intermitant fasting

OP, I did IF for six months and ended up goiwback to a more "normal" eating pattern of 4 meals a day. The larger end of the day meals messed with my hunger cues and I tended to have bouts of over eating with IF. Other people have had similar issues, but this is a very individual based response of course.

Those prone to binging in the past may have similar problems. I've struggled with binging on the training days/refeeds, with a caloric surplus and often things would get out of hand.

Despite the occasional bout of overeating (to the point where you moan in physical pain when walking, or even breathing), Leangains has been working VERY well for me. Often the binging on training days would make me feel repulsed at the thought of food during the next day, so I would fast for maybe 20 hours or so then eat under maintenance.

For the first time in my life I have visible veins in the lower abs, arms and legs at rest. When training, look like a goddamn Googlemap during rush hour. It also makes planning your day around work/school/social life much simpler.
I've been doing a 20-4 IF for about the last week (timing is mostly due to my daily schedule rather than any logic pertaining to it working better than any other time split).

Honestly, I started it just to be spiteful to all of the idiots going on about how you have to eat every 2 hours to "stoke the metabolic flame" etc. Turns out I really like it. So far I haven't lost any strength on my lifts, my endurance and strength in grappling remain intact, and I am down about 5 lbs (note that I was already about 10 percent BF). So, even though I started just to make a point that there isn't one "right" way to lose weight, it turns out this is actually something I really like, and may adopt it long-term.

Also, people seem to think it will be torturous not to eat for that long. Personally, I feel much more satiated throughout the day on IF than I did eating a small meal every 2ish hours. I usually start to feel hungry near the end of my afternoon workout, which is right before I break the fast.

Note: if doing a 20-4 time split somehow disqualifies it as being called IF, I apologize for using the wrong term. Please don't attack me, internet.

That's great! I was really concerned about becoming catabolic like all the bros would have you believe. And yet I am in the best shape of my life now and strength is continuing to go up, bodyfat does down/stays the same and lean mass is increasing. It's a great way to live and not worry about having to eat something all the fucking time.
Agreed! I love it so far. This is the first eating protocol I can see myself sticking to for life!

And lol @ your name.
I've been extending my fasts a bit lately. I went from 8pm til 2pm (18 hours) today which has been my biggest effort. Basically I just like the freedom of being able to eat more of a night time, which I tend to do more of regardless of what I have eaten for the rest of the day. I take 5g bcaa's if I'm doing any kind of exercise in the morning but that's all.
IF-ing is all good. I do it at my work more days than not. Way it works for me, I eat my last calories around 10pm and then am not home until about 5pm the next night.

I don't do it for weight loss or anything like that, more because I sit at my desk all day and basically do fuck all that requires any real effort, so ploughing my face full or calories or carbs isn't the greatest idea.
I've never been a breakfast eater. If I have work or something important to do that day, eating breakfast makes me crap everything out within 20 minutes of eating and leaves me feeling nauseous until 3pm. I get to anxious and become a nervous pooper.

I always felt guilty about skipping breakfast but once I learned about IF it made sense why I have always stayed lean.
As Berhkan and Pilon have mentioned, it's also the probably the most 'normal' way of eating for humans, biologically-speaking. Primal man didn't have access to food all the time, and would hunt/kill/feast then move on.
it all makes sense now.

i remember a while back herschel walker said that he only eats one meal a day (around dinner time) of like bread salad and soup only, but alot im guessing. he said he picked up the habit of only eating dinner from his college days, and everyone called bullshit cause the guy is ripped and hes like 65. but hes basically doing IF, so obviously if you want to look like herschel then do IF

Personally I'd much rather take the word of scientists who have put out countless studies promoting the health benefits of IF. But maybe that's just me?
I followed the leangains morning workout protocol with the BCAA's for about 4-5 months (with S&C workouts, before I started BJJ) and loved it.

