International Last free newspaper in Venezuela closes doors.

Socialists are learning the same lesson that the ancient Greeks had to learn several Millennia ago:

"Not even the Gods are exempt from this simple rule: Take what you want, and pay for it."

The people of Venezuela are paying a hefty price for the desires of their politicians, indeed.
I’m sure Trump is pleased with this.

Kinda how he wants America to be
So they're eating newspapers over there now?
Now the people will have nothing to burn when they want to cook their rats for dinner.

Quite sad.

By far, the Chavista regime has been the absolute worst regime in all the history of independent Latin America, there is no regime that has come as close to it, and thats saying a lot.

And people wonder why i hate Cuba.

On the bright side, once Venezuela kicks the Commies out, they can restart their economy with their massive oil reserves. Other countries have not been so lucky.
On the bright side, once Venezuela kicks the Commies out, they can restart their economy with their massive oil reserves. Other countries have not been so lucky.

Unfortunately for the people of Venezuela, Communists never surrender power willingly.
Why are we pretending like they don’t have internet access? They are still reading news!
I suppose this means I'll be seeing more cars on the road with "Venezuela SOS" stickers plastered about
Canada should accept 10,000 female Venezuelan refugees between ages 18-22 and under 140lbs
Why are we pretending like they don’t have internet access? They are still reading news!

Access to the internet keeps shrinking as time goes by.
maduros a real piece of work. Nicaragua seems to be going the same way.

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