In light of school shootings,cliques, and bullying would you Home school?

Tim Tebow is your beacon of success?? lol how sad. you pretty much just proved my point.

Hmm lets see "how sad" Tebow is

College graduate check

Two sport professional check

Charismatic, mannerable, and polite check

Loves and professes Jesus Christ double check

.. if that's not the profile of a successful person then what in your very finite wisdom is sir?
Hmm lets see "how sad" Tebow is

College graduate check

Two sport professional check

Charismatic, mannerable, and polite check

Loves and professes Jesus Christ double check

.. if that's not the profile of a successful person then what in your very finite wisdom is sir?
Your best example of having taught your children and was through the Bible, you scared that they might hear about Evolution and the best success story that you can come up with for a home-schooled person was Tim Tebow.

I think it's safe to say that you probably live inside of a bubble, and that you're not doing your children any favors by keeping them inside with you.
I'm considering Home schooling my kids for high school....well not me but my wife.

I know the math surrounding school shootings is that it probably wont happen to your kid. I guess it's just the totality of Public High school environments that is cause for parental concern.

I have a niece that says in today's high school environments it's almost normal for children to experiment with homosexuality. Cyber bullying is pretty bad to were my niece had her phone taken away and even though it stopped the taunts she was depressed about not having the phone.

I was teased for being the tall kid but never bullied. I'm thinking bullying has morphed into some kind of psychological/emotional torture for certain kids since I graduated High school 25 years ago.

Any way in light of every thing in Public education if you could afford it. Would you let the wife quit working and home school your kid?

public school is statistically one of the safest places your kids can be.

you exaggerate like hell about the other things you mentioned, and your niece must go to an odd school. really, fighting and drugs were probably much more common in the 80's, or "free love" 60's.

why limit your children to your knowledge?
I'd homeschool in lights other than shootings - I'd homeschool in light of being surrounded by total retards and in light of the system of education being grossly underfunded. I'd homeschool in light of schools making kids smile in corridors at the penalty of detention. I'd homeschool in light of this country deliberately stunting future generations for the sake of raising drones. I'd homeschool to save my kids from becoming cogs in a pointless machine. I'd homeschool them because of this country's extreme hostility towards classicism and its brute, primitive, base and vulgar desire to create workers, not humans.

Shootings are just another reason in an unending sequence.
that's another thing I've taught my kids how to read from the bible alone. I'd hate to get all my programming questioned or even undone after a week of evolution non sense the public school system teaches as fact.

i wonder if the clergy ever bitched about heliocentric theory being taught as fact at one point....

you literally cant learn biology without evolution today. if you wanted to major in biology but claimed to not "believe," evolution, that would be like wanting to be a math major and refusing to practice long division. the debate over evolution is no longer a scientific one.
Your best example of having taught your children and was through the Bible, you scared that they might hear about Evolution and the best success story that you can come up with for a home-schooled person was Tim Tebow.

I think it's safe to say that you probably live inside of a bubble, and that you're not doing your children any favors by keeping them inside with you.

berimblow liks this post
i wonder if the clergy ever bitched about heliocentric theory being taught as fact at one point....

you literally cant learn biology without evolution today. if you wanted to major in biology but claimed to not "believe," evolution, that would be like wanting to be a math major and refusing to practice long division. the debate over evolution is no longer a scientific one.

the thing I hate about public schools teaching Evolution as fact and not opinion.

It goes against everything stated in the 6 days of creation in the bible. So if you're indoctrinating your children with creation and the teacher says mommy and daddy are wrong and what i'm teaching is right I cant get with that. Evolution as it stands is not just a lie, it's dangerous.
the thing I hate about public schools teaching Evolution as fact and not opinion.

It goes against everything stated in the 6 days of creation in the bible. So if you're indoctrinating your children with creation and the teacher says mommy and daddy are wrong and what i'm teaching is right I cant get with that. Evolution as it stands is not just a lie, it's dangerous.

even if you dont believe evolution, it isnt an opinion. it has over a century of empirical evidence supporting it, from several different scientific fields. if a scientist "debunked" evolution, theyd be the most famous and wealthiest scientist on earth. yet, no one has.

and evolution makes up about 1/2 of a unit in biology class. so your kid will learn about it for 2-3 days of their entire high school career. evolution is no more dangerous than heliocentric theory was.

and i hate to break it to you, but mommy and daddy are going to be wrong occasionally, and your kids will know it. hiding it from them will not help anything. youre going to turn evolution into some kind of forbidden knowledge for them.
I've seen both the good and bad of homeschooling. If you do it right your kid/kids will end up with a superior education to many public schools that is tailored directly to how they learn best. At worst you end up with an awkward religious zealot that has no idea how to function socially in society.
[QUOTE="Jack Handy jr, post: 141360803, member: 455203" Evolution as it stands is not just a lie, it's dangerous.[/QUOTE]

Lol this is possibly the greatest thing Ive read on this forum
Bullying is an aspect but what about education? If you have a wife with a Masters Degree in Accounting(as I do) and she only has 2 pupils... don't you think that highly educated mom could provide a better education than the teacher in a Public high school with 20+ kids in each class for one hour per subject?