It really didn't work out for me once I started training BJJ, since my fasting period was 8PM-noon and my BJJ training is at either 7AM or noon. Shifting my feeding/fasting window to try to accommodate would have meant that I could never make a family/work dinner, so wasn't really viable. If I ever switch to evening-only BJJ I'll probably try to go back to IF, I really loved it.
how does catabolicism w/e come into play with IF? and how do you schedule workouts doing IF? i feel like i could probably have the energy to workout in the morning somewhat fasted, but id be in hell if i couldnt eat for multiple hours afterwards
I have a similar diet that has been working well.

I don't eat after 9 (when I get back from gym) and that meal is plain greek yogurt with chopped nuts.

Then when I wake up about 8-9 hours later, I have 2 spoonfuls of greek yogurt and 4g of liquid fish oil (~100cal). Then i drink black coffee for about 45min and go for a run.

Between driving to park where I run, warm up, run and then stretch it takes about 3 hours, then I come home and have a shot of apple cider vinegar, with a swig of acai juice.

And then shower, and then cooking something, which adds about another hour of non eating. That ends up being 13-14 hours with only 100-150 calories. Then I eat a BIG stirfry with a bunch of veggies and beans. T

hen I have fruit, and a couple eggs before working out in the evening. I am not strict at all though. I have beer some nights, sometimes a cheat like a burger or a few hot dogs. But for the most part I am in a big deficit most days, with a few days of being hardly in a calorie deficit, sometimes on par with maintenance, or even a few of being in a surplus. However, I am certainly in a Net calorie deficit for the week.

I have been doing this for about 2months know and have had great results. It feels like I have unlimited energy. I have probably lost 10 pounds of fat. I was 160-165, now I am 150-155 depending on what I have eaten or drank. I have not lost any muscle, if anything, I have gained some.
IF is awesome! Been doing it for about 6 months and will never go back to the 5 to 6 meals a day crap. I have been able to get to and stay at 9 to 10% Bodyfat with relative ease. Training fasted is awesome, I feel more focused and my energy is steady. I use BCAA's when I train, and even Roll in BJJ fasted with no problems... I try to spread the IF gospel whenever possible.
IF is awesome! Been doing it for about 6 months and will never go back to the 5 to 6 meals a day crap. I have been able to get to and stay at 9 to 10% Bodyfat with relative ease. Training fasted is awesome, I feel more focused and my energy is steady. I use BCAA's when I train, and even Roll in BJJ fasted with no problems... I try to spread the IF gospel whenever possible.

I love rolling fasted too. I definitely feel better doing so. I've been doing it for a month so far and am down 15 lbs. I actually met my first goal way easier than I expected to.

The real test is now, since my body has a bit of a set point at 215. If I can get to 200 fairly easily and maintain it, I will be even more enamored by IF than I am now.
I read the Leangains guide. This seems pretty interesting.

I have 2 questions though if some of the more experienced guys on here could answer.

-Would the Pre-Workout BCAA be necessary if I don't do any weight training?
I'm looking to lean up and I don't have much muscle in the first place. I only do BJJ training so would I have to take the BCAA?

-Wouldn't I want to do all of the feeding before my workouts?
I figure if I have one small pre meal before training and the rest after, would that still be good? Me being a nutrition noob, have always heard to not eat at night and before bed. My feeding period would likely be between 3PM-10Pm. Would this be a problem? Wouldn't you want to eat everything before you work out?
I read the Leangains guide. This seems pretty interesting.

I have 2 questions though if some of the more experienced guys on here could answer.

-Would the Pre-Workout BCAA be necessary if I don't do any weight training?
I'm looking to lean up and I don't have much muscle in the first place. I only do BJJ training so would I have to take the BCAA?

-Wouldn't I want to do all of the feeding before my workouts?
I figure if I have one small pre meal before training and the rest after, would that still be good? Me being a nutrition noob, have always heard to not eat at night and before bed. My feeding period would likely be between 3PM-10Pm. Would this be a problem? Wouldn't you want to eat everything before you work out?

Not eating at night is nonsense.

And its way better to eat after exercise as your body is better primed to accept and process nutrients.