News Jon Jones arrested for DWI and Firearm Charges

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Uncommon opinion. I feel bad for him. He's one of the greatest mma fighters of all time. I wish him well.
he also said after counting 45 43 44 ops my daughter is dyslexic

Yeah, he probably got that contagious type of dyslexia I've been hearing so much about. Doctors from the UFC Performance Institute agree that the main symptom is a total inability to pass a DWI test.
Admin note: The migration is taking longer than we expected, but we are still working on it. Trust me, we're chomping at the bit to get this show on the road too.

It's champing at the bit. Like a championship horse, straining against the reins of its rider.

Not a horse chomping on a bit like a carrot. :rolleyes:

We Sherbros, who comprise as fine a committee of correspondence on pugilism as one shall find on the webs of inter, deserve better. <Moves>
Jones is the epitome of the entitled, spoiled, selfish, and coddled athlete that is shielded from real life reprucussions by handlers and promoters as long as he generates money. Jones is an absolute piece of trash and doesn't care who he injures or kills while treating the world as his playground.

I won't even start on his career...
This is why I've been checking sherdog every hour the past couple days
So, aparantely this is across the street where he got stopped


It's a fucking pandemic. He was obviously trying to escape the virus. It's all over the news that alcohol helps kill the virus. He may have fired shots at the virus when he thought he could take it out. And he gets arrested for trying to do the human race a favor that we don't deserve.
He’ll get out because of coronavirus. They release all non violent offenders
The haters are going to use this to discredit him again.

It was in the middle of a crisis who knows how he was mentally adjusting to quarantine what's happened to friends/family etc. No one was hurt by his actions and given that there's(supposed to be) no one on the roads I don't see how the normal severity of a DUI exists here.