Ivanka Trump involved in negotiations for Trump Hotel rentals during inauguration at 40 milllion

What are you talking about?

Conservatives just never got over Obama winning twice. And they all keep saying “Trump won, get over it.” Which is ironic because voting for Trump is just one big knee jerk reaction to Obama being president. Obviously. Nobody actually thinks Trump knows anything or is smart. Nobody.
So this crime family's darling daughter ivanka negotiated deals with Trump hotel and over charged to a tune of $40 million. Now no one knows where all that money went to. I knew Trump wanted to be president to brand himself and sell his brand but milking the public and making profits and over charging is too much. This guy needs to get locked up along with members like Jared, Donald Jr and Ivanka. Leave Melania alone I can care for her when hubby is in jail. By caring I mean making her happy every night. Wink wink. Giving her a happy ending, wink wink. Showing her how big my hands are compared to Trump, wink wink


There were articles written about this in 2016:


Inaugurations are expensive. Really, really expensive.

The peaceful transfer of power comes with a massive price tag: When all the bills are added up, the 2017 celebration will cost an estimated $175 million to $200 million. That total includes the official parties and dinners, the concert, the swearing-in at the Capitol, the parade, the inaugural balls and all the police, military and security personnel required to keep everyone safe.

About $70 million will come from private donations, and the taxpayers will foot the rest of the bill.

For President Obama’s first inauguration in 2009, his committee raised a record $53 million in private donations, although the president-elect refused to accept money from lobbyists, corporations or political action committees and limited individuals to $50,000. In 2013, after the most expensive presidential campaign in history, Obama’s committee raised $44 million and allowed corporate gifts and individual gifts of $250,000.

Those numbers are in line with previous inaugurations. Supporters of George W. Bush raised about $40 million for his 2001 inauguration, and $42 million in 2005 for his second; Bill Clinton’s inaugural committees solicited $33 million in 1993 and $30 million in 1997. George H.W. Bush raised $30 million in 1989. The committees for Ronald Reagan pulled together $19 million in 1981 and $20 million in 1985.

Holy shit, you got me

You won’t get it back for a long time. America is sick of what liberals have become. You made your bed, enjoy

Lol, your boy will be serving jail time soon enough, and you'll still be the same loser you were before he got elected, playing with toys, not talking to women and complaining about liberals on the internet.

You can't expect people at the highest levels of government, who have a flotilla of pricey lawyers on standby, to follow the law.
Laws are so complicated it's almost impossible not to break them and anyways what's a crime, really.
Anything short of murder should be dismissed.
I wonder if we'll ever hear where all that money went.

It's safe to assume it went into Trump bank accounts.

I wonder if Mueller knows...
Can we talk about the Obamas sending $500M to a large number of personal friends to "develop the ACA website" which gave a return of "0" given they were all grossly incompetent (not unlike the Obamas themselves), necessitating hiring competent website builders to do it (at additional cost) afterwards? Or no?

The selective memory and selective outrage of leftists is grand. But by all means, carry on...
So instead of posting a defense you just bring up another crime? How does that absolve Trump in any way?
Holy shit, you got me

You won’t get it back for a long time. America is sick of what liberals have become. You made your bed, enjoy
Do you realize we had elections last month?
In the spirit of Trump's defenders, demanding "Where's the proof" before anyone knows it but prosecutors, I ask:
Where's the money?
I wonder if we'll ever hear where all that money went.

Tin-foil hat mode activate! <Moves>

Maybe.....ALIENS? ELVIS?

It's safe to assume it went into Trump bank accounts.

Actually, it's not safe to assume anything, quite frankly. 'Cause as it was pointed out, no one knows anything aside from Mueller(I would think).

I wonder if Mueller knows...

More than likely, he would know where exactly that money went....if he even went that far in his investigation(which I just have a feeling he didn't; otherwise, there would've been "leaks" about that all over the fake news media).
Tin-foil hat mode activate! <Moves>

Maybe.....ALIENS? ELVIS?

Actually, it's not safe to assume anything, quite frankly. 'Cause as it was pointed out, no one knows anything aside from Mueller(I would think).

More than likely, he would know where exactly that money went....if he even went that far in his investigation(which I just have a feeling he didn't; otherwise, there would've been "leaks" about that all over the fake news media).
Well of course, aliens.
Don't you wonder what happened to all that money, and how would you feel if he helped himself to it?
I didn't get it, you didn't, the election ceremony didn't, and afaik, it's in the wind.
Likely used however the fuck Donald felt like. Which is unethical af if not criminal.
And we know what would be happening with a different guy in the WH.
Well of course, aliens.
Don't you wonder what happened to all that money, and how would you feel if he helped himself to it?
I didn't get it, you didn't, the election ceremony didn't, and afaik, it's in the wind.
Likely used however the fuck Donald felt like. Which is unethical af if not criminal.
And we know what would be happening with a different guy in the WH.

I stopped reading at Aliens 'cause......ALIENS, man.

ALIENS! WOOOOOOOOOO!!! <Ellaria01><Arya01><Jaime01>

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