Kushner in Trouble

"By June the GOP nomination secured, Kushner took over all data-driven efforts. Within three weeks, in a nondescript building outside San Antonio, he had built what would become a 100-person data hub designed to unify fundraising, messaging and targeting. Run by Brad Parscale, who had previously built small websites for the Trump Organization, this secret back office would drive every strategic decision during the final months of the campaign."
"Kushner’s crew was able to tap into the Republican National Committee’s data machine, and it hired targeting partners like Cambridge Analytica to map voter universes and identify which parts of the Trump platform mattered most: trade, immigration or change."

I have a feeling we'll be hearing more about these 2 names
You sound scared

I'm not Jared Kushner and I didn't vote for Jared Kushner. If he's crooked, then whatever. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. Didn't his dad do a stint in jail for fraud?

Just saying, Special Council has a specific mandate and Mueller is essentially begging to be fired by going outside of that mandate (assuming any of this is factual). It's as if the school crossing guard started trying to hand out speeding tickets.
You wanted law and order/swamp draining, that's what you're getting.

Sure pal. I'll believe it when Hillary sees a day in court for committing a bunch of felonies related to classified material.
I'm not Jared Kushner and I didn't vote for Jared Kushner. If he's crooked, then whatever. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. Didn't his dad do a stint in jail for fraud?

Just saying, Special Council has a specific mandate and Mueller is essentially begging to be fired by going outside of that mandate (assuming any of this is factual). It's as if the school crossing guard started trying to hand out speeding tickets.

Someone better fire Ken Starr for following his mandate wherever the crime leads.

It sounds like you don't actually know what his mandate is and have decided to be educated by fucktards on the internet.
Little Jared(totally beta) is a crook just like his old man.
I'm not Jared Kushner and I didn't vote for Jared Kushner. If he's crooked, then whatever. Just saying, Special Council has a specific mandate and Mueller is essentially begging to be fired by going outside of that mandate.
Did you know that Ken Star began his investigation looking into whitewater then after finding nothing there moved on to Vince Foster and then a sperm stained dress litteraly fell into his lap and all that took 6 years ?

Mueller is not meandering like that at all but while looking into Russian ties he finds other illegal activities that's fair game
Someone better fire Ken Starr for following his mandate wherever the crime leads.

It sounds like you don't actually know what his mandate is and have decided to be educated by fucktards on the internet.


It's actually a perfectly valid legal defense that the Special Prosecutor doesn't have the legal authority under his congressional mandate to indict people on events unrelated to that mandate. Meaning dealings with people unrelated to the Russian Government.

It's also a good reason to fire Mueller for acting like he's judge dredd.


The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI

Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:

(i) any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).
Did you know that Ken Star began his investigation looking into whitewater then after finding nothing there moved on to Vince Foster and then a sperm stained dress litteraly fell into his lap and all that took 6 years ?

Well, he had to specifically have his mandate expanded.
I really dont know anything but I doubt your president goes down from this or his people close to him. It seems your FBI is one fucked up corrupt thing with bias against hillary and Trump and it vary.
Thanks for your input, Marina. But his national security advisor already pleaded guilty, and the guy who ran his campaign is heading to trial. Unlike certain other countries, the US does occasionally prosecute the powerful when they overreach.

I'm not Jared Kushner and I didn't vote for Jared Kushner. If he's crooked, then whatever. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. Didn't his dad do a stint in jail for fraud?

Just saying, Special Council has a specific mandate and Mueller is essentially begging to be fired by going outside of that mandate (assuming any of this is factual). It's as if the school crossing guard started trying to hand out speeding tickets.
It's special counsel. Let's start with spelling the title correctly before talking about what it entails.
I really dont know anything but I doubt your president goes down from this or his people close to him. It seems your FBI is one fucked up corrupt thing with bias against hillary and Trump and it vary.

This has literally nothing to do with the fbi
Thanks for your input, Marina. But his national security advisor already pleaded guilty, and the guy who ran his campaign is heading to trial. Unlike certain other countries, the US does occasionally prosecute the powerful when they overreach.

It's special counsel. Let's start with spelling the title correctly before talking about what it entails.

so it is over for Trump? what % chance you think it is?