How did Mac Danzig build enough muscle as a vegan?

well let's put it this way. how many vegan's are there that are pro fighters. and how many pro fighters are top 15. about 90 fighters that are top 15. so over 1.1% of them is vegan. my guess would be that less then 1.1% of all the pro fighters are vegans. so by logic veganism is about to rule the world.
and if you look at how many fighters there are that eat meat it's not impossible that they are the excaptions. it sounds almost as stupid as your spinning world explanation.

You post this entire crap of guess work and have the nerve to call anything I posted stupid?

You need more aminos...for brain function.

Just wanna set the record strait here, Carl Lewis was busted for ephedrine and psuedoephedrine and cleared of any wrongdoing.

Couldn't find anything else about him and drugs.

Thought you'd chime in eventually after combing many headlines and internet articles. Ben Johnson's whole scapegoating was a whitewash of Carl Lewis (and American in-general's) activities. Call that speculation if you like since it's not going to be reported anywhere, but it's long been known the majority of US Olympic teams for the past 30 years have been using performance enhancing substances, particularly anabolics. The spear-headed campaign to go after Ben was more about Carl Lewis and America's own actions than it was about Ben, hence the implementing of the initial Steroid Control Act in America, the place where "honorable" Athletes like Carl allegedly exist.

by the way, im not saying that it will work for everyone. not in that many words anyway. but looking at it in the whole picture there's nothing in this days that you can't get from a strict vegan diet. is it the ultimate diet? possible not. but for people that throw around arguments that things might be genetic, the ultimate diet should not even exist.

meat might work good for some and veganism for some. no one can tell before they tried it.

Er, not exactly, but you're a decent spin-doctor. Genetics determine adaptation, which means the ideal diet is the one that the person adapts to. My argument about genetics is that thus far there is very little evidence that successful competing athletes that are vegan aren't aided by genetics that allow them to adapt better to it. That's not some ethereal thing like you're attempting to spin it towards, it's very simple laying of DNA. Same thing that determines your height, eye color, etc.

It's called science, and humans have been at it a while. There is a little more certainty than "well we don't know what's good for whom." We know what's generally good for everyone just as we know higher-grade fuel burns more efficiently in car engines. From there it's about who wants to act like and accept that we know, and who wants to venture into POSSIBLY discovering new possibilities. Optimal veganism for high-level MALE athletes is undiscovered in-terms of being able to make general foundation selections, no matter what way you slice it.
Wait...what do you mean?


*cums in shorts*
King Kabuki
ok I trye another spin then.
if there is to little studies on high performance on vegan-diet then what are the science parts your refering to? you just saying it might be genetict's but you actually don't know shit cause there's no investigations on the subject.
The issue here isn't that a vegan isn't getting sources of all three, but rather the ratios of the three that he is getting. Since plants are naturally high in carbohydrates, every time he goes to get protein he must also be getting carbohydrates. On the other hand, sources of animal protein contain fats but few, if any, carbohydrates. A vegan athlete, who requires as much protein as a non-vegan athlete, may very well get sufficient amounts of protein, at the expense of overloading on carbohydrates. When you overload on carbohydrates you increase your fat storage. So the diet is not optimal for athletes who would want to minimize fat storage and maximize muscle growth.

Ok, makes sense, thanks for explaining that to me.
vegan food can be low carb. combine that with proteinsources like soy that are high on carbs and it still works out fine.
I'm sure profitable drug companies like Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis will tell you the wonders of Soy. The more limp dicks, the more money they make.
Then you have an explanation for the clydesdales, right doctor?

I know nothing about nutrition, but I would guess that not every mammal reacts to certain dietary ingredients in the same ways. Or would you suggest that we eat grass all day because bulls seem to get pretty big on that?
Thought you'd chime in eventually after combing many headlines and internet articles. Ben Johnson's whole scapegoating was a whitewash of Carl Lewis (and American in-general's) activities. Call that speculation if you like since it's not going to be reported anywhere, but it's long been known the majority of US Olympic teams for the past 30 years have been using performance enhancing substances, particularly anabolics. The spear-headed campaign to go after Ben was more about Carl Lewis and America's own actions than it was about Ben, hence the implementing of the initial Steroid Control Act in America, the place where "honorable" Athletes like Carl allegedly exist.

I dunno man, I went to high school with a guy that is an olympic sprinter (100, 200, & relays) and barring a little bit of size that comes with age, he's the same shape, size and cut he was when we were 18. He's genetically not the same as your or I, he's a freak.

That being said, I believe a lot of athletes are using performance enhancing substances. I don't however assume guilty until proven innocent as you seem to have taken. I've never seen anything about Carl Lewis doping. I'm not saying he hasn't or didn't, just that you're making a bunch of unsubstantiated claims about him doping.

