In light of school shootings,cliques, and bullying would you Home school?

I keep hearing about socializing and socialization...

bro i'm in my mid forties. I've had many friends from the Military to Law enforcement agencies come and go and god bless all that are in the wind. My 43 yo reality is man I only have time for work, church, and family.

I'm certain I'm not the only mid lifer that has/is experiencing this. To have friends or be sociable after you have work and family commitments is damn near impossible unless you borrow time from your family.

So if my kids don't end up being the "life of the party" or uber charismatic....however they love Jesus, and get a 30 on the ACT then I'd feel like I did a good parenting job.

The idea that children need 12 years of public schooling in order to receive proper socialization is greatly over exaggerated.

Most literature in clinical psychology will agree that if your child isn't socially acceptable to other children their own age by the age of 4, you as a parent have largely failed to socialize your child properly.

When my wife and I decided to homeschool our daughter, we did several months of research into each particular curriculum (mathematics, science, history, etc.), and decided which curriculum would be best for our daughter to study.

In my home state of Nebraska, home-schooled students can apply for a University of Nebraska diploma. Once they've passed a certain set of tests, they're given this diploma that serves as an equivalent to any other high school diploma in regards to enrollment in higher education.

If the eventual goal is higher education after homeschooling, there's really no reason, or incentive to try and "cheat" your own homeschooling curriculum.


I lot of the detractors of home school love to harp on "socialization" like it's some kind of trampoline.

Are there home schooled individuals that may end up like Dustin Hoffman's portrayal of rainman...yeah probably. However I can say the same for socially ostracized/bullied kids that go to "normal" school.

I think one's innate personality traits will eventually drive how social, or charismatic he or she will eventually become. not necessarily public school vs home school.
I understand that it's part of Biology courses. I just think that it has NOT been proven in any measurable or observable way which is what science states something needs to have to be considered a valid theory or Fact.

I believe that there is far more measurable and observable evidence that we were created by a power and intelligence above our ability to quantify or perceive . I teach my kids that this power and intelligence is Yaweh of the Christian bible and Torah.

I'd hate for one day my kids to question any of the morals and values and precepts I've worked so hard to instill in them because some guy said we evolved from primates, that came from lizard, that was once a fish, that use to be bacteria that initially exploded from nothing.

step 1 of debunking evolution....make a true attempt to understand what it is.

you havent truly made any real efforts to see if evolution has been shown/proven in any measurable or observable way.

and there are many theists who believe that evolution is the mechanism by which their god(s) shaped life on earth (not created, because evolution says nothing about where life came from).
I keep hearing about socializing and socialization...

bro i'm in my mid forties. I've had many friends from the Military to Law enforcement agencies come and go and god bless all that are in the wind. My 43 yo reality is man I only have time for work, church, and family.

I'm certain I'm not the only mid lifer that has/is experiencing this. To have friends or be sociable after you have work and family commitments is damn near impossible unless you borrow time from your family.

So if my kids don't end up being the "life of the party" or uber charismatic....however they love Jesus, and get a 30 on the ACT then I'd feel like I did a good parenting job.

That's not the point. The point is that if you do a shitty job homeschooling and your kid doesn't regularly interact with other kids on a regular basis it can fuck them up for a long time and mess with their later life prospects.
I'm considering Home schooling my kids for high school....well not me but my wife.

I know the math surrounding school shootings is that it probably wont happen to your kid. I guess it's just the totality of Public High school environments that is cause for parental concern.

I have a niece that says in today's high school environments it's almost normal for children to experiment with homosexuality. Cyber bullying is pretty bad to were my niece had her phone taken away and even though it stopped the taunts she was depressed about not having the phone.

I was teased for being the tall kid but never bullied. I'm thinking bullying has morphed into some kind of psychological/emotional torture for certain kids since I graduated High school 25 years ago.

Any way in light of every thing in Public education if you could afford it. Would you let the wife quit working and home school your kid?

whats the issue with private schools? If your wife could stay at home to teach, feasibly you could afford private schooling no?
I would homeschool because of the content taught. But you cant learn social skills by hiding out at home, scared of the world. You just turn in to a school shooter.
step 1 of debunking evolution....make a true attempt to understand what it is.

you havent truly made any real efforts to see if evolution has been shown/proven in any measurable or observable way.

and there are many theists who believe that evolution is the mechanism by which their god(s) shaped life on earth (not created, because evolution says nothing about where life came from).
No one has ever observed or seen proof of macro evolution, so no one can honestly claim this to be fact.
If you have ever met a homeschooled child you wouldn’t want your child to be homeschooled unless you were apart of a cult or a pedophile. They are amongst the weirdest people I have ever met, right up there with people who follow any form of organized religion or part of the Freemasons, etc.

If you want your child to have no social skills and fail at life homeschool them.
public school is statistically one of the safest places your kids can be.

you exaggerate like hell about the other things you mentioned, and your niece must go to an odd school. really, fighting and drugs were probably much more common in the 80's, or "free love" 60's.

why limit your children to your knowledge?

If the knowledge I'm teaching them is the truth ...then why would I "limit" them with a preposterous lie like evolution?

Don't get me wrong I believe that certain aspects of science with regards to Technological advancements in Engineering, and Computing for example are very relevant and helpful to mankind. But to denounce the obvious design behind something like the Human eye is silly. tbh the more science discovers about our human body and how incomprehensibly complex all of the systems acting together to keep us alive are.

IMHO it all smacks of a creator.

no way this is happenstance random selection or just put itself together.
the people harping on socializing forget about extra curricular activities after school is over. you can put your kids in sports, arts, and a variety of hobbies. School doesn’t need to be the only social playground.
If you have ever met a homeschooled child you wouldn’t want your child to be homeschooled unless you were apart of a cult or a pedophile. They are amongst the weirdest people I have ever met, right up there with people who follow any form of organized religion or part of the Freemasons, etc.

If you want your child to have no social skills and fail at life homeschool them.

6 billion people follow some sort of religion or higher power sir.

And though we all may think the other is "weird" that doesn't make the one thinking that right or wrong that's just one's personal opinion or perception. Both of which are like assholes everybody has one.

example below

I may think a Buddhist monk living in some mountain temple in tibet with candles every where is "weird" ( i don't btw to each his own) he'd probably think I'm weird for living in suburbia and going to shooting ranges as a hobby.

see how that works.
the people harping on socializing forget about extra curricular activities after school is over. you can put your kids in sports, arts, and a variety of hobbies. School doesn’t need to be the only social playground.


My son Wrestles, does BJJ, and swims

My girls do volleyball, BJJ, and swim

all go to numerous church functions for kids , children's bible study classes, and other church activities with children from like minded parents all the time.
That's not the point. The point is that if you do a shitty job homeschooling and your kid doesn't regularly interact with other kids on a regular basis it can fuck them up for a long time and mess with their later life prospects.

Well that's not the point either we know the American Public School systems of socialization and education are doing a shitty job. So why not try something different?
It shows how critters changed over geological time scales.

lmao really?!?!?

that's what the fossil record shows huh?

....son lay off of Darwin's Kool aid that stuff has too much sugar and will rot your teeth(brain)
I would homeschool because of the content taught. But you cant learn social skills by hiding out at home, scared of the world. You just turn in to a school shooter.

school shooters are home schooled?!?!?!
(typed while making the "I'm Ron burgundy face"