Social Gen Z waging war on Millenials

*Like* Same here. Kids born after 1990 are the true Millennials. Lumping us 80s kids in there with those people is cruel and unusual punishment.
yeah, it's true. Millenials born after 90' were born into a nerfed world. All the media they encountered was a watered down pussy version of what it was just a few years before. They crafted their personalities in a world where you wouldn't get the living shit beat out of you for the shit they were pulling on the internet as they crafted their alter egos to their whiney pussy versions of their real life selves.

I predicted this divide/war...90s Kids > Z Kids aka Zoomers......Technology simply made them too different than us + PC culture.

Here's the biggest difference between us....We said the F-Word, yes that F-Word, we said "that's gay", that was a thing for us......Not for Zoomers, they never fully embraced that slang thus they are super PC....

They were hammer by these ads when they were 0-13 years old, so they have a super PC point of view.

Thus there is a divide here, these Zoomers are super sensitive.

the divide is this... you want to see it?


yeah, it's true. Millenials born after 90' were born into a nerfed world. All the media they encountered was a watered down pussy version of what it was just a few years before. They crafted their personalities in a world where you wouldn't get the living shit beat out of you for the shit they were pulling on the internet as they crafted their alter egos to their whiney pussy versions of their real life selves.


Yep. Grown adults playing tattle-tale on their fellow man over political differences, for example.

These motherfuckers whine to Mommy n Daddy to cry-bully people they don't like, instead of speaking man-to-man and using differences as a way to grow together.

Participation Trophy Generation. Can't say people weren't warned about the effects of coddling children that way.
In my mind generations have been getting progressively lamer. I’m at uni with the iGens and they’re def a tier lamer than we were a decade ago.

In the 2000s you were a jock, nerd or stoner. Chicks were sluts. Every girl had been banged out a million times by 18, with even the nerdy guys getting with the nerdy girls.

Now half the chicks and all the guys I’m at uni with are single. Everyone is a lot more socially awkward and (to my millennial mind) not as “cool”. I think they all compare themselves to social media people and feel they don’t measure up.

Don’t get me wrong, the iGens are really nice people, nicer than we were a decade ago, but also far more incel and “forever alone”. Having missed the 90s denim fad they also wear far more denim than we did.
Lmfao virtually every one of those comments is just gen Z repeating anti millennial drivel they read on boomer media, because gen Z are on social media 25 hours a day. The irony.
Pretty much every generation just scapegoats everything onto 'millenials' it is by far the most bullied generation of all. Entitled Boomer parents projected their flaws onto their children and blamed them for their own faults and the faults of society. Gen X finally had a scapegoat for their own parents that did the same thing to them with 'millenials' as the new target. Now gen Z will do the same grouping 'millenials' with boomers as their scape goat for things they don't understand about generations past. Millenials carry the emotional baggage of all the other generations.
the divide is this... you want to see it?


Im from 1990....Barney came out in 1992 but I never saw it, every kid from my neighborhood, saw barney as weak pussy shit just like blues clues.....Now Im sure some of those kids just lied and saw it on the side but it was clear, in our 90s kid culture, that shit was viewed hella weak.

Later kids tho, Im sure saw it and loved it.
Im from 1990....Barney came out in 1992 but I never saw it, every kid from my neighborhood, saw barney as weak pussy shit just like blues clues.....Now Im sure some of those kids just lied and saw it on the side but it was clear, in our 90s kid culture, that shit was viewed hella weak.

Later kids tho, Im sure saw it and loved it.
Sorry, to inform you but many if not most of them were watching it it's just they got old enough to realize it was embarrassing to admit to others. Barney was the surrogate father figure for people your age in the media.

Mine was this guy.
Xennial here that thinks on the whole millennials are poorly read Tom fools that believe a YouTube video has as much intellectual cache as a peer reviewed study. I relate to Gen X mostly, being born in 85 and living in a remote area where internet wasn’t common until about 2000.

And Harry Potter is the shitty, pukiest toilet water to ever shat itself across the pages of a best seller. The prose sucks shit.
Mac Bolan the Executioner is a fucking better written series than that shit, poorly plotted incoherent warmed over welfare C.S. Lewis.

Seriously I was fucking ecstatic when the last film came out cause I thought I’d never have to here another poorly read cretin tell me that horseshit was literary but people won’t shut the fuck up about it still. It’s shit and J. K. Rowling is dumb as shit. Harold Bloom had her number back in the day.
Sorry, to inform you but many if not most of them were watching it it's just they got old enough to realize it was embarrassing to admit to others. Barney was the surrogate father figure for people your age in the media.

Mine was this guy.
Wut, we had transformers too....No I was just in the age where it was choice to watch barnie or watch gargoyles or something badass like that.
If you didn’t have pubes on 9/11 then your opinions are invalid.

Sorry just the way it goes.
This is what the typical Gen Z'er looks like


3-7...dude early 90s cartoons were the goat.
Barneys target audience was age 1-5. Parents started kids on Barney before they had a choice it was the defacto.

Barney functioned in manner a similar to Telle tubies, as a baby sitter. It was different before Barney. Unless your parents were taping the cartoons and amassing a collection you were at the whim of networks scheduling. Barney wasn't like that though Barney was a series of audio and video tapes the family owned and played at their convenience.

None of the kids I knew were watching video tapes on repeat over and over the way the Barney generation did. That was a 90's thing not an 80's thing. In the 80's you watched cartoons and kids shows as they aired and the rest of the time you used your imagination. The barney gen owned the physical media it was on so they watched it over and over and sang along to it. Disney jumped on board that ship too but Barney started it. That wasn't happening in the 80s.
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I hate the millenial definition.

I was born early 80s and raised like a Gen X person. So were a lot of us but we're grouped in with spoiled libtards. I know libtards in their 40's that are worse than millenials.

Post modernism and feminism didnt take root in all households. Many millenials survived the brainwashing.

And as another poster said, people born after 90 are culturally different.

Don't worry about it dude, it's all just a bunch of bullshit labelling anyway. Noone is defined by what fucking year they were born in.
This is what the typical Gen Z'er looks like



Wtf is up with facial tattoos becoming so popular now? I'm used to seeing them on ex-convicts and gang members but now every young person I see is sporting them.
Gen X here, Millenials are just panty waste. I have not seen a more need, pathetic group, ever. Gen Z at least has some damn balls. I also like Gen Z's sarcastic view of the world.
This. Im a gen Xer, have Gen Z kids and we get on fine. Millenials are the least original generation.., Whiney soybois also. Not all , ofcourse. most of my friends are millenials.
its good that gen z uses the keyboard for insults, because there's probably 10 molecules of testosterone in the whole lot of them.