And yes, I'm perfectly old enough to remember the first time steroids made it in to the spotlight in the US. Ben Johson was so fast in that race man, I remember watching it.

To keep this post mildly on topic, Mac Danzig is a douchenozzle from what I've seen.
I dunno man, I went to high school with a guy that is an olympic sprinter (100, 200, & relays) and barring a little bit of size that comes with age, he's the same shape, size and cut he was when we were 18. He's genetically not the same as your or I, he's a freak.

That being said, I believe a lot of athletes are using performance enhancing substances. I don't however assume guilty until proven innocent as you seem to have taken. I've never seen anything about Carl Lewis doping. I'm not saying he hasn't or didn't, just that you're making a bunch of unsubstantiated claims about him doping.

And yes, I'm perfectly old enough to remember the first time steroids made it in to the spotlight in the US. Ben Johson was so fast in that race man, I remember watching it.

I'm not arguing in any way against their viability as athletes. But IMO to assume they don't use anabolics and androgenics is highly naive, especially when the US IOC representatives are typically the ones who petition stricter Countries (like Turin in the last Winter Olympics) to relax their steroid enforcement laws, because in those Countries the athletes actually go to jail.

I wouldn't call it "unsubstantiated claims" per se, that's like saying that me saying a good portion of the NFL and MLB use anabolics is an unsubstantiated claim. Theoretically it is, but it's also most-likely true.

Ben didn't beat Carl by much. You can assume Carl's innocence if you like, that's fair enough. But pair that he did use performance enhancing drugs (even stimulants) with the whole ordeal surrounding that race, and it's not at all difficult to make a case that he was more than likely using steroids as well. Especially considering Carl's excuse for using banned stimulants "I used them but I didn't know I was using them"...same line as anyone who has tested positive for steroids.

But, let's say he was innocent. Still, using drugs even such as ephedrine throws an X-factor into the "vegan athlete" case because it would have to be accounted for in-terms of the efficacy of the diet alone. To get back more to subject a little.
I can't be a vegan for the plain fact that I like to kill flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches.
Yeah, that would be news to all the big Herbivores. Rhinos, elephants, Bison, Giraffes, Buffalo all have some pretty stout muscles, despite never eating an ounce of meat.

Animals produce their own proteins from Amino Acids. same thing with fat, accept in the case of fat the body uses fatty acids.

Now it is easier for the body to break down protein that is consumed into amino acids and use them to create its own protein, but its not a necessity. Animals are capable of cobbling together protein from scratch, although the trade off is that herbivores have to consume vast quantities of plant matter to accomplish this.

lol. nice try breaking out the biology...too bad you owned yourself by comparing herbivores and predatory animals. A lot of shit in this this post is so wrong, you need to break out a biology 101 book buddy
I am a vegan myself, and I use the following foods as protein sources. Some are higher in protein than others. Most of it is in HOW you combine your foods to make full, complete proteinds (beans and rice are a good combo for example).

Beans (black beans, black eye beans)
Almonds, peanuts
Peanut butter
CousCous (look it up)
Brown rice
Whole grains (breads, true vegan. Unlike anything a meat eater would know about)
Soy Milk
Seeds (sunflower and some others)

But the big four are Soy, Beans, whole grains and nuts/seeds. There are so many varieties of each that those can. Like Tempe for example. It is a cultured soy bean product sold in small, thin, blocks. One 8 oz. serving has 20 grams of protein and like 240 calories. Coconut milk also has a nice amount of protein, and alot (ALOT) of fat for building body fat in order to put on muscle.
Meat is one of the least efficient ways to get protein.

A pund of beans will give you more protein than a pund of beef, not to mention 0% fat

Wow, just wow. Here's some news for you. Meat is one of the MOST efficient way to get protein. Herbivors have to eat constantly to survive, and plant protein is poorly assimilated and incomplete. Fat isn't bad. The fat is bad craze is the result of 50 year old research that was never substantiated. Finally, beans(legumes) are choc full of anti-nutrients and lectins. You have to soak and cook the hell out of beans because they are so full of poison.
PROTEIN SHOTS TO THE MOUTH FROM his BF...come on..thats funny!
In that study they took 50g of soy protein a day, I'm fairly sure higher doses of soy protein causes the problem >50g.

See I wasn't sure.

I was just talking to someone (not a vegan/vegetarian) who eats soy protein instead of whey because of gas. He hasn't tried an isolate, but I was just looking for more reasons to why whey > soy protein.

Didn't know if it was just anti-soy nazi propaganda here as to banishing soy. Found this post by Entropy:

but that is in 2005. Now I found this newer study from 2007 and wasn't sure if everything was still holding true.

Reading more into that post it's really good convo back and forth between Mick and Entropy.

Wow...really good conversation more then I can read right now.
But still that is 2005...I realize what I found is just ONE study (possibly just to get someone's name out there), but it was the first I had seen of that.

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