Multiple attackers.

Aikido takes years and years to be effective - many beginners just quit because they don't see results soon enough.

As for martial arts focused on multiple attackers - my dad took Goju-Ryu Karate for approx. 10 years or so and sometimes shows me how to deal with multiple opponents. Also, in the way he shows me, he does not clinch someone else or use the theory that 'only one will attack at a time'. He'll show me something and be like..while these 2/3 guys are attacking you at the SAME time (real-life situation) you hit this guy like this and do 'this' at the same time, etc., etc. What he was saying was logical and I know would work in certain situations. Some Karate kata's train you for multiple opponents as well. Once you are fluent in certain katas the movements of taking on multiple opponents will come second-nature to you and won't be so difficult in real life.

But as mag said, yes, it's too risky with the involvement of weapons - nowadays many of our youth carry things like butterfly knives. Lots of guys in my high school carry them. I almost ran into my friens knife (long story), so it's way too risky.

Even though..I'd wanna try fighting 2/3 guys sometime :]

My uncle used to take on multiple people all the time - he had no martial arts training, he just was a really strong guy, a brawler? He took on like 6 or 7 guys one time and beat the hell out of all of them..he did it another time as well (but used a metal pole or something LOL).

Some people can hold their own against multiple opponents..some can't.

Oh - and to those who said BJJ wasn't effective for multiple people.. - can you do those joint locks standing up? Just break their arm quickly and move to the next guy, or something? Can the ground work in BJJ be applied to standup in the street?
It's just a matter of luck you an win a fight against multiple people if posiion and location work in your favor but like everyone else said your best bet is to run.
It doesn't matter how much MMA or martial arts training you have. NOTHING will prepare you for a street fight. You may have a small edge over your opponent, but on the street, ANYTHING goes. A black belt goes down just like any average bum when you hit him in the head with a bottle. Thats exactly the kind of thing that happens and you better be prepared to do the same because you might be fighting for your life. If you are facing multiple attackers and you can't put them down quickly with a weapon, (including your hands)
KObrawler said:
It doesn't matter how much MMA or martial arts training you have. NOTHING will prepare you for a street fight. You may have a small edge over your opponent, but on the street, ANYTHING goes. A black belt goes down just like any average bum when you hit him in the head with a bottle. Thats exactly the kind of thing that happens and you better be prepared to do the same because you might be fighting for your life. If you are facing multiple attackers and you can't put them down quickly with a weapon, (including your hands)

I dunno, Kane's proven MA works in the streets countless times!
Those TMA guys talking about multiple attackers ... I always like to suggest they step in a boxing ring with one opponent and see how it goes down. Not so easy, eh? Then add another opponent at the same time -- a massacre. Same thing with grappling. You will find that one opponent is hard enough, and two is nearly impossible.

In truth it is VERY HARD to beat even one opponent in real life. Training MA gives you some advantage over an opponent, but not a tremendous advantage. To beat up two simultaneous opponents is exceedingly improbable unless you have great physical superiority. To beat three verges on hopeless, unless they are puny.
Training in MA, I believe, gives a tremendous advantage - not some advantage. In this I am speaking in regards to 1 on 1. It all depends how long you've been training for, of course. But to say it's just a little advantage is rediculous to me. After training in Muay Thai for only 2 months, I know I am much stronger - I say this because of some vital things I generating power from your hips opposed to your arms/fists. Many people don't know simple things like these and it's evident when you go to fight them.
KObrawler said:
It doesn't matter how much MMA or martial arts training you have. NOTHING will prepare you for a street fight. You may have a small edge over your opponent, but on the street, ANYTHING goes. A black belt goes down just like any average bum when you hit him in the head with a bottle. Thats exactly the kind of thing that happens and you better be prepared to do the same because you might be fighting for your life. If you are facing multiple attackers and you can't put them down quickly with a weapon, (including your hands)
I take it you dont train then. Training gives you a big advantage over people who dont have you seen the videos online of people who have no training fight, its pitiful to watch but yes when they have weapons its a whole different ballgame. Deffinitly best to run.
bite them hard anywhere you can if they get hold of you, and eye gauge to keep them away
you have to disable them quick. good punches, good nutshots, and good hipthrows. then run away.
When they try to hit from behind just roll them into a kneebar!

