Maryland to build low income housing in prosperous area after law suit

Then the crying will be heard when people move out, schools go to hell the tax money goes with the people getting out.

good. more areas relying on the government the better.
You could avoid this most likely if you changed the formula for public school funding.

If it wasn't based on local property taxes these things might not happen.

The current school funding formula came about as a reaction to school integration.

If school funding was done on a statewide level so all public schools had equal funding there wouldn't be as much of an outcry for this type of thing.
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Don't bother. What's the demographic like in rural stl? Heavily subsidized? That doesn't good at all, imo.

No, no, not rural STL. I'm talking like 100 miles NE of STL. Former coal country. Like 95% white. Still quote poor, but rural poor as opposed to urban poor. I'm guessing, now that I am typing this, that population density is a huge determinant in how effective the policy is.

This was cited to, but I don't have excerpts
No, no, not rural STL. I'm talking like 100 miles NE of STL. Former coal country. Like 95% white. Still quote poor, but rural poor as opposed to urban poor. I'm guessing, now that I am typing this, that population density is a huge determinant in how effective the policy is.

This was cited to, but I don't have excerpts
If it worked, then it probably shows that a homogenous society is key regardless of economic standings.
You could avoid this most likely if you changed the formula for public school funding.

If it wasn't based on local property taxes these things might not happen.

The current school funding formula came about as a reaction to school integration.

If school funding was done on a statewide level so all public schools had equal funding there wouldn't be as much of an outcry for this type of thing.
Aren't Baltimore's public schools some of the most funded in the nation? I get what you're saying, but that doesn't really apply here. You could take a bunch of these ghetto kids and plop them down in the best schools in the country and they will still fail out because they don't give a shit. They need people at HOME making an investment in their education, not the city/state.
Why the fuck are we paying extra for losers to live in nice places?

If you're too stupid, unskilled or lazy to work, then you deserve shitty housing. When they do this ridiculous crap it messes with property value and rent prices that harm the people that actually go to work everyday.

The solution is easy, work harder get a real job. Anyone who isn't physically disabled can do it, these people are just too shameless and lazy to do it.
It will also speed up gentrification of areas private owned/rented by low income persons who cannot manage property price increases.

But, overall, this is good. Sure, some may leave the area altogether, but others will stay and others will move to neighboring non-affluent areas and, with proper rent control legislation, diversify property wealth.

I see this as certainly a one step back, but two steps forward type of deal.

But, on a related note, public housing needs to be reformed away from austere policies that devalue the living situations of those in them. Data has shown that building actual modest houses that allow owners to feel a sovereign sense of pride in their properties yields better returns on (slightly higher, to be sure) investment.

Im with you on this one comrade. These folk in the leafy suburbs should be forced to live with their policies. Equality should be forced on the wealthy and privileged. Those run down impoverished white areas should all be relocated into upperclass areas too ensure they can now take advantage of the privileges denied to them due to historical grievances metted out to them in the past.

As far as im concerned it should be adopted right across the west.
You could avoid this most likely if you changed the formula for public school funding.

If it wasn't based on local property taxes these things might not happen.

The current school funding formula came about as a reaction to school integration.

If school funding was done on a statewide level so all public schools had equal funding there wouldn't be as much of an outcry for this type of thing.
If I'm paying more and my kid does without something they should be able to afford to you can fuck yourself.
On a side note, there were studies which showed that poor children, especially boys, when raised and schooled among wealthier peers have worse mental health and behavioural outcomes than if they had been raised among peers of the same socio-economic status.

I think it's because the environment and their peers are constantly feeding them a stream of unintentional reminders of everything they don't have. E.g. most kids have their dad, they don't, every conservation involving dads is a reminder. Casual conversations involving expensive gifts for Christmas, summer vacations in Europe, nice clothes, large families and support systems, fun weekend activities, etc. I know all about this, I went to a private school, kids would brag about their 300$ jeans and 2000-3000$ Christmas gifts, didn't bother me that much though, but I can see how it would.
That plan will only drag down the good areas not lift up the poor.

It will kill the property values of the areas they build in, but that's the idea.

I thought the same when they did this in my city but honestly it's worked out great. The city is still fine the housing still looks like cheap houses that are way to close to each other but otherwise they look in good shape. This has been in effect for 15+ years now.

I think sometimes we just hear about all the horror stories this causes and when it works at fine you don't hear about it because what's there to talk about.
That plan will only drag down the good areas not lift up the poor.

It will kill the property values of the areas they build in, but that's the idea.

Obama had policies to punish areas that were 'too white.' When there is white flight Obama wanted to make sure to use federal funds to have poor POC follow.
What could go wrong? Murders in a previously good area? White flight? Property values drop way down? Wasting all that money on new housing for people to trash? All the nice houses getting broken into?

Seriously, what could go wrong?
Then the crying will be heard when people move out, schools go to hell the tax money goes with the people getting out.

So then just identify the next area where people go and build low income facilities over there, and repeat.

They can't keep running away forever.
So then just identify the next area where people go and build low income facilities over there, and repeat.

They can't keep running away forever.

Sure they can they have the ability to travel to work from outside of the city.
Awesome news. Maryland voted for Hillary. This is what they believe in. Let them reap what they sow.
I wish they would do that shit out here in SD. It would be great for the lulz if nothing else. I live in a shady area already so I don't give a fug.

I really would love to see the reaction from compassionate liberals though. They should do this in some wealthy LA neighborhoods too. They're racist if they don't do it, in fact.

The brainwashed liberal types? They will continue to walk down the street with that desperately forced smug look, which they feel they have earned simply from the political side they are on. Ugly things will be happening right next to them, and they will pretend to ignore. As long as they can be lowwr moddle class and waste their money on corporate liberal ritual items, that's proof everything is ok.

I'm currently in Ann arbor. It's funny to actually see. Oh yeah, they will start to get robbed and assaulted like two just did in Detroit. Grabbed off their bikes, thrown into vans, raped, and escaped only due to captors incompetence after the deed was done.
inb4 any white person moving from that area is labeled racist
Oh no.. They are weak and scared. Wanting a first world life is weakness. Ask a 14 year old girl banging a 22 year old black dude, she'll tell ya... Laugh, but that's who we are basically listening to these days.

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