And why would you equate parents homeschooling to bad or bullying parents? In my estimation the Parent that sacrifices the amount of money a working spouse can generate for, retirement accounts family vacations, extra curricular activities, and basic family day to day finances to sacrifice for their kids I'd say that the motivation is love and concern not bullying.
most of the people against homeschooling either don’t have kids or don’t know how awful the public school system is in america. Granted there are some decent schools but they arent widely accessible.
One benefit of educating your children at home is that if a school shooting does occur the fatalities will be limited to immediate family members.
I've seen both the good and bad of homeschooling. If you do it right your kid/kids will end up with a superior education to many public schools that is tailored directly to how they learn best. At worst you end up with an awkward religious zealot that has no idea how to function socially in society.

I keep hearing about socializing and socialization...

bro i'm in my mid forties. I've had many friends from the Military to Law enforcement agencies come and go and god bless all that are in the wind. My 43 yo reality is man I only have time for work, church, and family.

I'm certain I'm not the only mid lifer that has/is experiencing this. To have friends or be sociable after you have work and family commitments is damn near impossible unless you borrow time from your family.

So if my kids don't end up being the "life of the party" or uber charismatic....however they love Jesus, and get a 30 on the ACT then I'd feel like I did a good parenting job.
the thing I hate about public schools teaching Evolution as fact and not opinion.

It goes against everything stated in the 6 days of creation in the bible. So if you're indoctrinating your children with creation and the teacher says mommy and daddy are wrong and what i'm teaching is right I cant get with that. Evolution as it stands is not just a lie, it's dangerous.
I think schooling it important for socialization.
Public schooling teaches a lot of things outside of the classroom and creates and tests friendships and relationships.
The idea that children need 12 years of public schooling in order to receive proper socialization is greatly over exaggerated.

Most literature in clinical psychology will agree that if your child isn't socially acceptable to other children their own age by the age of 4, you as a parent have largely failed to socialize your child properly.

If one of you has a high level of skill with explanation and organization and a gift for simplifying many different subjects, maybe home school is for you. But I think in practice every parent thinks they could be a teacher, but lack the discipline and objectivity (in relation to the child) to do it. Creating an environment for learning is very hard, as many problems as I do have with the public school system. Outside of technology, the model hasn't really seen a real test/change in decades.

When my wife and I decided to homeschool our daughter, we did several months of research into each particular curriculum (mathematics, science, history, etc.), and decided which curriculum would be best for our daughter to study.

In my home state of Nebraska, home-schooled students can apply for a University of Nebraska diploma. Once they've passed a certain set of tests, they're given this diploma that serves as an equivalent to any other high school diploma in regards to enrollment in higher education.

If the eventual goal is higher education after homeschooling, there's really no reason, or incentive to try and "cheat" your own homeschooling curriculum.
even if you dont believe evolution, it isnt an opinion. it has over a century of empirical evidence supporting it, from several different scientific fields. if a scientist "debunked" evolution, they'd be the most famous and wealthiest scientist on earth. yet, no one has.

and evolution makes up about 1/2 of a unit in biology class. so your kid will learn about it for 2-3 days of their entire high school career. evolution is no more dangerous than heliocentric theory was.

and i hate to break it to you, but mommy and daddy are going to be wrong occasionally, and your kids will know it. hiding it from them will not help anything. youre going to turn evolution into some kind of forbidden knowledge for them.

I understand that it's part of Biology courses. I just think that it has NOT been proven in any measurable or observable way which is what science states something needs to have to be considered a valid theory or Fact.

I believe that there is far more measurable and observable evidence that we were created by a power and intelligence above our ability to quantify or perceive . I teach my kids that this power and intelligence is Yaweh of the Christian bible and Torah.

I'd hate for one day my kids to question any of the morals and values and precepts I've worked so hard to instill in them because some guy said we evolved from primates, that came from lizard, that was once a fish, that use to be bacteria that initially exploded from nothing.