If anyone is planning on ever exploring caves as a hobby- watch this first

My 8 year old son always asks to go explore caves because he loves bats and wants to see them. I’m just like

Closing that cave was for the best considering they had to do expensive rescues of 6 different people in 6 months in that same spot in the cave before this guy finally was the one they couldn't save

They sealed off a lot of caves but stupid folks keep finding ways in anyways convinced its like a frontier they have to conquer.

I mean, if we can bring waivers they can sign to forgo help if they get stuck, then sure open it back up.

But spelunking in mega tight spaces is stupid as hell. This guy for example

Yup. Stupid.

Cave diving is even worse. It's so dumb even extremely experienced folks die regularly.

The comments are criticizing him for that too. It's not the only recklessly dangerous video on that channel. I remember seeing this awhile back when I went on a caving video kick
Nobody could convince me to do this, even with a gun to my head. There is a great chance that inexperienced 'explorers' never make it back out. The potential dangers outweigh the excitement, I guess.
Shit man, the "experienced" explorers run into problems all the time.

I just don't get it. At least with mountain climbing there's an end goal of reaching the peak and seeing sights only a few people have seen. I wouldn't climb a mountain all the same, but I get the rush. What the fuck are you gonna tell people about some pitch black cave you explored?

"Well, let me tell you tale. I crawled around in the dark, with only my flashlight to illuminate the many walls that were surrounding me. Spiders and beetles crawled all over me. Then I turned around and went back to the surface. Greatest adventure of my life."


"Nice story, Jim. Bet my daughter tops it with her story about going to a Taylor Swift concert."
I went to one in Iceland, was sick
Jon Jones got stuck in a cave and died? Wtf?! No wonder he doesn't fight anymore.
People like to clown about Darwin awards when someone dies pushing the limits or doing something seemingly foolish, but without these kinds of risk takers humanity advances (evolves, you might say) at a much slower rate.

You need these kinds of fearless odd balls, or who is going to be the first parachute jumper, deep sea welder, skyscraper worker, etc.?

That said, rough way to go, and I'd never be doing that sort of thing, even though I thoroughly enjoy a good adventure.
Thx without people having the balls to go into.
the unknown the moon landing would have never been possible. That was at several points of the mission very short before total catastrophe and death of all astronauts.
Nobody could convince me to do this, even with a gun to my head. There is a great chance that inexperienced 'explorers' never make it back out. The potential dangers outweigh the excitement, I guess.
He was experienced , but sadly took a wrong turn inside. Horrible death.
Watched this a few months ago and it was rough to watch considering I hate tight spaces.
It was a pretty good video though so I enjoyed it overall.

I would never enter these places though, not in a million years lol.
warning*** this is horrifying to watch if you are claustrophobic so be warned.

Cave diving is even worse. It's so dumb even extremely experienced folks die regularly.
Did Cowboy Cerrone almost die doing that?

Do they not have cocaine where these people live?

I have been bungee jumping.
Would like to go skydiving.
I did a thing called "fly by wire" in New Zealand that was pretty cool.

Being in a dark cave, possibly with flooding, creepy crawley stuff...
fuck that.

I have enjoyed some caverns thay were BIG ass caverns you could comfortably walk around on a guided tour type thing. Those are fucking cool.
thats my level... without the whole dirty disgusting and possibly dying part.
My 8 year old son always asks to go explore caves because he loves bats and wants to see them. I’m just like

You tell your son that those caves lead right to hell. Might buy you some time.
I told my kids that there were big ass alligators in the pond behind my barn. They stayed away for a few years
Anyone who does stuff like this, any extreme sports or drives recklessly....I kind of cheer for them to get hurt somehow.

It seems so dumb to me that I can't fathom doing it. The risks are so large that I just stare in bewilderment.
I’m not trying to squeeze through some crevice underground. What a way to die. It couldn’t come soon enough.
Well GG my fellow sherLemmings. Also First.
Yeah, I absolutely do not get it. There's no prize at the end of the tunnel. Except cave.
Yeah. If it was less squeezing and there was actually something to see, I could get behind it. But there isn’t. It’s just squeezing through ricks to see more rocks.