GamerGate News & Discussion v5: Inhaling Toxic Masculinity Edition

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The Witcher 3 review at Polygon seems to have ignited the flames again.

This has pretty much become the norm for them right? I hope they keep doing it from the comments section you can see a bunch of people don't like it. It's just going to hurt them in the long run.
This has pretty much become the norm for them right? I hope they keep doing it from the comments section you can see a bunch of people don't like it. It's just going to hurt them in the long run.

They've done a good job at alienating any moderates. This Gies fella seems to be an active fella nowadays since today he also managed to ask Daniel Vavra why his game won't have any black people in it.
Bump. Too import not to be a permanent on front page. Should probably should be stickied
Misogyny? Too many White People? I am definitely staying away from this disgusting game. I am triggered.

I am triggered by you being triggered.
"Why there may never be a Millenial President" - Washington Post

...Instead, Lawless and Fox offer various proposals to make politics more alluring: politically themed video games, an app identifying local political offices and how to run for them, an AmeriCorps-style program for politics, and making knowledge of current events part of college admissions requirements. They also call for programs focused on young women, noting a political-ambition gender gap that materializes during college. But these treatment options seem inadequate for a prognosis the authors deliver in such grim terms.


Author Backgrounds:

Jennifer L. Lawless serves as the current director of the Women & Politics Institute, as well as an Associate Professor of Government at American University. Wikipedia

Richard Fox teaches and researches in the areas of U.S. Congress, elections, media and politics and gender politics. In Spring 2012, he received a National Science Foundation Grant to study political interest and ambition among high school and college students. He has also just completed work on an edited volume with Jennifer Ramos entitled iPolitics: Citizens, Elections, and Governing in the New Media Era (Cambridge, 2011). Additionally, he completed, with Jennifer L. Lawless, It Still Takes a Candidate: Why Women Don't Run for Office (Cambridge 2010). He is also co-author of Tabloid Justice: The Criminal Justice System in the Age of Media Frenzy, 2 nd ed. (Rienner, 2007) and coeditor of Gender and Elections: Shaping the Future of American Politics (Cambridge, 2010). His work has appeared in such journals as Political Psychology, The Journal of Politics , American Journal of Political Science, Social Problems, PS, and Politics and Gender. He has also written op-ed articles, some of which have appeared in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Prior to coming to Loyola Marymount, he was professor and chair of the political science department at Union College in Schenectady, New York. In recent years he has also held visiting appointments at Rutgers University, College Year in Athens, and colleges affiliated with Mumbai University. After graduating from Claremont McKenna College, he earned his M.A. and Ph.D from the University of California , Santa Barbara.

On another note, I donated $50 to Eron's legal fund. Looks like he smashed his goal. I'm very interested to see where that leads.
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I still check Ralph Retort every now and then for GG news. A lot has happened since I last checked, including Ian Miles Cheong possibly seeing the light.

Also, I was reading an Encyclopedia Dramatica page the other day when I saw it linked to The Amazing Atheist's ED page, and, well... the dude has problems (and is a bit of a hypocrite, as he said that thin privilege is real). I made a mistake and searched Xvideos to see if the info was true about a particular video, and it was. I do have to admit his micropenis made me laugh.
Also, I was reading an Encyclopedia Dramatica page the other day when I saw it linked to The Amazing Atheist's ED page, and, well... the dude has problems (and is a bit of a hypocrite, as he said that thin privilege is real). I made a mistake and searched Xvideos to see if the info was true about a particular video, and it was. I do have to admit his micropenis made me laugh.

Well, that was random... and hilarious. I don't need to repeat the mistakes of others and also search for micropenis. So, I'll take your word for it and laugh with you.

I had a entire post about Mattress Girl wrote the other day and decided not to post it. It seems better here though than the War Room since these threads have evolved into discussing the ridiculousness of SJW's.

Anyway, long story short.

The Dean of Columbia shunned Mattress girl during the graduation ceremony. He turned away and didn't shake her hand after she refused to leave her Cross... I mean... Mattress behind after it was explicitly banned earlier in the week.

I think the potentially falsely accused dude is going to get extremely rich from his lawsuit against the University. Too little, too late - They ruined his college education and potentially his career. I hope he wins too, since money might be the only motivation for reforming the mess SJW's have turned Universities into.
Sarah Butts had a bigger dick than the Amazing Atheist. Just saying.

Sometimes people fall into the "Us vs Them" trap once they've chosen a side in debate. Going so far to support the side you've chosen, even when they've gone overboard and you find yourself supporting shit that would never be the case otherwise.

