girls spray paint wall in Thailand, face 10 years in prison.

Hey, if it takes 10 years of prison to snap them out of being stupid bitches then so be it.
What a lot of people don't understand is, whilst people joke about ladyboys, sex workers and shithole tourist areas, Thais are generally passionate royalists and conservative as fuck.

Ten years is harsh, especially considering the circumstances. A harsh deterrent is definitely warranted, however.

Here in the UK, we let shitheads get away with way too much. We are also something of an undisciplined sort...
Good, eff them. And those Canadian chicks, what's up with that?
He’s from Liverpool, what do you expect? Peasants, those people. Poor, stupid and ignorant.
Yeah after ten years in prison just kill the guy that's been pushing your shit in, they will give you 5 additional years and another cellie that will pimp you out some more
You just really wanted to use the term shit pushed in. I clearly was referring to if the supreme leader had the right to select hot woman criminals and swap their prison sentence with an alternative sentence that involve the hot woman criminals joining the sex harem in lieu of prison time. Perhaps the founders wrote such an exception into the constitution.
inb4 the typical sherdog reaction that as long as something is against the law and you do it then the punishment is fine and they don't care. Speed 1 mile over the limit and find out the punishment is life and prison and 'good'.


I'll reserve judgement until punishment is served.

I do think you have to be pretty stupid to break this kind of law in a foreign country.

I'll be surprised if they do time and shocked if they do more than a few months, although personally I'd consider it a valuable life lesson.

If the world flipped on it's axis and they did ten years, i still wouldn't be outraged. Maybe that makes me less of a person, but I'd just think it was a case of stupid people doing stupid things and paying a heavy price.
I'll reserve judgement until punishment is served.

I do think you have to be pretty stupid to break this kind of law in a foreign country.

I'll be surprised if they do time and shocked if they do more than a few months, although personally I'd consider it a valuable life lesson.

If the world flipped on it's axis and they did ten years, i still wouldn't be outraged. Maybe that makes me less of a person, but I'd just think it was a case of stupid people doing stupid things and paying a heavy price.
Oh I agree they should not do it. And I too am not crying when every few years some tourist goes to N/Korea and gets arrested when they try to sneak into someplace they are not supposed to. But I also would not celebrate them getting 10 years hard time or a life sentence just because they were so blatantly dumb.
Oh I agree they should not do it. And I too am not crying when every few years some tourist goes to N/Korea and gets arrested when they try to sneak into someplace they are not supposed to. But I also would not celebrate them getting 10 years hard time or a life sentence just because they were so blatantly dumb.

Blatantly dumb, and committing a crime.

They knew better than to do it, they just didn't know how bad it would be to get caught.
That wall is not 800 years old... It is rebuilt in the 1980s.
Vandalism deserves harsh punishment. Fucking scumbags destroy things so that others don’t enjoy them. 10 years would be a bit extreme, but if that’s what they get no one should cry over these douchebags.
I don't really get why you would do that in a foreign country that's known to not be really keen on whitey and also for its "really bad"-tier prisons. Seriously, is that some Generation Z thing or something?