GamerGate News & Discussion v6: #GamesSoWhite Edition

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And the guy is STILL triggered by it.

He now blocks 253,000 people.

To put that into perspective, the population of Barbados is 273,000 people. He actually blocks more than the combined populations of the 16 least populated cities in the world, and 4,000 more would also include the 17th.
Does he do it with some kind of bot or some shit?
Does he do it with some kind of bot or some shit?

Yeah, he uses "BlockTogether", so, if you follow certain people, talk to certain people, onto the list he goes.

I actually searched his list, and there are these people on it.

Ed Boon - Creator of Mortal Kombat
Ronda Rousey
Joe Rogan
Jim Norton
Michael Jai White
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Nine Inch Nails
Ann Coulter
Donald Trump
James Woods
Adam Baldwin
Piers Morgan

There are others, I'm sure.
Yeah, he uses "BlockTogether", so, if you follow certain people, talk to certain people, onto the list he goes.

I actually searched his list, and there are these people on it.

Ed Boon - Creator of Mortal Kombat
Ronda Rousey
Joe Rogan
Jim Norton
Michael Jai White
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Nine Inch Nails
Ann Coulter
Donald Trump
James Woods
Adam Baldwin
Piers Morgan

There are others, I'm sure.
Haha I love that both Rousey and Rogan are blocked.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is the head scratcher for me.
Really, because I'm confused as to why Michael Jai White is on there.

Well, the guy did say "White people are terrible. Just awful", probably saw the name "White" and got triggered.
Leigh Alexander is done with games journalism!

She's selling Offworld to Boing Boing, and getting out.
One thing that GamerGate has done is ruined the shows Father Ted and The IT Crowd, which were written by prominent Anti-GG, Graham Linehan

We all know Linehan as the guy who:
- Encouraged the harassment of Shoe0nHead for "Misogyny", even though she was making fun of herself
- Openly supported Paedo Nyberg, whilst damning others as paedophiles
- Made fun of the twitter user Cyborgwolf because of the way he looks due to his disability

Well, I often keep an eye on Linehan, to see what stupid shit he does next, but what I have noticed is the hilariously pathetic way in which he's trying to schmooz with American comics with a modicum of sway, he doesn't schmooz the likes of Bill Burr or Louis CK, or even Amy Schumer, he's schmoozing (I love the word Schmooz by the way) the likes of Andy Kindler (the uber-progressive SJW comedian, who absolutely sucks, yet has obtained some power within the comedy community) and Colin Quinn.

But, because Linehan is an irish sitcom writer, where his shows mean absolutely dick in the US, and his last couple of shows have bombed horrendously in the UK, they just blank him. But he still keeps licking their asses trying to get noticed. I love seeing it, because he's such a prick.
I love that Linehan is making fun of the way people look. Yet another SJW without a modicum of self awareness. He has to have the most lopsided face ever.

As a big Father Ted fan it is rather depressing knowing what a twat he is though. I also lost loads of respect for Charlie Brooker after reading his anti GG articles in The Guardian.
His face is so lopsided because it allows him to talk out of both sides of his mouth.
I love that Linehan is making fun of the way people look. Yet another SJW without a modicum of self awareness. He has to have the most lopsided face ever.

As a big Father Ted fan it is rather depressing knowing what a twat he is though. I also lost loads of respect for Charlie Brooker after reading his anti GG articles in The Guardian.

Damn, Brooker too?! I like that guy. Obviously I am aware of his uber leftist views on various things, but I wasn't aware that he had gone full SJW.:(
I cant delete duplicate posts on my fone for some reason.:confused:
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He didn't go "full" SJW. Matt Lees (Piece of shit SJW games writer, called Christina Hoff Sommers a piece of shit the day her husband passed away, liar, moron and an absolute twat), is basically Brooker's lackey, so everything Brooker knows about it, he's gotten from Matt Lees, and because Matt Lees is a twat, all his information is from one of the guys taking all the shots.

But, Brooker is also the guy who actually left The Guardian whilst his wife (Konnie Huq) was hosting the Xtra Factor, and refused to talk about it.
Leigh Alexander is done with games journalism!

She's selling Offworld to Boing Boing, and getting out.

I know I shouldn't laugh but... these are hilarious

The Offworld Collection
by Leigh Alexander and Laura Hudson
A gorgeous anthology of some of the most diverse, personal and insightful writing about video games in the universe.

Featuring articles such as
Can games exist without players?
How should we talk about Final Fantasy VII's crossdressing sequence?
How Hip Hop can teach you to code

How about advertising that Paedo Nyberg is a contributor?
It's amazing when you get Milo up against Feminists, because he quotes straight facts, has the numbers and the sources to back him up, which leaves the feminists flapping and spluttering and straight up lying because of their feelings.
"Get the camera off him!"
"Why is the BBC giving him this platform!?!??!??!!!!!?!?!?"

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