How Many Hours Do You Work Per Week?

70 plus for 2 weeks straight, then I get a full week off.
Right now probably around 60-70. If I wanted to I could work way less but I'd rather keep busy and stay a couple more hours each day and get more shit done.
Not much more than the 40 hours, sometimes more, sometimes less. Today i'm not working one hour, I'm hungover as hell from UFC 243
35 hours here. Pretty much has been the standard for the last several years.

What about you Sherbros?

I'm a cam whore. So I'm "workin" pretty much 24/7.

40 per week. Not counting conferences, meetings, retreats or training sessions. All which are relatively rare.
67 hours a week. Man I need to get onto that 40 hours a week deal.
24 hour shifts of which I take 2-3 days per week so 48-72. Holiday every week pretty much but I should try to make more money with my insane amount of free time. Looking to go for the 24/7/365 down the line to rake in a bunch of money so Im not racing other rats (and turtles) to the age of 65 or 67, whatever Canadas retirement age is atm. Will probably keep working after that anyway.
my job doesn't track hours
officially 9-5

but i start working at 5m most days mostly speaking with Europe and work well into the evening when I need to deal with Asia.
Rotating schedule here. I work 2 days one week and the next I work 5 days. so 24hrs one week and 60 the next (this week unfortunately)