Social How would you desribe your relationship with alcohol?

Usually don't drink on weeknights as I go to the gym after work and usually just wanna drink water at that point when I'm back home.

The latter half of last year I really wasn't drinking much even on the weekends though, would often go a month or so without a drink. Holidays less so but I generally would still only have maybe a drink a week at most up until this May or so, when I've started to drink a bit more regularly on the weekends. But even then, it's really only a few drinks a night; it's been a couple years since I've truly been drunk.

I've been kinda geeking out on different gins lately. Of course a gin and tonic is nice with the summer heat, but there is so much variety at a fairly affordable price point (most things worth buying are around $20-40) so I don't feel guilty at all for exploring different bottles. Plus the bottles usually look really cool too
My brother is an alcoholic and can't quit, it's ruined his life and now is ruining my mother's life. I've checked out on him mostly, as his alcoholism was wrecking my life as well. Not sure what to do anymore. He says he wants help and wants to quit, but aside from calling the police and having him institutionalized, I just don't know what to do anymore.
Enjoy it for fun. Not an alcoholic.
I didn’t know I was drunk til I woke up sober. Not gonna let that happen again. Good night y’all
Started drinking as a teenager, partied hard in my early 20s. I’m 39 now and I probably get drunk once or twice a year at most these days. I’m a casual drinker, probably 4-5 a week at most.
Almost nonexistent. I'll drink maybe a handful of times per year. Even then it's only a few drinks at most.
Pretty much never. Not even something that crosses my mind.
The mistress I call upon when I need to feel something and regret it later.
I cut it out for like a month. Noticed a very minor difference. Nothing crazy.

I drink like 2 beers a night.
I tried alcohol as a teen but only took a few sips of various drinks to decide I don't like it. So have never been drunk. Might cook with wine if someone gifts me some thinking I drink.
Currently non existent at least since the beginning of July
I didn't drink for around six months, due to medication and Chemo. Since then, I've had a few beers and drams, but nothing like as regular as I used to drink. Maybe a couple of drams on the rocks every few weeks.

I enjoy it. A nice buzz mellows me out and makes me feel happy(and hungry;)). But it's not something I crave.
It is what it is. Gotta do something to tolerate a job that drives
you crazy.

The goal is simply to drink all the alcohol in the house, everytime.
All or nothing. The goal is to get shitfaced.
Drinking 1 or 2 beers is pointless.