I'm fucking crazy, man!

Had a sweet workout today:

135x10 - stiff-legged
135x5 - snatch-grip
135x1 - hub-grip
225x6 - speed deads
225x6 - speed deads+ 1 shrug
315x5 (very slow - grip almost failing)
315x5 (much faster... almost speed deads)

My back was hitching on both sets of 315. I'm amazed that I did the second one so "proficiently". I was expecting a bigger struggle. My upper spinal erectors and grip are the bottlenecks (by FAR). My legs weren't even sort of struggling at 315.

However: I weighed in at 236.0 this morning. This is due to the weekend "binge" of sushi, restaurant food of all sorts, fast food, and tonnes of carbs both processed and otherwise (good friend came up to visit). I expect to be down to 232-ish pretty soon, since the weight is mostly sitting in my stomach.

Still -- very happy with the deads.
i fasted yesterday before my lifting and hit a 15lbsquat PR. It was an okay workout i was not expecting much since i fasted all day and i am slightly skeptic. I was wrong so far.

My weight is maintaining at 280. I may not be able to weight train for two weeks though as i have a slight back injury. If i am able to continue and stay at 280 while gaining significant strength i would happy.