How would you feel about this sign popping up in your neighborhood?

I can't speak for Seano, but I oppose this sort of cultural decay precisely because I haven't lived a sheltered life. I've seen some very ugly things, both here and abroad. I don't want it.

This is a lame tongue in cheek joke. That's it. This isn't causing social decay. Whatever that means.
I'm no more mad at it, than I am at the Sham Wow guy for saying "You're gonna love my nuts!" when he's promoting a food chopper.
I'm not a fan of the sign.
Lol @ people who voted for President Pussy Grabber thinking a billboard is a sign of the Apocalypse
Great. Gay. Agenda.
Why V-2 got banned? Did he went balistic?

And about the sign? I don't think it has anything to do with Israel and.....

Oh boys will be boys I guess
It is the height of ignorance to post like you did, pretending as if I must have a familial connection to Soviet society to acknowledge the fact that children are far better off than they have ever been. Across Earth, children worked in disgusting conditions within factories and mines. Before that, if your village was attacked, and you happened to be a virgin girl, you would be sold into sexual slavery. This neither begins, nor ends with the Soviets.

Answer the question – did your family come here from the Eastern Bloc? Did you flee Communism?

I can tell it's hard for you to identify with American history. But this County was and is populated by free Red-blooded Americans, and their ancestors worked very hard to build the best country they could. They had strong values – Christian values, which are apparently lost on you. You can't relate to the stories of honest, courageous, valiant, virtuous people who fought for the soul of this great nation, because Soviet Russia turned your family into a pack of cynics. After all, you ran away from your home, so you assume we're all as cowardly and morally bankrupt as you. Well we don't run here. We care about the difference between right and wrong. We can't relate to your stories about pimping children and whatnot, because that was never part of our history. Don't talk about my country like we were part of the Eastern Bloc.

The idea that you could write
"But the mainstream culture in this County has actually always been morally upright and Conservative." Is laughable. You ever hear of these people called Africans? Yeah. You might want to learn about the burned over district if you want to extol the supreme virtue of conservative religious America. Conservatism is deeply rooted in judeo christian religion, the religion that bases itself upon a book replete with the destruction and ruination of children.

I never said the USA was perfect. It certainly wasn't "great for everybody" all the time. However, pound for pound, the USA was and is still the best country on this planet. That's why you're here, and that's why you refuse to leave. The iron curtain fell, just so you know. If you think our culture is so bad here, you're free to rejoin your home culture.

Especially for any of you with young kids, are we good with this?

I'm more offended by the "don't use meth" billboards that were popping up everywhere when my kid was like 6 or 7. As others have said, most kids aren't going to get the innuendo.

These are the ones I'm talking about. I was like, WTF man!!??


Y'all are acting like billboards for strip clubs don't exist
Answer the question – did your family come here from the Eastern Bloc? Did you flee Communism?

I can tell it's hard for you to identify with American history. But this County was and is populated by free Red-blooded Americans, and their ancestors worked very hard to build the best country they could. They had strong values – Christian values, which are apparently lost on you. You can't relate to the stories of honest, courageous, valiant, virtuous people who fought for the soul of this great nation, because Soviet Russia turned your family into a pack of cynics. After all, you ran away from your home, so you assume we're all as cowardly and morally bankrupt as you. Well we don't run here. We care about the difference between right and wrong. We can't relate to your stories about pimping children and whatnot, because that was never part of our history. Don't talk about my country like we were part of the Eastern Bloc.

I never said the USA was perfect. It certainly wasn't "great for everybody" all the time. However, pound for pound, the USA was and is still the best country on this planet. That's why you're here, and that's why you refuse to leave. The iron curtain fell, just so you know. If you think our culture is so bad here, you're free to rejoin your home culture.

My mother's paternal side fled Germany through Russia. The rest were Irish, Scottish, and Cherokee.

Pray tell, what exactly are christian values, and why are these values dependent upon christianity?

But it is cute, how you weave this fanciful tale about the lives of my close ancestors, while pretending as if Christian America has been fantastic. You mention how the good christian Americans never pimped out children, despite our nation's involvement in a slave trade, literally selling people for whatever purchase the owner wanted, including sex.But let us ignore the larger context regarding children, since you seem to not be able to view things in time frames larger than 250 years or so.

But I'll wait for your (not at all) cogent explanation of these christian values, how our country was founded upon them despite them explicitly being limited within a secular republic no less. And remember, you're the one bitching about kids being in such a bad situation, despite the chances of success American children being literally the highest in the history of humanity.
You are insane if you think society has morally deteriorated compared to past generations. Unless you honestly think genocide, slavery, lynchings, disease, and total disregard for human life is worse than tranny bathrooms. So I guess in your mind, its no big deal that this country was built on slavery and genocide, as long as everyone went to church and the gays couldn't marry. Apparently, you find the OP image more disturbing than this:

MOD Edit: Violent images below:

People knew what was right and wrong. They chose evil in lots of ways. People now think evil is righteous and actively celebrate it.

Also this country wasnt built on slavery you dolt
I don’t think you can call yourself “outspoken”, it’s like giving yourself a nick name...

Huh? I mean I'm the guy that wont stay quiet when people start saying stupid liberal talking points. Would you say I'm a shy conservative around this board?
From the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

Chastity and homosexuality

2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
Not OK with it or really any sexualized advertisements. We need to restore a firm moral base and keep that kind of stuff in the bedroom where it belongs.
Kids are very smart. You tell a child as young as 5 that 2 men will get married and their natural reaction will be either to laugh or look confused.

How society today is going around the natural connection between a man an women is remarkable.

They are pushing very hard for this , most of it is taught to children and ingrained in them that its ok.

For such a small group that sure do yell and demand the loudest

Every day all day all they do is make phone call and write letters demanding these things. They demand

More gay actors shown
More gay athletes shown
More gay commercials on tv

They want the first gay mayor, school principal, store owner, , everything.

And these are people who cannot even get the most simple thing right, have sex.

Penis goes in vagina fellas. That is what it was specially designed for. To reproduce, make babies.
Yes, I realize that, but you're only offended because of the homosexual aspect. If it was a Texas state flag those words were written on I suspect some of you guys would just chuckle and move on.
Your response here doesn't really go with what I say. As I have said at least twice now, EVERYONE should be able to walk down the street without being bombarded with vulgarity. I never said only gay people need to follow MY rule.

Lets say I saw a sign promoting oh, hot dogs I guess, and they promoted it by having some chick imply she was sucking a dick, I'd point out how inappropriate it is too.
I can't speak for Seano, but I oppose this sort of cultural decay precisely because I haven't lived a sheltered life. I've seen some very ugly things, both here and abroad. I don't want it.
I haven't lived a sheltered life. I worked on the road for a decade and I work regularly with the public. That attempt to discredit me just proves how weak minded Kongsmellslikeass is.
Yeah, but this isn’t one isolated incident from the LGBTs. They’re trying to cram this stuff down our throats as of late. They’re roughly 4% of the population (highly inflated number, if you ask me), yet they seem to be allowed to have the loudest voice.

Only thing the rainbow flag means to me on that advertisement is they dont discriminate.
This affects me in 0 ways.

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