Social Female reporter gets groped on live TV.

I don't know why you right wingers always try to use this argument and think you "gotcha'd hypocritical libs"
"But whaaaa about Africa/Muslims/women in hijabs?????"
It's a stupid argument.

Obviously, and logically, a bunch of Americans/Westerners are going to have a lot more to say about something that happened in Atlanta , Georgia, than they would about Wheredafuckistan, Iraq.

Besides "Islam/brown man bad", what in depth discussion do you expect a bunch of white westerners to have about the crimes, culture, and religious practices of some village in Iraq?
The sex trade in Iraq is obviously tragic, and there's also fuck all I know about it, or could do about it. I wished it would stop but there ain't shit I can do about it. It has no effect on me, and I have no effect on it.
That isnt the same as news that happens in a place I know.

Do you think an Incident of a woman getting her ass slapped warranted 13 fucking pages of responses? Seriously...
I don't know why you right wingers always try to use this argument and think you "gotcha'd hypocritical libs"
"But whaaaa about Africa/Muslims/women in hijabs?????"
It's a stupid argument.

Obviously, and logically, a bunch of Americans/Westerners are going to have a lot more to say about something that happened in Atlanta , Georgia, than they would about Wheredafuckistan, Iraq.

Besides "Islam/brown man bad", what in depth discussion do you expect a bunch of white westerners to have about the crimes, culture, and religious practices of some village in Iraq?
The sex trade in Iraq is obviously tragic, and there's also fuck all I know about it, or could do about it. I wished it would stop but there ain't shit I can do about it. It has no effect on me, and I have no effect on it.
That isnt the same as news that happens in a place I know.

I suppose that depends on whether Iraq resides in your neighbourhood, like it does to a bunch of Westerners these days.
The ass grabber was bad but the woman was also bad to make a big deal about it so it's a wash, both sides many sides - some fucking idiot
Do you think an Incident of a woman getting her ass slapped warranted 13 fucking pages of responses? Seriously...
A majority of the posts are white knighting the ass slapper and saying the reporter needs to get over it.
I tell my kids there are consequences to your actions. Ass slapper fucked up and now he will pay the price. I don’t think he should lose his job, but should lose his Boy Scout gig. He is not a positive male role model for young men.
A majority of the posts are white knighting the ass slapper and saying the reporter needs to get over it.
I tell my kids there are consequences to your actions. Ass slapper fucked up and now he will pay the price. I don’t think he should lose his job, but should lose his Boy Scout gig. He is not a positive male role model for young men.
No white knighting going on. Was a dumbass move.

The guy already lost his job, yet some people think he deserves jail time for sexual assault. That lynch mob mentality is the real story here.
Do you think an Incident of a woman getting her ass slapped warranted 13 fucking pages of responses? Seriously...
Do threads about a kneeling football player warrant 56 fucking pages of responses?
There are plenty of trivial topic threads that go on forever, and they're rarely solely about the initial story.
Threads like this turn into broader debates about gender, snowflakes, liberals vs conservatives, incels, 'wokeism', and a range of other topics...and then they're sprinkled with a few flame wars.

There's plenty of times where I've looked at a thread title, seen the thread is already 12 pages long and wondered 'how are they talking this long about that?", and when I go into the thread it's always the mix of what I said above. This ain't new.
I said equivalent not Identical. And their is an equivalent experience for men which is the assault of ones physical boundaries regardless of gender. It is very true that women get raped in large majority by men but to conclude that instances like this where a man slaps a women on the ass tap into an inner fear of being raped is purely conjecture. I would agree that their are women with this type of fear, most likely that have some history or abuse in some form of fashion may have this fear, but generally when this shit happens most women like men would be simply pissed that someone crossed a boundary they should not. Infantalizing women into beings that fear rape at every waking moment is honestly, just nonsense. Women can be just as shitty as men in this department especially because of narratives like yours that minimize acts that are committed against men.

The feelings of that treatment are dependent on the individual, there are women that actually like that type of behavior in certain contexts as do some men, but on a whole most men and women would not like a stranger slapping their ass, especially in the context of work. I agree that the ramifications are VERY different between the genders in that the media will rightly shed light on the loser who did this and he will be publicly shamed, and will most likely lose his job if his employers get a hold of this tape. Unfortunately, if the genders were reversed I doubt there would be half as much outrage which is nothing short of Idiotic. Also, lets not act like Sexual Objectification does not also have some Extremely positive benefits on a scale that do not exist for men and many women knowingly and willing enter into this arrangement for these benefits. And the stigma of being sexual assaulted does exist for both men and women, in different ways, women on a whole are rightly defended with moral outrage , men on the other hand are expected to suck it up and take it or be considered soft.

What you are stating as a common sense is in fact just common excuses that are used to uphold B.S. double standards between the genders. So lets cut to the chase, your basically saying that sexually assaulting a women is a worse offense to sexually assaulting a man right? So does that mean that women deserve lighter punishments for the same act? So public moral outrage should continue to punish male offenders while sweeping female offenders under the rug? Regardless of individual experience, an negative act is an negative act period..... and should be equally condemned and punished period.
Ok. You just went off on some big tangent about something I'm not talking about.
This story has nothing to do with men, and you and some others saw this video and went straight to a "but a woman did that to me once..../I thought we were equal now?/yadayadayada" arguments...which, again, has nothing to with what happened in this story.
You had a canned rant prepared.

