I'm an Atheist/Nihilist, ask me anyting

"Modern science is based on the principle: ‘Give us one free miracle, and we’ll explain the rest.’ The one free miracle is the appearance of all the mass and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it in a single instant from nothing." ~ Terence McKenna

Where's the proof that it came from nothing? Or that there ever was nothing?
Probably been asked, but, how can you guarantee 100% that there is no deity?

The onus is on the people making these claims. There are currently 3000 different religions all worshiping different deities and competing with each other. You are atheist about 2,999 other deities. Yet the deity you grew into because of your parents is someone the "right one".

I tell theists this: I am sure you don't mind if we don't believe in astrology or voodoo. So you can't expect people to believe in your deity.

Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence.

Also the universe works in the exact opposite way of being controlled by an invisible, cosmic puppet master.
Why do you believe there is no god when you can't prove that there is no god?

I can't prove there are no leprechauns or unicorns either. The onus is on the people who make these claims to provide proof. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Wouldn't it then make sense to be an agnostic?

Agnosticism is a legitimate philosophical position, but it is not a third alternative or a halfway house between theism and atheism.

Instead, it is a variation of either theism or atheism. The self proclaimed agnostic must still designate whether he does or doesnotbelieve in a god - and in doing so he commits himself to theism or atheism. Agnosticism is not the escape clause that it is commonly thought to be.

Of Course we are all agnostic as we will never know, but I don't believe in the ferry tales. Some people do. So then they are "believers".

You're just as dumb as the theists because you have faith-based beliefs.

Atheist means LACK OF BELIEF. I have no faith in anything till proven otherwise.
Do you care about anything????

Life is what you make it. I care about my wife, my kids, my family, my job, my happiness, my family's happiness, humanity.

I don't need some delusional belief in ferritales to make me happy. I would rather like to know what is true. That makes me happy.

Doesn't that just mean that you're a depressed atheist? My question would be why you so sad hommie?

Nihilism and pessimism has nothing to do with atheism. You can be happy without believing in delusional deities or following some illogical religion.

If someone chooses to be pessimistic and miserable that is their problem, not the philosophical problem of atheism. Atheism is simply the lack of belief in something. I am atheist about the tooth ferry and leprechauns. I couldn't be happier.
I'm friendly and will not bite. There are two types of Atheism:

Implicit (unknowledgeable about thology, like a child who is a default atheist).


Explicit. I am the explicit type (knowingly reject stories about mythology/theology). I reject it due to logic and critical thinking.

Quick point about agnosticism: we are all agnostic. Meaning we don't know and cannot know whether god exists. But we can be theistic agnostics (believe deities exists) or atheistic agnostics (believe here are no deities).

Regarding nihilism aspect, morality is man-made and evolves over time.

I'm happy to discuss and will site references. Most of what I posted here is from a great book I read a while ago that turned me into an Atheist called: Atheism a Case Against God by George H. Smith. I read many years ago. I went through all the steps: denial, anger, acceptance and now full critical thinking and happiness that life can have value without cultural fairytales.

What happens when you and your loved ones die? do you just cease to exist?
Nihilism and pessimism has nothing to do with atheism. You can be happy without believing in delusional deities or following some illogical religion.

If someone chooses to be pessimistic and miserable that is their problem, not the philosophical problem of atheism. Atheism is simply the lack of belief in something. I am atheist about the tooth ferry and leprechauns. I couldn't be happier.

I know there are a lot of definitions for nihalsm, but don't they generally hold that life is pointless?

How can 1 not be depressed believing life has no value or meaning? I don't really blame that on your atheism, but it might be a good place to start.
I don't need some delusional belief in ferritales to make me happy.

Wait... So you don't even believe in ferret tails??

I had no idea what a nihilist was (I'm not very smart)

I think I may be one of those too
Why do you believe there is no god when you can't prove that there is no god?

Wouldn't it then make sense to be an agnostic?

You're just as dumb as the theists because you have faith-based beliefs.

Depends. God is usually defined in a way that his existence would be impossible given what we know (for example, how would a being with no physical properties interact with the world? Even doing something like tapping someone on the shoulder would seem impossible. Omniscience would be impossible because events happen too far away from each other). Gods could be defined in ways that get around those kinds of problems. Like, say a God with a physical existence that is imperceptible to people was able to engineer a human baby to grow up and convey a message to people. I suppose one couldn't write that off, though there are still unanswered questions (like how would the engineered baby get a coherent message to pass on? Maybe some kind of brain coding?).
Life is what you make it. I care about my wife, my kids, my family, my job, my happiness, my family's happiness, humanity.

I don't need some delusional belief in ferritales to make me happy. I would rather like to know what is true. That makes me happy.

Right on. I have a similar belief system.
I know there are a lot of definitions for nihalsm, but don't they generally hold that life is pointless?

Atheism and nihilism are two different things.

Atheism= Lack of belief.
Nihilism= existential nihilism argues that life is without objective meaning, purpose.

I so happen to be both and believe life is what you make it based on the lack of evidence for a deity and that life has some sort of meaning besides what you choose to give it. Some people are atheist but not nihilists. It's a personal philosophy. Religion doesn't have a monopoly on morality. In fact, much morality in the bible is abhorrent and rejected by civilised society.

How can 1 not be depressed believing life has no value or meaning? I don't really blame that on your atheism, but it might be a good place to start.

Not depressed, liberated. There is no invisible cosmic puppet master sending you to hell. You are not born evil. You are a free, evolved sapien with the chance to fill your life with what you want. Take responsibility for your own actions.
Take some time to watch this documentary, it puts things into perspective.

Depends. God is usually defined in a way that his existence would be impossible given what we know (for example, how would a being with no physical properties interact with the world? Even doing something like tapping someone on the shoulder would seem impossible. Omniscience would be impossible because events happen too far away from each other). Gods could be defined in ways that get around those kinds of problems. Like, say a God with a physical existence that is imperceptible to people was able to engineer a human baby to grow up and convey a message to people. I suppose one couldn't write that off, though there are still unanswered questions (like how would the engineered baby get a coherent message to pass on? Maybe some kind of brain coding?).
Our universes laws of physics applied to the programmer? And even assuming that we know the laws of physics fully?

This is like the fundamentalist Christians and Muslims talking lol
Heh, another fool who believes that nihilism isn't just a stop along the way.

Nothing personal, kid.
Who killed Kennedy?
Was there a *real* Atlantis?
What are tonights lottomax numbers?
Does Trump like golden showers?
What did you hope to get out of this thread?
Are you unhappy?

Not at all! Much happier now then when I was a believer years ago. Back then I had a fear of death, fear of hell, fear of God. I didn't think properly, never questioned religion or contradictions. Never wanted to know what was true.

Now, I want to know what is true. I studied evolution, critical thinking, moral philosophy. Far richer and deeper than dogmatic, ancient texts that have no facts in them.

No gods, no fear. Taking full responsibility for my actions is very liberating and humbling.