I don't know how much longer I can take this

Oh it's insane. There are homeless everywhere. My ex gf was a feminist though so I learned how to deal with those type and do well. I grew up in a small town in Boring, OR so it was definitely a big change for me at first.

Hey for me it help me a lot in life when I joined & started doing yoga at a studio. The community there is pretty great & I am almost always the only man in class. The women there really like me & are always friendly & seem to really enjoy & appreciate having me there. I enjoy doing the routines in classes also. Basically what I am saying is that if there is a yoga studio around take a trial class & consider signing up if you like it. It is a gold mine in my opinion for meeting a decent & healthy female & it is a good practice for your mental & physical health.
I'd give you the same advice many have already, stop looking. Find something to occupy time to improve yourself. Make goals and strive to achieve them. Set up a side business, train, educate and get wrapped up in making yourself better.
I'm not saying you need to be better to find a good woman but if you focus on you when the right woman comes along you'll be in a much happier place.
Leave town, start somewhere new.

Become a new version of yourself.

Learn a new skill.

Focus on your mental health and increase your physicality.
Good call. Fuck some men instead. Less drama.

Seriously though, TS, you sound like a serial monogamist. You need to stay away from any type of relationship with a woman for some time and figure some shit out for yourself. Stop relying on women to fulfill yourself. Get into something that’s just for you, that you can get better at - something (other than pussy) you enjoy which also occupies your time. It sounds like you just need some time to figure shit out.
Username checks out lol
Keep your head up sherbro.
Like so many have already stated, forget the women for awhile and focus on yourself. We can't make anyone else happy if we're not happy with ourselves.
I have never seen someone depressed when racing a super modified. I have seen them sell as low as 20K in the last year too!


Instead of being obsessed with getting back into a relationship, get a racecar and let the relationship come naturally.

No. I've been alone most of my life. My sister is 4 years older and never wanted to play with me much as a kid. So I always played by myself until I got to a school where I made a bunch of friends. I'm not afraid of being alone but I enjoy life more with a partner.

Ok i only ask because I'd think you'd want some time away from dating at this point. And that's usually a good thing...not something you have to turn to booz and drugs about
Hey for me it help me a lot in life when I joined & started doing yoga at a studio. The community there is pretty great & I am almost always the only man in class. The women there really like me & are always friendly & seem to really enjoy & appreciate having me there. I enjoy doing the routines in classes also. Basically what I am saying is that if there is a yoga studio around take a trial class & consider signing up if you like it. It is a gold mine in my opinion for meeting a decent & healthy female & it is a good practice for your mental & physical health.
but look how it affected your ampersand use
You should take a good, long break from women and work on yourself for a while.

I think I might be a sex addict so it'd hard tbh

All the more reason to quit women for a while and work on yourself. Fixing your sex addiction can go high on the list. Therapy would be good, but I'm sure there's groups for that sort of thing, too.
hang out at my place and watch movies
go out in nature and drop some acid and think about your life and what you wanted for your older self back when you were a kid.
I've had so much pain in the last year or so. Lost my significant other that I thought was my life partner. Got abused by another women for a month or so before I left her. Met another women who is absolutely amazing and I thought she might be who I was supposed to be with and I overheard her talking with her friend saying how she doesn't know how her ex bf will feel when she starts dating his friend (not me).

I've never cried so much in the past year and idk how much more I can take. I feel so pathetic even talking about this because this is something I've never experienced before. I don't even know where to go from here. I've been getting drunk and high everyday for the past few weeks cause that's the only thing that will help the pain.

Seems like you should quit for a while try at all cost to find a new "special one" to idealize and worship till reality slam in your face

You're only 29, amazing age to have for a man who have some game

Relax and have fun, pass some time doing shit you like and some time dating girls you have no big plans about, wake up in the morning with a girl in your bed without any responsibility attached it's one of most freedom shit of life... not saying to drop her after, just to don't turn her in your next cage
Pass time with multiple girls, just enjoy it without try make shit official or something... if one of them is worth to evolve into a relationship you will eventually end up there anyway

Hard to force life do shit you want
Dude, a helluva good person, whom I consider a mentor, once told me, when I'd mentioned that I wanted a spouse that would have been loyal, kind, smart, funny, hot, a good cook, great in bed, etc:
"Before looking for someone like that, make sure you are what will attract someone like that!"

I.e. take a break from hooking up, work on yourself, when you become a good man, you will attract a good woman, and vice-versa.

For ex:
When a dude is a pos, he'll never attract a good girl.

Even if she "looks" amazing by both looks and character from outside, and tolerates a pos boyfriend/husband, she has issues. Even if everyone around says she's too good for him, and yet they are together, she ain't. 99.9% she has issues, and they deserve each other.

Better yourself, truly, and your chances to meet the right one will improve.
When bettering yourself avoid becoming an arrogant asshole.
Better yourself, truly, and your chances to meet the right one will improve.
When bettering yourself avoid becoming an arrogant asshole.
It may take some time. Have some patience, bro.
Improve your character, and your life will improve. That's the universal law/logic.
I've had so much pain in the last year or so. Lost my significant other that I thought was my life partner. Got abused by another women for a month or so before I left her. Met another women who is absolutely amazing and I thought she might be who I was supposed to be with and I overheard her talking with her friend saying how she doesn't know how her ex bf will feel when she starts dating his friend (not me).

I've never cried so much in the past year and idk how much more I can take. I feel so pathetic even talking about this because this is something I've never experienced before. I don't even know where to go from here. I've been getting drunk and high everyday for the past few weeks cause that's the only thing that will help the pain.

Sounds like you are too co-dependent on another body. It is time for you to self reflect on your life and better yourself first before sharing your life with someone else.
Time to take a break and focus on yourself.

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