But seriosly I always thought TKD could keep multiple attackers at distance.
DaleCaliente said:
BTW FEDOR #1 FAN STOP POSTWHORING. LEARN to use the edit button instead of putting 3 consecutive stupid posts.
don't worry. he'll learn (eventually). of course i say that and you still see ppl doing that all the time. or worse they'll post the exact same thing twice and then edit the second one saying "edit: double post" instead of just deleting that second one. i guess they keep it for the post count </shrug>

and so far KK's method is best.
Zankou said:
Those TMA guys talking about multiple attackers ... I always like to suggest they step in a boxing ring with one opponent and see how it goes down. Not so easy, eh? Then add another opponent at the same time -- a massacre. Same thing with grappling. You will find that one opponent is hard enough, and two is nearly impossible.

In truth it is VERY HARD to beat even one opponent in real life. Training MA gives you some advantage over an opponent, but not a tremendous advantage. To beat up two simultaneous opponents is exceedingly improbable unless you have great physical superiority. To beat three verges on hopeless, unless they are puny.
exactly. i have seen a small few times where 2-on-1 ended up with the 1 guy winning but they (the two) were like taking turns fighting. any other time i have seen the multiple on one when the multiple attack simultaniously the 1 always loses.
Analyze the situation. Run/escape if at all possible. Maintain position as best as possible (one attacker at a time). Attack with a lot of aggression. It's on the street... anything goes! If one drops, soccer kick/stomp to the head, then quickly reanalyze the situation: run, or on to the next one!
I take it you dont train then. Training gives you a big advantage over people who dont have you seen the videos online of people who have no training fight, its pitiful to watch but yes when they have weapons its a whole different ballgame. Deffinitly best to run.

I'm just saying that no ammount of training will make you invincible from a sucker punch or a shot to the balls. Thats exactly the kind of thing that happens in a real street fight. Your not trying to tap them out. Your trying to stay alive. Your right about many of the videos that you see on the net. Anyone with boxing skills would take guys like that to school. Im just speaking of situations where folks really want to hurt you. In that scenario, if you cant KO one of two of those mofo's quick, you better use the Nike system.
Zankou said:
Those TMA guys talking about multiple attackers ... I always like to suggest they step in a boxing ring with one opponent and see how it goes down. Not so easy, eh? Then add another opponent at the same time -- a massacre. Same thing with grappling. You will find that one opponent is hard enough, and two is nearly impossible.

In truth it is VERY HARD to beat even one opponent in real life. Training MA gives you some advantage over an opponent, but not a tremendous advantage. To beat up two simultaneous opponents is exceedingly improbable unless you have great physical superiority. To beat three verges on hopeless, unless they are puny.

I agree, but think of this......

When you are sparring one person you are just sparring....

What if in a street fight you charge one guy first....>Boom. - Broken Jaw....The fight just lost one person didnt it???now its 1 on 1 ........ In Sparring, the person who would be knocked out on the street is still in the fight, because its just practice. ....its like when i 2 on 1 vs my master. He takes me out of the equation instantly.
Problem is that unless the guy is a retard he will just retreat ... as the other guy moves in. Multiple attackers will come at you like a pack of dogs. They attack simultaneously.

I don't know who your master is, but his odds of defending the old "you hit 'em high from the front, I'll hit 'em low from the side" strategy is pretty damn low.
Problem is that unless the guy is a retard he will just retreat ... as the other guy moves in. Multiple attackers will come at you like a pack of dogs. They attack simultaneously.

I don't know who your master is, but his odds of defending the old "you hit 'em high from the front, I'll hit 'em low from the side" strategy is pretty damn low.

amen brother
Everytime I've seen (or been involved in) a fight where it's 2 (or more) on 1 it goes down the same way. You get the ring leader who spuares off, then the cowardly friend rushes and sucker punches you, or holds you down so the ringleader can throw haymakers on you.

Going to the ground and trying submissions almost definatley isn't happeneing in a multiple opponent situation. Hell, when I was outnumbered years ago I knocked one guy out and his brother grabbed a pipe and beat the fuck out of me while I was geting even striking isn't always an option.

Seriously, the post with the gun was spot on = )