Fantasy Genre, especially Lord of the Rings is racist according to this article

Tamriel Terror

Silver Belt
Aug 21, 2014
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This dude wrote a book about how racist fantasy genre is, starting with LOTR, below are 2 parts of his stuff.

Race: the Original Sin of the Fantasy Genre
"This is from the first page of Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring. It is the first time he uses the word “race” in the book (though he did use it in The Hobbit as well). Considering Tolkien’s place as the godfather of the fantasy genre, it’s unsurprising that his conception of the “races” of Middle Earth have become more-or-less standard across the fantasy genre.

But Tolkien’s conception of “race” is a huge problem. His ideas have been bred into the core of the fantasy genre—not just literature, but films and games too. Contemporary authors have had to work hard to free the genre from this original sin.

The core of the problem is that Tolkien conflates race, culture, and ability. Hobbits, he says, are a race, and based upon a combination their hereditary traits and cultural practices, are better at being stealthy than other races.

Tolkien does this throughout his novels, outlining the “racial” characteristics of men, of dwarves, of elves, of orcs, and those few of mixed ancestry (like Aragorn or the Uruk-Hai)."

"Making “races” like orcs and dark elves inherently evil does two things. First, it presents a world in which good and evil are so simplistic that an entire culture, race, or species can be inherently evil. If someone were to transpose that way of thinking onto cultures or races today, it could lead to the worst sort of prejudice.

Second, this smacks of the worst sort of colonial racisms, which sought to make American Indians, Africans, and other people of color not just seem less human, but inherently immoral. Making “evil races” (like the orcs and uruk-hai, as described in The Lord of the Rings, and dark elves, in D&D) dark-skinned creates fantasy worlds that are structured along racist lines—and mimicking those that plague us in the real world. It would be foolish to explain that away as mere coincidence. Whether the creators did it intentionally or not, their worlds are loaded with the idea at the core of white-supremacy: that having dark skin is bad."

The article is quite long but basically cliffs are:

-LOTR and fantasy genre in general (D & D, Elder Scrolls, etc.) are racist
-Defining races with characteristics in a fantasy world is racist
skinned creatures are shown as being "bad"

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Yeah, I can't separate the idea of an orc or a dark elf from African Americans either.

I mean look at this obvious black dude.

They didn't have black slaves during the middle ages dumbass
Also, racism didn't exist in that time period. It was all about Feudalism.
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Apparently, someone is failing their initiative roles on introducing this writer to the working end of the Mace of Virtue Smiting: +2 against editorials.
The shadow and darkness themes in Tolkien need to be understood properly: shadows and darkness are themes for evil in Tolkien because he has an Augustinian view of the good-- the evil is privation, it lacks being. It does not have metaphysical substance. Thus, a shadow is a lack of light. It's not more complicated than that. Thus, Orcs are not "inherently" evil, just like Gollum isnt inherently evil. They're corrupted things, twisted by evil because it does not have the ability to create. This is everywhere in his literature, from Melkor, to Sauron, to Saurman, to Gollum, and to the One Ring.

Dude isn't wrong about some things, but he certainly misread Tolkien on this stuff.
also, it sucks Tolkien wasn't using contemporary critical race theory as a philologist in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s. Pff. Dope.
Don't nobody give a fuck, bruh.
I am taking a massive shit right now and my asshole burns because I ate hot wings.
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After lookin at a picture of the author, about what I expected. Pasty, doughy little bitch. Sad part is... he’s actually a researcher/historian for the Smithsonian.
Serious question: is it actually black people who complain about all this shit constantly or is it mostly white guilt people?
While actually SciFi, I find myself curious how he feels about Frank Herbert and the Dune series?
Black people usually don’t like that shit anyways, so it’s probably ok.
Who comes up with this retarded shit?

I remember a while ago when the lotr first came out people tried to say it was racist because there were no black actors in the cast. Supporters brought up the fact that lotr is supposed to take place in europe, which would explain the lack of black people
Considering Tolkien himself said that he based the orc's appearance on Mongoloid facial features the author seems to be swimming in the wrong pool.

That said, I actually find Tolkien to be one of the less racist fantasy authors of his time period (in a time where most ones were by modern standards). He certainly didn't dive into the race theory swamp or sheer vitriol the same way Edgar Rice Burroughs, Robert E Howard or Lovecraft did, for example.
the fucking world these days... seriously
To be honest, it would seem those who are attempting to equate orcs and such with black people are the racists. These creatures aren’t human. I’m fairly certain in these fictional worlds black people would fall into the human category. Race seems to be used very differently in fantasy worlds. Trying to use it as some social commentary is just pathetic. Maybe using vaguely humanoid species instead of race would stem the flow from their bleeding hearts.
To be honest, it would seem those who are attempting to equate orcs and such with black people are the racists. These creatures aren’t human. I’m fairly certain in these fictional worlds black people would fall into the human category. Race seems to be used very differently in fantasy worlds. Trying to use it as some social commentary is just pathetic. Maybe using vaguely humanoid species instead of race would stem the flow from their bleeding hearts.

Spot on. Orcs vs elves vs dwarfs vs humans aren't "races" in the sense that we use the term now. A more appropriate comparison would be something like wolves vs jackals vs eagles vs hippos or something.

The middle earth is more "species" vs "race". The species just happen to all be humanoid-ish.
I'm not racist but...

Khajiits are bringing rapists, they're bringing thieves... And some I assume are good people.