I'm fucking crazy, man!

I honestly don't think this is a statistically significant amount of time yet.

And I eat my words.

I weighed in at 232.0 today.

I also made all my lifts (upped by 2.5% from last week as per Starr).

I hereby declare success!
And I eat my words.

I weighed in at 232.0 today.

I also made all my lifts (upped by 2.5% from last week as per Starr).

I hereby declare success!

Time to write a book and hock a supplement or 2
I will probably go back to this protocol after my comp.
Awesome, Ronin. When's the comp?

I'm really anxious to see how other people do with this protocol.

@Berserker, I'd much rather see other people succeed on it than anything else. I just wish people would give it a try. If everybody gets the same (or near the same) results that I do, I think this could be the next best thing in ... iunno ... the universe? I see it as the fastest way to increase strength-to-weight ratio if I can do both at the same time.

The biggest thing is seeing how other people do, though. I want to make sure this isn't just fluke after fluke (hey, it happens).
The 21st. Remember though, this is the same protocol I used when I was doing IF before. I was more focused on weight/fat loss at that time and it worked very well. When I decided to compete & changed my training schedule it went out the window for a while. I intended to go back to it though.
And I eat my words.

I weighed in at 232.0 today.

I also made all my lifts (upped by 2.5% from last week as per Starr).

I hereby declare success!

So you actually have lost weight then?
The 21st. Remember though, this is the same protocol I used when I was doing IF before. I was more focused on weight/fat loss at that time and it worked very well. When I decided to compete & changed my training schedule it went out the window for a while. I intended to go back to it though.

Could you give me a little more detail about how you did this? How much were you eating in the 24h PWO "window"? Were you doing a regular mon/wed/fri split? Etc.

I'm not - by any stretch - claiming to have invented this, but still... the fact that it's working so well is kinda crazy.

Did you make strength gains while you lost the weight?
Awesome, Ronin. When's the comp?

I'm really anxious to see how other people do with this protocol.

@Berserker, I'd much rather see other people succeed on it than anything else. I just wish people would give it a try. If everybody gets the same (or near the same) results that I do, I think this could be the next best thing in ... iunno ... the universe? I see it as the fastest way to increase strength-to-weight ratio if I can do both at the same time.

The biggest thing is seeing how other people do, though. I want to make sure this isn't just fluke after fluke (hey, it happens).

I'd be all about it but I train after work so I think it'd kill me.
I'd be all about it but I train after work so I think it'd kill me.

What?? Why?! That works perfectly!

Step 1) Don't eat
Step 2) Train after work (use CHO+PRO peri-workout)
Step 3) Eat a shitload PWO until about 24h after your workout (give or take a bunch, don't get picky)
Step 4) Don't eat
Could you give me a little more detail about how you did this? How much were you eating in the 24h PWO "window"? Were you doing a regular mon/wed/fri split? Etc.

I'm not - by any stretch - claiming to have invented this, but still... the fact that it's working so well is kinda crazy.

Did you make strength gains while you lost the weight?

I was probably eating just a little bit more than normal on the "feast" days actually. I'd eat a pretty large PWO meal, then normal meals from there till my next fast. It's been a little while, but I think I can break it down fairly accurately:

  • noon - wake up
  • 1300-1330 drive to gym
  • 1330-1530 train
  • 1530-1600 go home, drink PWO shake during drive
  • 1600-1630 shower, eat 6 eggs w/ large handful spinach
  • 1630-1730 Drive to work
  • 1800-0600 work, eating ~ every 3 hours
  • 0600-0700 go home
  • 0730 bed after 1 cup cottage cheese -- Start fast

  • 1500 wake up
  • 1500-1630 spend time with the family
  • 1630-1730 Drive to work
  • 1800-0600 work
  • 0600-0700 go home
  • 0730 bed

  • Repeat Monday

  • Repeat Tuesday

  • Repeat Monday, but not starting fast Sat morning


  • 1530 get up
  • 1530-1630 spend time with family, eat, etc
  • 1630-1730 go to work
  • 1800-0600 work, eating ~ every 3 hours
  • 0600-0700 go home
  • 0730 go to bed after 1 cup cottage cheese -- start fast

  • See Tuesday

So basically Saturday's the only day I would eat without training first.

I made decent gains while doing this, & lost bodyfat. I still really haven't gained the fat back, either, even though I've been eating like a horse getting ready for this meet. If I can get my jeans over my thighs & ass, I have no problem getting them buttoned, lol.
@Berserker, I'd much rather see other people succeed on it than anything else. I just wish people would give it a try. If everybody gets the same (or near the same) results that I do, I think this could be the next best thing in ... iunno ... the universe? I see it as the fastest way to increase strength-to-weight ratio if I can do both at the same time.

