Elections Hillary v. Trump Presidential Debate Three

Who won the third Presidential debate?

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Looks like a number of people fuckin' care about that.

What is that? Seriously? Is that a true measurement of anything? How is that tracked on the fly in real time? Do you click the mouse when you like something?

What a crock.


I think one of the consequences of being the admitted king of manlets is a smaller brain

Poor @FootstompShonie ;_;
What do the voters think about Hillary's fake smiles?

So creepy.
she's better off with a pokerface, he fake smile is transparent and appalling.
I actually expected Wallace to do the best of the three moderators and I think it worked out that way. Also thought Holt would suck and he did. They need to do a better job picking these people. How the fuck does Holt get the spot.
I'm kind of blown away at how smoothly the wiki convo went for her. Trump got baited out of it two or three times.
Yeah that was some beautiful political debate dance moves right there. You could feel the angry alt-righters grunting with frustration that she sidestepped it so easily.
I lost my ballot, fml. I'm not about to go out in public that day, too busy

the mod threw trump a bone FFS, trump was either ill prepared or simply not aggressive enough.

You don't have early voting? Just go in the mornings, no line, everyone's at work.
Well that's that. Everybody be sure to vote Nov. 28th.
If they are spying to the point *Hillary says then why would you think they have any respect for the u.s. and or aren't the second biggest world power behind us. They are outsmarting everyone and that's why *Hillary gets as mad as she does
How did Putin outsmart Hillary on Syria when she wasn't Secretary of State for pretty much the entire crisis in Syria?
Yeah, you gotta be careful with your assumptions.

Not really. Plausible accountability is one of the most disingenuously used defenses in internet forums. Just like I wouldn't buy Jack claiming he's a not horrifically biased towards Hillary, I don't buy your little "Oh, me? I wouldn't do that!" routine.
Trump won.

Hillary's a placating career politician.

Trump is a leader who will set in motion the machine to make America great again.

Hillary wasn't pressed with the same question if she'd support a democratic outcome regardless who won. But that's just one of many points.

Further, Hillary condescends with emotional imagery and language (boy with bleeding head in back of ambulance; words like "divisiveness," talking about her fighting for women and children and families against tyrant big business, telling and/or insinuating plights of illegals in America). That condescension is pathetic, like something from a bad movie script to be honest.

I liked how Trump dealt in clear language with abortion, and Islamic Extremism.

I also liked how Trump brought up the paid protesters causing violence at his rallies.

Anyway, may God protect the democratic election process.

Yup, he really nailed her on Haiti, project Veritas and the missing 6 billion too.
Not really. Plausible accountability is one of the most disingenuously used defenses in internet forums. Just like I wouldn't buy Jack claiming he's a not horrifically biased towards Hillary, I don't buy your little "Oh, me? I wouldn't do that!" routine.

Yeah, pretty much
I don't get the hot issue over supporting the winner. This is the real world and we are talking politics here. Fake as shit if you are running against someone and suppose to suck their dick after
it's like mark hunt should accept his loss like a man to brock after finding out he was on the meat {<jimmies}

It's war at this point, screw shaking hands, these two are playing for keeps. Trump is play dirty, Hilary doing even worse.

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