IGN says that Resident Evil 5 is too racist to remake, and should be re-written.

I thought it was okay. Verging on good if you aren't expecting a Resident Evil game. It is way more action than survival horror, which I think is what most people have a problem with. But I still liked it. If you have a 360 kicking around you can get it for like $5

I heard it was more of a spray 'n' race but I never did play it?
Of course IGN disabled the comments on this editorial. They don't want their nonsense challenged.

It's such a bullshit move.

I remember Sky News doing the exact same thing years ago.

They used to have a comments section, but their articles were left leaning. They used to be challenged and low and behold, no more comments section.

I don't look at Sky News anymore.
I'm glad they are doing the remakes with VR modes (great for action-horror), although I was never the biggest RE fan.
I thought Capcom had killed the series by trying to turn it into a multiplayer online shooter and releasing a bunch of shite mobile games. Presumably they wouldn't remake the duds.
Don't think I've played or heard much about 5, which isn't usually an indicator of quality.
I wonder why anyone would consider a game that depicted modern Africans as witch doctors, spear chuckers, and primitive savages racist? It's really a mystery.




Its almost like they're exaggerating the cultural aspects/identity of a setting to make things more interesting for video game purposes or something.

Also, those are cool designs.
IGN is a bunch of bitches. Checked out their review for the new Harry Potter game and they had a whole section about disavowing J K Rowling.
Weren't they the same site where every PS 4 review and article started with the author whining about Trump?
Personally I didn't think most of the criticisms held a lot of water when the game was first released.

They created a fictional turbulent African state... they could have straight up set it in Liberia or South Sudan, but they were polite enough not to directly call out any of the real turbulent African countries.

Most of the zombies were black. Zombies come from Haitian folklore, which originates from Africa. It's literally the series going back to the mythology's place of origin.

It was made by a Japanese team. It's not part of their culture to treat black people like special angels.

I don't think it needs a total re-write, just maybe change the swamp levels when it went a bit ooga-booga, and maybe switch out Chris Redfield for a relative of Kenneth from Bravo team.

What they really need to concentrate on, is not making it a shitty co-op game. Half of the fun of resident evil was how dumb the STARS team was when it comes to ignoring horror film tropes like not splitting up. Having somebody to work with really went against the grain if the series.
But it was totally, completely fine to portray white, Eastern European people as actual diseased peasants. Ridiculous double standards when it comes to black people. Ultra-sensitive community.

Do black people in America not eat chicken and watermelon? Do Asian people not wear paddy hats and eat rice? Imaginary of a black person eating KFC is not inherently racist in and of itself. You can do it in a way that doesn't invoke the harmful stereotype that was perpetuated during minstrel show era. And that's my issue with the depiction of Africans in RE5. It could have been done with deference to the culture and history of West Africa. But it wasn't. It leaned into stereotypes of Africans being primitives and savages. Many of you really think that Africans are primitives and savages so you won't be able to see the issue anyway.
Oh, I see. You believe all whites are racist that see Africans as Savages. Got it. I find it funny that you do not see the irony in that.
But it was totally, completely fine to portray white, Eastern European people as actual diseased peasants. Ridiculous double standards when it comes to black people. Ultra-sensitive community.
The amount of corny ethnic and racial stereotypes in games is massive, but the idea of quality hinging on something other than gameplay still seems a bit unusual to me.
Having a quick look and it's irrelevant to essentially everything in my steam library (GTA V might be the exception, or perhaps the chopsocky style of Dragon Fist: VR Kung Fu)
The writing and world building in most games just isn't very good (let alone the voice acting).
I guess standards are changing with the budgets of game development these days and it's status as a pop culture medium. We'll see if that leads to better games.
Oh, I see. You believe all whites are racist that see Africans as Savages. Got it. I find it funny that you do not see the irony in that.

White people that see Africans as savages are racist, yes.

Do I believe that all white people think that? No. But I never said that so..
I wonder why anyone would consider a game that depicted modern Africans as witch doctors, spear chuckers, and primitive savages racist? It's really a mystery.



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