a dehydrated fighter in the middle of the night before his fight is a pretty valid one).

There's also the ones saying Max wasn't himself in the third fight which you know what, that's certainly a possibility. However, Volk was also not at his best in their second fight and yet people shit on him for saying the valid USADA story which has been a reoccurring issue from their end and not only Volk, but a decent amount of other fighters.

I get being a fan of a fighter, I'm just always confused why you need to get this angry at his or her opposition like that to a point where reason gets thrown out of the window. All things considered losing to Volk ain't all that bad considering he's a pretty chill guy himself and a great champion.
Again tho, this isn't all Holloway fans. I'd still say most are pretty chill, but there's odd ones that have a serious hate boner for Volk even after the trilogy was settled.

I remember for the first time actually feeling bad for a fighter on social media when I'd look at volk's posts after that second fight. Fans were outright harassing the guy and it was constant, message after message of verbal hate on anything the guy posted. I'm glad it is over now, but people really gave volk a hard time over those max fights.
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Guy looks like he's coming day and night.

Every popular fighter has them.
why, though? try to better yourself instead of wishing - or, in some cases, openly trying - to ruin other people

trying to ruin a man out of spite is literal women shit.
its not that deep, bro i just like other fighters more
I dont really see Max fans clowning Volk now that the dust has settled. How would Volk losing do anything to elevate Max? Quite the contrary. Yes its true there are fans who wish for the demise of some fighters that they dont like,but what of it?

Who cares??

Making threads bitching about fans is the lamest thing one can do. It means your gotten to,which was the objective.
Perhaps replying to a thread that complains about posters who secretly desire the fighter who beat their fighter is actually worse.
Which makes me worse than you.
Until someone replies to this post, and then he's worst.

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