The biggest thing is seeing how other people do, though. I want to make sure this isn't just fluke after fluke (hey, it happens).

Bro, lots of people have had success with IF. You shouldn't need to look that hard to find them :D

Congrats on dropping a few while making progress with your training. That's always impressive no matter how it's done.

Out of curiosity, do you plan on making this your lifestyle or do you think you
What?? Why?! That works perfectly!

Step 1) Don't eat
Step 2) Train after work (use CHO+PRO peri-workout)
Step 3) Eat a shitload PWO until about 24h after your workout (give or take a bunch, don't get picky)
Step 4) Don't eat

I have no doubt I'd lose weight as on training days I wouldn't eat till about 8pm from about the same time the night before (being up at 7:15am), but I think my training volume would suffer more than it already is in my current deficit.
Bro, lots of people have had success with IF. You shouldn't need to look that hard to find them :D

Congrats on dropping a few while making progress with your training. That's always impressive no matter how it's done.

Out of curiosity, do you plan on making this your lifestyle or do you think you’ll go back to a more conventional eating style after you hit your goals?

That's a loaded question. My goal (I think we've had this discussion) is to continuously improve. If IF no longer allows that, then I'll be forced to modify the protocol. Simple as that, I guess.

Obviously, there will be a point at which my weight will stabilize. I'm somewhat curious as to where that lies. I'm willing to guess a little bit less than 200. Once I reach that point, I'll probably switch to a G-flux (lol... anybody remember that?) diet. Work my ass off every day and eat until I can't eat anymore.
That's a loaded question. My goal (I think we've had this discussion) is to continuously improve. If IF no longer allows that, then I'll be forced to modify the protocol. Simple as that, I guess.

Obviously, there will be a point at which my weight will stabilize. I'm somewhat curious as to where that lies. I'm willing to guess a little bit less than 200. Once I reach that point, I'll probably switch to a G-flux (lol... anybody remember that?) diet. Work my ass off every day and eat until I can't eat anymore.

By goals, I meant BF%. Regardless, you pretty much answered my question :D
i'm interested for sure, God bless a willing guinea pig lol.
Oy vey!

Morning weight: 230.8

Also had a 5lb deadlift PR and a 5lb bench press PR

Deadlift was (310 x 5) x 2 (although the last rep on both sets was ugmo).

Bench was 200 x 5 (shut up)

Also tried front squatting and I think I left my wrists in the gym.

Anyways, I'm gaining confidence in this protocol. I'm at the point where I would actually suggest it for somebody moderately overweight trying to improve strength-to-weight performance.
Oy vey!

Morning weight: 230.8

Also had a 5lb deadlift PR and a 5lb bench press PR

Deadlift was (310 x 5) x 2 (although the last rep on both sets was ugmo).

Bench was 200 x 5 (shut up)

Also tried front squatting and I think I left my wrists in the gym.

Anyways, I'm gaining confidence in this protocol. I'm at the point where I would actually suggest it for somebody moderately overweight trying to improve strength-to-weight performance.

so i guess 2000 calories isnt maintenance for you, is it? :icon_twis
so i guess 2000 calories isnt maintenance for you, is it? :icon_twis

*cough* On certain protocols it is. *cough* Apparently not on this one.

But seriously, people, you should be trying this. COME ON. I mean... if I can gain strength at 2.5% per week and lose about 3lbs per week... isn't that almost unheard of? I'm not untrained at all, and I'm not making noob gains on the weight loss (that's for sure). I feel thoroughly underappreciated :icon_cry2 :)icon_chee)
*cough* On certain protocols it is. *cough* Apparently not on this one.

But seriously, people, you should be trying this. COME ON. I mean... if I can gain strength at 2.5% per week and lose about 3lbs per week... isn't that almost unheard of? I'm not untrained at all, and I'm not making noob gains on the weight loss (that's for sure). I feel thoroughly underappreciated :icon_cry2 :)icon_chee)

to be honest if i had a semi regular schedule and i was strength training i would probably do it.

however i usually do bjj and occasionally conditioning workouts. whats more my schedule is all over the place.

I tried IF before and felt ok for a few days, but then I broke down. I've fasted before for Ramadan, but doing it as a WOE - i dunno, I just cant see myself doing it. On an interesting side note, during ramadan a few years ago (before bjj and when I used to lift) was actually a time when i got stronger and lost weight simultaneously at a decent rate. I never really thought about it til now.

I think you are on to something. I just dont think its feasible for guys training 5+ days a week in stuff other than strength training.