I didn't infantalize women. Rape was just an example, not the only potential issue that women have to deal with when being sexually harassed, objectified, or assaulted..and you just ran with that as if my point was about a mass rape epidemic or something.
The point was that when it comes to sexuality, there are many issues that women have to deal with in society that men do not, and most of those issues can be physically and socially harmful to them. So to make an equivalence on this matter is stupid.

Men and women are not the same, and not every situation has a universal or equal truth, no matter how black and white you want to see the world.
If a 5'3 woman assaulted you, would you fight her the same way you would fight a man of your size?
We have differences, inherent, and imposed on us by society that shape our interactions with one another.
There are universal truths between the sexes, but they arent all universal.
Holy disproportionate response, batman!

The funny thing? The same dolts who are ok with this guy facing punishment that's outrageously over the top compared to the "crime" get worked up over a cop letting loose his K9 on a perp.

He smacked her ass. A dick move worthy of a shot in the mouth, not getting doxed and becoming a social pariah. He shouldn't have done that, duh, no shit. And people who label a smack on the ass "groping" shouldn't be lying either. Sounds like a bunch of toddlers who need time outs FFS.
I dont know man... we're usually on the same page.

He publicly embarrassed her... maybe he deserved his public backlash.
The guy is a moron, but IMO "groped" implies something more than a slap on the ass.
I dont know man... we're usually on the same page.

He publicly embarrassed her... maybe he deserved his public backlash.
How much backlash is he deserving of? Some think a bit of physical punishment from the reporters spouse. Some think jail time. Are we really contemplating sending a guy to jail over a slap on the ass? Are we really better off as a society now that the guy is unemployed?

Or would a public apology with a side of humble pie be a better option? The pitchfork brigade is showing too much fervor over what amounts to an insult methinks.
Ok. You just went off on some big tangent about something I'm not talking about.
This story has nothing to do with men, and you and some others saw this video and went straight to a "but a woman did that to me once..../I thought we were equal now?/yadayadayada" arguments...which, again, has nothing to with what happened in this story.
You had a canned rant prepared.

I didn't infantalize women. Rape was just an example, not the only potential issue that women have to deal with when being sexually harassed, objectified, or assaulted..and you just ran with that as if my point was about a mass rape epidemic or something.
The point was that when it comes to sexuality, there are many issues that women have to deal with in society that men do not, and most of those issues can be physically and socially harmful to them. So to make an equivalence on this matter is stupid.

Men and women are not the same, and not every situation has a universal or equal truth, no matter how black and white you want to see the world.
If a 5'3 woman assaulted you, would you fight her the same way you would fight a man of your size?
We have differences, inherent, and imposed on us by society that shape our interactions with one another.
There are universal truths between the sexes, but they arent all universal.

I was responded to your assertion that their is no equivalent experience to women, and although I agree that their is no identical experience their is an equivalent one with regard to sexual harassment. I absolutely agree that their are challenges that both genders face that the other gender deals with too a much lesser degree, but my question would be so what does that mean? What does your logic propose? Are you saying that because one gender faces something more then the other, that single acts should be perceived as worse for that gender. I say no because its just props up a B.S. double standard.

I think your missing my point, I wouldn't fight a 5'3 guy the same way I would fight a 6'3 guy but that does not matter with respect to the fact that both instances are assault. The only difference would be the amount of damage done, not the potential of damage. If a 5'3 girl assaults a man and breaks his nose, and a 5'3 man assaults a man and breaks his nose, do you consider the first incident less negative then the second because of females inherent fear of men? If a man sexually assaults a women and slaps her ass is that worse than if a women assaults a man and slaps his ass because of this supposed fear of rape on the part of women? Men and women are objectively different in many ways but harmful acts are just that, regardless of gender. And many of the differences imposed on us by Society lead to B.S. narratives that hold the genders to different standards which is just nonsense. I am not arguing for the genders to be treated identically but more consistency between the genders in terms of standards and expectations would definitely be a step in the right direction.
Is this newsworthy? People want so badly to be victims these days <Lmaoo>
Don't grope Females on the ass when they probably don't want you to? How fkkkkng hard is it?
Personally, I do it every day. It's not that hard to refrain from sexually assaulting people, now matter how much guys want to do it.

Do they have to wear burqas to stop sexual assault or something?
Don't grope Females on the ass when they probably don't want you to? How fkkkkng hard is it?
Personally, I do it every day. It's not that hard to refrain from sexually assaulting people, now matter how much guys want to do it.

Do they have to wear burqas to stop sexual assault or something?

No shit on your first point.

As for this being sexual assault.... fuck off.

He 'goosed' her.

'Goosing someone' = to poke them on the bum and run off; it's a childish prank is all.

He was all hopped up on adrenaline from doing a fun run and seeing a live news reporter doing a bit to camera he overreacted and harmlessly touched a naughty area.

Wasnt a sexual assault ffs.

This man has now become the victim with the public witchhunt and life dismantling.

Fuck this victim culture
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