Personally, it seems the GG supporters have done a decent job of routing people out who went too far. But so many AGGer's were in completed support of the harrassment and swatting tactics they claimed were being used against them. Never once was a AGG called out by another AGG for going too far. Hypocrisy.

It's amazing to me that GG is still going. Maybe not as strong or public as before. But it hasn't died either. I think it helps that many of the AGG's leaders have either hung themselves with idiotic outbursts and the Games Media has almost stopped covering it.

Maybe these Gaming Sites are hoping gamers will slowly forget that they alienated a good portion of their fan base (almost a year ago now) and will return.
I still check Ralph Retort every now and then for GG news. A lot has happened since I last checked, including Ian Miles Cheong possibly seeing the light.

Also, I was reading an Encyclopedia Dramatica page the other day when I saw it linked to The Amazing Atheist's ED page, and, well... the dude has problems (and is a bit of a hypocrite, as he said that thin privilege is real). I made a mistake and searched Xvideos to see if the info was true about a particular video, and it was. I do have to admit his micropenis made me laugh.

That explains why he is so angry and obnoxiously loud.

The video poster comes across pretty bad here. He's criticizing her for choosing what he calls a children's game (based pretty much solely on the ESRB rating) while choosing God of War as an example of a mature game. The God of War games are good fun, but there is much more maturity to be found in Beyond Good and Evil (which was made by one of the great game directors/producers Michel Ancel, creator of Rayman and director of Rayman 1, 2, Origins, and Legends). He shouldn't be criticizing her choice of a game when he hasn't played it (though she likely has not either, but he makes it obvious).
If one's dislike of someone takes them to this area, maybe it's time for a cool down; one shouldn't harp on about someone's ignorance (though she is ignorant of many things) when one's self is expressing ignorance just the same.

That explains why he is so angry and obnoxiously loud.

I was going to say....
I'm going to watch Ian's apology soon. I think people have every right to be skeptical of yet another turn in his story, but I hope GG doesn't throw him to the wolves. You guys should welcome him with open arms while keeping an eye on skepticism. Anti-GG is eventually going to shred itself apart and further marginalize current allies. That's what radical movements do. Also keep in mind that there are plenty of people like him in Anti-GG, people who might genuinely believe in their social issues, but are simply part of AGGros because they view you guys as a hate movement. That narrative will eventually run out of steam with those able to think independently. Scolding IMC might lead some of them teetering on leaving AGG to keep pressing forward.

That explains why he is so angry and obnoxiously loud.

I actually thought his rebuttal of Anita's "positive women in gaming" video was on point, even if he did act like a complete retard at times. The points he made were valid and topical. Compare that to Thunderf00t's latest video posted above, which seems petty.

I remember after posting The Amazing Atheist's rebuttal to Anita video, you and someone else wrote that you find him annoying. I had never really watched any of his videos until the one I posted.

I got into GG because of Internetaristocrat. Well, he has a new channel, and one of his latest topics was about Nick Bate.

I had never heard of the guy, so I went to ED to see if they had a page for him. And they did. Dude is a pedo, for sure. But at some point while reading the page, I remember seeing something like Nick Bates is a part of the pedophile series, and included in the potential pedophile category was The Amazing Atheist. I was like... wtf? I had to check it out.

So I read his page, and... damn. It had a bunch of stuff about TAA I never knew. How he said he'd never worked a day in his life (and pushed out an atheist narrative to rely on donations to keep his scheme going, which to me sounds like a televangelist), how he made these bizarre videos including one where he rubbed hot chocolate on his ass and shoved a banana up his asshole (also had screencaps for evidence), and one of him pouring hot oil on his tiny **** and dipping his balls into the pan. I admit it, curiosity got the better of me and I had to see if that was true. And it was true. And it was way funnier than I expected. I don't know why. Part of the reason is because Chyna has a bigger clit than TAA's dick.

Anyway, his page also showed that TAA believed in thin privilege. That sounds pretty hypocritical to me, considering his public stance of hating everything SJW. After reading the page, I came away convinced he's just the opposite side of Anita and McIntosh - sure, he might believe some of what he says, but he has his own niche group of followers so he's not going to publicly deviate too much from where his bread is buttered. He's pigeonholed himself into a particular category, and he's basically preaching to the masses who want to believe him. He has every financial incentive to do so. So it's somewhat about what he truly feels, but the bottom line is how much money and fame he gets off of expressing particular viewpoints.
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