FINALLY, an OTC "Testosterone Booster" checks out:

Don't know why I never saw this before, but there's some conflicting information so I think it depends on individual physiology. For instance, a lot of males with either elevated estrogen congenially or decreasing test to the degree where estrogen is higher than testosterone, experience problems getting it up.

I myself use the Novedex XT by Gaspari (which checks out to work in studies) and have better libido when taking it.

what other benefits have you noticed while taking it? any bad side effects?
No bad side-effects. I don't know what benefits you're looking for. Textbook benefits of having higher testosterone levels.
i had never considered taking this stuff before, but i've read a few things about this before on other sites and it seems quite legit (shame i never read this thread before)
This stuff is interesting. I may give it a try, a few sites are having sales on it (less than $30 for 60 pills.)
So what test boosters have been shown to work then? I ask cause I can't find novadexx on the site I plan to order from, and I was just curious.
So what test boosters have been shown to work then? I ask cause I can't find novadexx on the site I plan to order from, and I was just curious.

I had noticeable results with tongkat ali (longjack root extract/ LJ100) both while cutting weight and gaining weight. I don't know if there's any literature to prove or disprove it's efficacy, but I liked it. I used Source Naturals brand
how bad is the acne u get on this? any baldness, thinning hair, or liver problems?
Haven't gotten any of that personally.
once again.....any hair loss?acne?

If you are prone to androgenic acne, then Novedex XT, Formadrol etc wreak havoc. I used Novedex XT for a couple weeks (on more than one occasion), but always dropped it due to some pretty severe break outs.

It does dry you out quite nicely though (due to its effect as an Aromatose Inhibitor)
Why not just use test? why fuck around with something that's just barely legal instead of using something that you KNOW works and works well.
Really? For most people its legal reasons. How would your job feel if you took test? Versus legal supps. barely legal is still legal. Novadex is one of the only OTC test boosters etc I support. I have seen it work time and time again legally. As someone that has used test, not everyone wants to go that further step either. It's a risky road. Who is the source? Is it made in a UG lab, meaning most likely someones kitchen sink and oven. I could go on and on. but there are mny reasons why people don't.
hmmm, i always just walked past the novadex without givin it a second thought

hope it isnt dangerous, guess its worth a shot
Really? For most people its legal reasons. How would your job feel if you took test? Versus legal supps. barely legal is still legal. Novadex is one of the only OTC test boosters etc I support. I have seen it work time and time again legally. As someone that has used test, not everyone wants to go that further step either. It's a risky road. Who is the source? Is it made in a UG lab, meaning most likely someones kitchen sink and oven. I could go on and on. but there are mny reasons why people don't.

I agree. With Novedex XT, you know what pay for is what you get. I would estimate that 90% of the gear on the market is under dosed or fake, which can be a costly mistake from both a monetary and health stand point.
Now correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Novadex XT work by reducing estrogen like an AI? Your body senses low estrogen levels and boosts test production to get more estrogen because test aromatizes into it. Kind of a round about way of upping test.
You're not wrong.
I tend to agree with Urban here. Why use something that's essentially trying to reproduce the effects of test injections (correct me if Im wrong) when you can just use test injections.
I'm not promoting breaking the law or anything, etc., etc....
I saw this thread a few months ago and decided to try it at some point in the future. I ordered 2 bottles from foxsupplements for 55 dollars versus 60 dollars from my local GNC. I've only been on it a week at 4 capsules/night, and this is going to be the most unscientific short term review ever.

I've actually been off of my regular lifting schedule since I started taking this. Kinda lame, but I figured a couple days off from my regular lifting wasn't going to be a big deal. One thing that could or could not be an effect of the Novadex is I did kinda high volume pullups/chins the other day, set a PR, and had some serious DOMS the next day. Usually lasts a couple days but on the second day it was gone. Obviously I don't know if there's any real correlation.

My weight has also been unstable lately. I have hovered right at 215 for a couple months now, but 2 weeks ago I ate a shitload over an entire weekend and bloated all the way up to 232lbs. That's the most I've weighed in a long ass time, at least 6 years. Usually when I eat bad my weight comes right back down after a day of good diet and lots of water. Not this time. I am still 220 two weeks later, however that could have to do with a few factors (more on that later). Anyway, I set the BW chinup PR at a higher weight than I have been in a while.

Here's what could be the deal with my weight and performance results if you can call them that. About 3 weeks ago I started back to a regular supplement schedule religiously taking 5-10grams of fish oil and fiber per today along with some other basic vitamins. The big thing is creatine though. Everytime I've gone back on creatine after being off for a while I've noticed really good results. Some people have told me creatine doesn't do much for them but for me it's worked beautifully. Typically I gain some weight and seem to look leaner.

Completely shooting in the dark here. I don't know what my BF% is. I have barely visible abs, so I am guessing around 14%. I feel "harder", think I look leaner, and my girlfriend has noticed a difference. Her words "You look skinnier." which in her language means what I would call leaner. So I think I look more jackt...better get that tanning membership... /end gay.

Sex Drive
The last couple of months I've had a decrease in sex drive. I don't know what it is, but i just haven't been in the mood a whole lot. The only other time I've experienced this was during a time I was definitely overtrained. Not sure if it's a placebo effect or what but I have seen the return of my sex drive in the past week. Not going to mention specifics...but I've been getting after it a lot.

Side Effects
Since the change in my diet a few weeks ago I noticed a little more acne on my forehead, and in the last week I have been getting zits on my chest and back and my face is a hell of a lot more broken out because I've never had a problem with acne. Also my legs, chest, back, face, and head are completely covered in hair. Oh...I was like that before, so I'm not worried about a little acne.

So like I said I got the two bottles and at 4 capsules a night its an 8 week supply. I plan on using it the entire 8 weeks. If you guys want I'll post updates every week.

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