Lug's Spear: Unleashed S&P

1 mi jog, I am sick and felt even sicker when I did this. Had to stop at 1 mile.
Still got the swine flu thing going, still no exercise. Though I must confess I tried kicking the thai bag about 10 times on each leg.
Recover. I'm still getting over swine flu. You need the pomegranate and whey and spinach smoothies. And more vitamin C. Go to a crowded movie theater and laugh audibly and with an open mouth. Sit behind large crowds of people.

Recover. I'm still getting over swine flu. You need the pomegranate and whey and spinach smoothies. And more vitamin C. Go to a crowded movie theater and laugh audibly and with an open mouth. Sit behind large crowds of people.


lol, I got some thermaflu with a prescription from the doc. Not a lot of it, I guess it better work fast. I just hate going longer than two days without doing shit. In fact I can't do anything. Can't go to class or exercise, FUCK. Thanks for the tips yo. I do want to go to a movie though...
Fuck you swine flu, son of a bitch. 2 mile jog @ 22min pace.
Yes, some kind of mini race should be fun.
A deadlift comp would be more suitable for a mini comp though, because I'd have to add ~70 lbs for an BW press.
Wanna join in Nick?

Also, good luck with your swine flu recovery.
I ate an apple and some broccoli today, so I think I should be safe.
Yes, some kind of mini race should be fun.
A deadlift comp would be more suitable for a mini comp though, because I'd have to add ~70 lbs for an BW press.
Wanna join in Nick?

Also, good luck with your swine flu recovery.
I ate an apple and some broccoli today, so I think I should be safe.

Yeah I just really want to improve my SOHP, but I would have like 50lbs to add to it I think. Any ideas for the deadlift race? Prob a 5RM would be good considering the way we train. I think it might also be fun to put avatars or signatures on the line. Maybe get to pick what goes in the opponents sig/av for a month or something if someone wins.
Forgot to post this earlier, but since some a-hole pulled the fire alarm and got me up I guess I'll post it now... 3 mi easy jog @ 29:30 pace.
When you're not AIDS-ey anymore, maybe you'd like to try and train with me and Sohan and ObsceneJester. Turns out we're all ATL guys, so I figured maybe we could all learn some stuff from Sohan if he wants to get together.
When you're not AIDS-ey anymore, maybe you'd like to try and train with me and Sohan and ObsceneJester. Turns out we're all ATL guys, so I figured maybe we could all learn some stuff from Sohan if he wants to get together.

Yeah that would be great. I am still pretty noobish and have a lot to learn. I think in two or three days I should be close to 100% swine free.
3 mi jog @ 28:42 pace. Jogged the first two miles at a pretty easy pace then tried to go a little faster for the last mile.
Workin on a paper now, thought this was a pretty interesting read. It describes "...three conditions which constitute this growth-promoting climate, whether we are speaking of the relationship between therapist and client, parent and child, leader and group, teacher and student, or administrator and staff." It's a summary of the original article by Carl Rogers.

Carl Rogers

I gotta do some reading before I can go to the gym today.
First day back lifting since the swine flu, still coughing between sets however.

-Easy reps here, just testin it out after some time off.

-This is the most weight I have ever successfully locked out above my head, form is starting to come together. I still have a tendency to lean back when the bar passes my face and did so on the first set.

-Legs got tired fast and had bad form here and there. I noticed the lower I can get my butt on the lift off the easier it is.
So I'm probably out of deadlifting for a few weeks, sorry bro.
Read my log for (not too much) details.

Fit again from the pig aids?
Yeah that would be great. I am still pretty noobish and have a lot to learn. I think in two or three days I should be close to 100% swine free.

Where in Atl are you? I'm in Roswell/Alpharetta, near Wills Park.

When I get a real squat rack, we can hit squats at my place. Until then, a deadlift workout might be fun.
Where in Atl are you? I'm in Roswell/Alpharetta, near Wills Park.

When I get a real squat rack, we can hit squats at my place. Until then, a deadlift workout might be fun.

I live in Kennesaw, which is pretty close to Roswell. We can always clean and front squat? Though I am not good at power cleans and have never front squatted. We should try to figure out a time so Lightning can join us.
I have a squat rack and about 510# of weight at my place, but no bench. Just throwin that out there. If my buddy Sam is able to come, maybe we can take the squat stand apart and put it in the back of his truck to bring it to wherever we're training at.
Workout was horrible, not even going to record it. I went with my old roommate and his lifting goals are completely different. He wouldn't do any SOHP because he thought it would hurt his back. Not even with the bar, he does weigh about 130. After I got done doing some deadlifts I was packing up my junk and he said "We aren't doing any arms!?" and so I waited while he did 3 sets of curls. I'm not saying I never do curls, but he wouldn't do any sohp or deadlifts and it frustrated me.