Elections Innaguartion day thread


Hunh? Do you even know what we're talking about? @Hadron90 was saying Dems hate women because Hillary lost in 2016. I had to call him out on his copium induced delusion and set him straight. This was the last retort of that exchange and you're saying this? I'd tell you to stay in your lane but you're on the wrong sife of the freeway here.
They voted for the old white rich man in the 2020 democrat primary over woman.
Watching Pence and Harris with Pence leaving. It's a point when new President and Vice President should be seeing off the leaving President/Vice President off. It's only VPs.......

Trump is such a cunt. Anyone that respects that guy is a cunt too.
Trump has had everything handed to him. Trust Fund Babies are typically soft, so Donny's tantrum and no show is no surprise.
Imagine carrying water for such a man child.
Hate and divisive rhetoric won. You can expect much more during the next four years as Biden and legs up will need to scapegoat every lack of policy and tax payer waste. Imagine winning on a platform of hate and lies funded by globalists and propagated by Big Tech masters and the main stream reich.

Yuri was right. Brainwashed and demoralized will see that boot in their lifetime.
Trump has had everything handed to him. Trust Fund Babies are typically soft, so Donny's tantrum and no show is no surprise.
Imagine carrying water for such a man child.
You talked more about Trump in this inauguration thread then Biden... seek help for TDS, Trump lost get over it
MSM , pop culture , social media is a hell of a powerful propaganda machine.
If the MSM and BT all turn on Biden he is toast. He gets triggered to the N'th degree when anyone poses any tough questions or disagrees with him.
yea, I picture Biden as your "Goldilocks" type of president.
not too hot, not too cold. like luke warm.
he's not an extremist either way, and right now, I think more than ever, this country needs someoen like that.
The old Scranton Joe you are talking about is gone. The Joe we have now is run by extreme Left handlers. The extreme Left will be making the decisions and he will ok them.
If the MSM and BT all turn on Biden he is toast. He gets triggered to the N'th degree when anyone poses any tough questions or disagrees with him.
Yea I can see some of that happening, he won't be woke enough and they will turn on him eventually. It will take time though.
Watching Pence and Harris with Pence leaving. It's a point when new President and Vice President should be seeing off the leaving President/Vice President off. It's only VPs.......

Trump is such a cunt. Anyone that respects that guy is a cunt too.

They are having a laugh maybe Pence joked "My only regret is the capital rioters did not suceed in takinbg ne and giving me a public errotic asphyxia on these steps."
Anger stage, almost there little guy.


You talked more about Trump in this inauguration thread then Biden... seek help for TDS, Trump lost get over it
Trump is star attraction here. Of course people care more for Trump than Biden.
Hate and divisive rhetoric won. You can expect much more during the next four years as Biden and legs up will need to scapegoat every lack of policy and tax payer waste. Imagine winning on a platform of hate and lies funded by globalists and propagated by Big Tech masters and the main stream reich.

Yuri was right. Brainwashed and demoralized will see that boot in their lifetime.

Very sad today that the hateful and divisive rhetoric of Joe Biden won out over Trump’s message of love and unity.
I feel like somebody just cast the One Ring back into Mt. Doom
Good speech...preaching unity and representation of all.

The challenge, of course, will be to move beyond lip service and put that into action. The most interesting part of this administration will be how it moves to repair the divisiveness that has very clearly become worse in recent years and how it 'reaches across the aisle'.
Kamala Harris has never reached across the awhile to work with Republicans she has not really worked with moderates. I don’t see them repairing the division.

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