I'm fucking crazy, man!

wow this is a pretty emotional thread ;)
just a quick question for TS: are you feeling any blood sugar drops during your fasting ?
Oy vey!

Morning weight: 230.8

Also had a 5lb deadlift PR and a 5lb bench press PR

Deadlift was (310 x 5) x 2 (although the last rep on both sets was ugmo).

Bench was 200 x 5 (shut up)

Also tried front squatting and I think I left my wrists in the gym.

Anyways, I'm gaining confidence in this protocol. I'm at the point where I would actually suggest it for somebody moderately overweight trying to improve strength-to-weight performance.

I made a mistake. It was actually 230.2 lbs. Not a big difference, but not insignificant, either.
so a theoretical schedule on this for me would be

lift 8pm monday eat until 8 pm tuesday night
fast till 8 pm wednesday night eat unitl thursday at 8pm.
fast till satruday at 6pm when i lift eat till 6pm sunday night.

so a theoretical schedule on this for me would be

lift 8pm monday eat until 8 pm tuesday night
fast till 8 pm wednesday night eat unitl thursday at 8pm.
fast till satruday at 6pm when i lift eat till 6pm sunday night.


That's a bit of a weird schedule. You lift Mon/Wed/Sat?

Don't fast Thursday-Saturday, that's almost a two-day fast. Off the cuff, I would suggest your routine, but eat at maintenance density (calories / time) from Friday at 8 until Saturday at 6, then double-density from Sat@6 to Sun@6.

Though I could make better suggestions if I knew what your lifting routine is like.
Basically, Modena, you're lifting Sat/Mon/Wed, so substitute Sa/M/W with M/W/F and it's simple. You're still doing a 3-day split, just different days.
What about someone thats lifting twice and training bjj twice a week as well? I get to the mat on tuesday and saturday and lift on tuesday before bjj and on thursdays.

Something like this?

Monday: fast
tuesday: eat from morning to wednesday 8 pm
thursday: start eating at six pm (pre wo) till friday 6 pm
saturday: fast untill pre wo at 2pm, eat untill sunday 4pm. fast till tuesday morning.

My lifting routine is something like this: (*first week/second week/third week)

day 1
deadlift 5x5/5x3/3x3*
L-pullups 5 sets
Rows 3-5x8-12reps
accesory lifts (rear delts & curls 3-5x12-20)

day 2
squats narrow/wide/front 3-5x5-8*
SOHP 4-5x5-8
one legged squats 4-5x10-12
DB benchpress 4-5x10-12
accessory ( DB lateral rise & tricep's w/cable 3-5x12-20)

I do the accesory lifts if time and energy allows.
Basically, Modena, you're lifting Sat/Mon/Wed, so substitute Sa/M/W with M/W/F and it's simple. You're still doing a 3-day split, just different days.

lol I'm an idiot. But yes, I second this recommendation.
What about someone thats lifting twice and training bjj twice a week as well? I get to the mat on tuesday and saturday and lift on tuesday before bjj and on thursdays.

Something like this?

Monday: fast
tuesday: eat from morning to wednesday 8 pm
thursday: start eating at six pm (pre wo) till friday 6 pm
saturday: fast untill pre wo at 2pm, eat untill sunday 4pm. fast till tuesday morning.

My lifting routine is something like this: (*first week/second week/third week)

day 1
deadlift 5x5/5x3/3x3*
L-pullups 5 sets
Rows 3-5x8-12reps
accesory lifts (rear delts & curls 3-5x12-20)

day 2
squats narrow/wide/front 3-5x5-8*
SOHP 4-5x5-8
one legged squats 4-5x10-12
DB benchpress 4-5x10-12
accessory ( DB lateral rise & tricep's w/cable 3-5x12-20)

I do the accesory lifts if time and energy allows.

You're doing a tue/thu/sat three-day split, but I don't know what time of the day you train (if it's not consistent).

If you train Tuesday morning, I would eat tuesday morning until wednesday morning. If you train Tuesday at 8 PM, I would eat from Tuesday at 8 until wednesday at 8.

A couple guidelines to follow:

1) increase eating density 24h after you train (ideally proportionally to the difficulty of the session (e.g. deadlift singles day followed by heavy sparring vs. push-pull-squat day)).
2) Don't fast for much more than 24h at a time. 27h or whatever is fine, but don't fast from Sunday at 4pm to Tuesday morning (that's about 40h).
3) If you're in a 3-day split, you will have one odd day (EAT fast EAT fast EAT fast [??]). What you do with this day should depend on what your workouts are like. I suggest eating maintenance on that day (maybe even less).
You're doing a tue/thu/sat three-day split, but I don't know what time of the day you train (if it's not consistent).

If you train Tuesday morning, I would eat tuesday morning until wednesday morning. If you train Tuesday at 8 PM, I would eat from Tuesday at 8 until wednesday at 8.

A couple guidelines to follow:

1) increase eating density 24h after you train (ideally proportionally to the difficulty of the session (e.g. deadlift singles day followed by heavy sparring vs. push-pull-squat day)).
2) Don't fast for much more than 24h at a time. 27h or whatever is fine, but don't fast from Sunday at 4pm to Tuesday morning (that's about 40h).
3) If you're in a 3-day split, you will have one odd day (EAT fast EAT fast EAT fast [??]). What you do with this day should depend on what your workouts are like. I suggest eating maintenance on that day (maybe even less).

The reason I would eat from thuesday morning to wednesday 8pm is that the time I can get to the gym is not constant, it might be at noon or it might be three o'clock. my bjj starts at six and ends 8pm. So its a full day and I belive I would benefit from more calories on that day, we usually spar an hour or more. S
so i still fast from thursday 8pm till saturday 8pm then?

i am a little retarded.
then eat maintenance till8pm sunday night?

and fast during the day monday till after workout.
so basically this way of eating is very difficult for anyone working out more than 3 days a week?

It seems that way to me. Unless you do a warrior diet type thing where you just have one meal a day and fast for like 22 hours or something.
so basically this way of eating is very difficult for anyone working out more than 3 days a week?

It seems that way to me. Unless you do a warrior diet type thing where you just have one meal a day and fast for like 22 hours or something.

Strength training 3 days a week I believe
I'm doing a version of IF where you eat 2x maintenance only on days that end in Y, and fast the rest of the time.
any guidelines for the eating windows?

just read through all the posts.
look like over maintenance for calories and eating normal not really low carb or anything of the sort. Right?