Media Jamie Varner not a fan of Laura Sanko's commentary

No, it just means they didn’t watch mma at that time. Jamie Varner was on tv more than most fighters. You had no choice to know Varner at that time if you watched

Jamie varner is irrelevant in regards to Mma history. Deal.
Look at my account age. You seriously think I don't know what WEC was? I've said over and over in this thread that his WEC stint is the only way he'll ever be talked about. Look, I get it the truth hurts and all that kass but Jamie varner is meaningless in the history of mma'. Outside of saying outrageous shit he hasn't been talked about in any way shape or form since. People still talk about Joe daddy Stevens for fucks sake
Deal with it.
I dont want to side with an OSU fan, but you're 100% right. When people talk about pioneers of the sport, legends, guys that made this sport Jamie Varner will never be in that conversation. He'll never even be a Urijah Faber, or a Gilbert Melendez, nobody is going to look back and say "Even though he wasn't one of the GOATs, he was still incredible." He's just a guy that had a few big fights and then just faded away.
It's not name-calling. It's an accurate descriptor.

Lol you literally called the WEC "regionals".
At the time that's what any other Mma org was compared to the UFC. Lol. They existed for 5 years. Founded in 01 and gone in 06. Three weight classes. You had to pull up varners sherdog profile to even be able to tell me what's he's done. Lol. Move along kid and go play internet weirdo somewhere else.
He was literally the WEC LW champion and has wins over UFC legends.

Now, I know you don't know what WEC was, but being a WEC champ is a significant accomplishment.

Is he a hall of famer? No, obviously not. But anyone who was watching MMA at the time knows who Jamie Varner is.

Jamie Varner as WEC champ, was a top 5 guy and every fight was on national tv. Literally the only way you can say he is a nobody, just means they didn’t watch mma at the time whether they like it or not
Kid, he's irrelevant outside of saying stupid shit. Proof? Jamie varners name hasn't been said on this forum since the last time he said some stupid shit. And before that it hasn't been mentioned since he retired. He's a nobody. I'm sorry you can't cope.

So if we go back and pull up the last Jamie Varner thread, you’re confident in that? If your wrong, you have to retract all your statements

Well, there it is. Guess that means your opinion is not factual, and only how you feel. Which means nothing obviously.

Look, WEC was not regional anymore when they got on national tv. Same goes for strikeforce. They were regional at one point as well. You going to call all them nobodies as well?
Well that’s just your opinion. Everyone has one, and neither are worth a damn

No. My opinion is that Jamie varner was a very good fighter who put one alot of good shows, but was a middle of the road fighter in the UFC. I loved WEC. None of my feelings change the FACT that the most relevant fighters from the WEC are talked about and remembered. Jamie varner is not one of them.
Sanko is Hot she should replace Meagan but commentary not really her bag
At the time that's what any other Mma org was compared to the UFC. Lol. They existed for 5 years. Founded in 01 and gone in 06. Three weight classes. You had to pull up varners sherdog profile to even be able to tell me what's he's done. Lol. Move along kid and go play internet weirdo somewhere else.

A whole bunch of literal falsehoods in this post. I’ll let you try to figure out what they are.

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