It's A Wonderful Life/Wizard of Oz are Getting A Remake

Lol, I'm chatting with a trans friend at the moment.

Best thing about her is , despite dressing like a lady now and having bits removed she's exactly the same person I've known for 20 I get the same sick jokes and memes , same photos of hot women as that's still her preference.

Is good.
Your friend had salami sliced and prefers women. Seems a little counter productive no.
I dunno they've dragged all my favorite franchises thru the mud. Star wars, terminator, alien, RoboCop, die hard, predator etc. They can keep ruining my childhood if they want I'm just not gonna watch anymore.
I stopped caring about these remakes a long time ago. I still love the classics I love, and lame reboots aren't going to change that.

It is funny how triggered people get about the remakes having minorities or gay people added to them, though.
I stopped caring about these remakes a long time ago. I still love the classics I love, and lame reboots aren't going to change that.

It is funny how triggered people get about the remakes having minorities or gay people added to them, though.
There's a gradual demographic shift happening that a lot of people don't like and can't understand.
Would Sherdog be happy with a white remake of The Wiz?

Liberals have this weird obsession with back people. They keep using the term "black or brown" or "people of color" but it's really only black people. We all know sure as shit they weren't gonna use a chinese or mexican family on something like this. And they get off on watching their wives and girlfriends get blacked.
wonder if the can say Merry Christmas…
Whatever. It’s not like Hollywood is making tons of great movies anyway. Slavery, race or gender swaps, and capitalism bad. Those are your choices. Sit back and watch the fireworks. Or the originals, which this wouldn’t diminish anyway
Wow. I can't wait to see this. I'm sure this will be great, like all the other reboots,

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