Media Jon Anik tired of negativity from MMA fans, might leave in 2026

I'm Canadian and I've only been to Boston one time. At a Bruins game, not even playing LA, there was a dude wearing a Kobe Lakers jersey. Before the first period was over they literally had beaten the shit out of him and then security kicked the Kobe guy out while everyone yelled at him. It was wild.

Boston is such a dumpster.
He needs a little thicker skin if he wants to be in the public eye calling fights. You can't be a sensitive flower in this sport, especially as everyones emotions and testosterone are going through the roof.

People are going to have very strong opinions and based mostly on what fighter they like or who they want to win, or of course if they have put money on the fights.

We as sherdoggers face it after every razor close decision on here with the constant robbery threads haha, you just have to remember in your mind that its all subjective on who won in these razor close decisions and no one is right. Again no robbery in this Strickland vs DDP fight, super close fight, could go either way or be a draw. I don't think Anik will last 5 hours on here lol
Maybe you people should take your advice to women and stop being living your life based off emotion.
The thing is, a lot of MMA fans actually train (or used to train) in some form of martial arts or boxing or wrestling. Most of these fucking assholes who are so "passionate" about baseball/soccer/football/basketball have never played any sports in entire their life or tried when they were 10 but just sucked at it.
No, MMA fans are not special in this regard. The MMA fans who "train" on weekends, are no more informed or special, than the hockey/baseball/etc fans who play in men's leagues. There's not some special distinction for MMA fans. Some actually train on an amateur level, the same that some play sports into their 60's in rec leagues, but most don't. Same with any fan base of professional sports. They're mostly working stiffs, who haven't seriously played sports or "trained" since they were a child.
MMA fans are weird, they seem to like Dana more than the actual fighters. Imagine if baseball fans loved Bud Selig and hated Derek Jeter, or basketball fans hated MJ but loved David Stern.
He’s probably pricing himself out of a job, so saying this now makes it look better when the UFC opts to let him go.

Tale as old as time, a talent will think they are worth more money than they are, then the company says “so long bucko”.

They got rid of Goldie and never looked back. They will do the same to Anik. Anyone can read draft kings promos.
Anik is just a polished Mike Goldberg. Dunno if he uses coke as well, but he's the low grade advertiser announcer during commentary.
No, MMA fans are not special in this regard. The MMA fans who "train" on weekends, are no more informed or special, than the hockey/baseball/etc fans who play in men's leagues. There's not some special distinction for MMA fans. Some actually train on an amateur level, the same that some play sports into their 60's in rec leagues, but most don't. Same with any fan base of professional sports. They're mostly working stiffs, who haven't seriously played sports or "trained" since they were a child.

That's funny, I never knew any football or hockey fans putting on pads and suiting up to go out to the local park or ice skating rink to play a few games on the weekend. I think even the lowliest of McDojo BJJ practitioners might have better insight on what goes on in an MMA fight (at least the grappling aspect of it) than some fat Coors guzzling college football fan or overzealous major league baseball loving loser. Basketball might be the only major sport (not counting golf or tennis) that a lot of average joes play on a regular basis, but it's a sport really anyone can play at any time and there's public basketball courts all over the place.
He should definitely not read comments especially on YouTube, it's full of casuals that don't know what there looking at and are way too emotionally invested in their Fandom/nut huggery. Strickland seems to have brought in a lot of new people to MMA and many of them don't know what they are watching and can't be objective about a very close fight.
MMA fans are weird, they seem to like Dana more than the actual fighters. Imagine if baseball fans loved Bud Selig and hated Derek Jeter, or basketball fans hated MJ but loved David Stern.
Yeah, the people who watch MMA and hero worship Dana are weird as fuck.
He’s probably pricing himself out of a job, so saying this now makes it look better when the UFC opts to let him go.

Tale as old as time, a talent will think they are worth more money than they are, then the company says “so long bucko”.

They got rid of Goldie and never looked back. They will do the same to Anik. Anyone can read draft kings promos.
They already have Fitzgerald and John Gooden and i prefer both of them to Anik, at least they show some personality and dont act like a robot.
Sanko is much better anyway :cool: Good riddance!
What a negative, nasty post. Its the internet bro. No one knows hes black when he says it. Just like you dont know if he is or not. What a dumb argument saying his post proves he isnt black because no one would be mad for him saying it. Like everyone somehow knows hes black. You basically made an assumption based on very little, and that somehow lead you to saying some dumb shit like

Cry me a fucking river kid
Didn't watch, but who cares?
He's nothing special. Seems fairly standard and cookie-cutter, I couldn't give a fuck if they replace him.

It is what it is boys.
That's funny, I never knew any football or hockey fans putting on pads and suiting up to go out to the local park or ice skating rink to play a few games on the weekend.
Well, there are plenty. There are amateur rec leagues all over the place, and in every city and town with the facilities to accommodate them. It's quite common. Get a group together, rent out the facility for a few hours every week and play. Especially for Hockey and Baseball.
welcome to the internet. all anyone does here is talk shit and complain anonymously. none of it has ever mattered.
Thats the thing. Sportsfans are fuckin total assholes everywhere. Where the fuck does he think he's gonna go that will be better? It wont be better in WWE if he wants Michael Cole's job. Thats for DAMN sure.

Possibly, people are assholes everywhere.

Nations rise and fall. Always have.
Happening on a global scale now, as opposed to isolated incidents like it used to be.

I live way out on the sticks.
BBQ chicken is good.