My Grandfather made me look very poor during a small family reunion :(

I would have ordered him a warm glass of milk and told him to shut the fuck up old man!

I still might
Gramps should’ve been filled with uppercuts.

I also like your father in law better than your grandpa.
You now hold a grudge agsinst 84 year old gramps for having some banter..

Hes old hes gonna die soon, jesus are you going to begrudge him some fun before he descends into the eternal fire.

Grow up.
My 84 year old Grandfather had his 75 year old cousins come down and another friend of the family - plus others, my aunt etc - 12 of us I think

Went to a nice restaurant -- My Grandfather organized this gathering and felt like he should pay for the women's meals/drinks and the guys would be on their own. He kept saying he would pay for everyone's but can't afford it, so he'll get the womens. Cool I can totally pay for my own, no problem at all.

When the waitress handed him the bill for him and the women and each other guy's individual bills my Grandfather loudly asked me in front of everyone.

"You sure you can pay for this?

Yeah I can and I've taken him out plenty and he knows I have money. But he repeated that a few times.

"You SURE You're OK for the bill!?" as everyone in my family and friend re looking at me

Then I pull out my credit card and he loudly goes

"Oh thank goodness you have your CREDIT CARD"

What in the fuck

I love my gramps but he made me look like a charity case in front of everyone, now everyone is going to go home and start a go fund me page.

I talked to my Grandfather later about this in a similar fashion as I told you guys and he just had a hearty laugh about it, he thought it was hilarious- I mean he laughed his ass off when he realized how he made me look in front of everyone

Old people tend to do what they want and give zero fucks... because they'll be DEAD soon. Enjoy the good times with your gramps while he's still here and forget about the money. You'll probably inherit something after he's gone anyway.
My 84 year old Grandfather had his 75 year old cousins come down and another friend of the family - plus others, my aunt etc - 12 of us I think

Went to a nice restaurant -- My Grandfather organized this gathering and felt like he should pay for the women's meals/drinks and the guys would be on their own. He kept saying he would pay for everyone's but can't afford it, so he'll get the womens. Cool I can totally pay for my own, no problem at all.

When the waitress handed him the bill for him and the women and each other guy's individual bills my Grandfather loudly asked me in front of everyone.

"You sure you can pay for this?

Yeah I can and I've taken him out plenty and he knows I have money. But he repeated that a few times.

"You SURE You're OK for the bill!?" as everyone in my family and friend re looking at me

Then I pull out my credit card and he loudly goes

"Oh thank goodness you have your CREDIT CARD"

What in the fuck

I love my gramps but he made me look like a charity case in front of everyone, now everyone is going to go home and start a go fund me page.

I talked to my Grandfather later about this in a similar fashion as I told you guys and he just had a hearty laugh about it, he thought it was hilarious- I mean he laughed his ass off when he realized how he made me look in front of everyone


Clippy I'm enjoying these everyday clips of your life that you share with us. First the dude asking to a bum a cigarette from you in the car, now's kinda like a condensed version of watching sinfield.

You should open up a column for your local newspaper detailing the daily life and adventures of Clippy. Could become a hit.

Keep 'em coming.
Should have told that old fucker his bank account still hasn't recovered from the Great Depression.

Not really, respect your elders!
Is he too old for uppercuts?
I think the bigger issue is being missed here. What was the tip?
Your gramps sounds like a cool dude, old guy humor just busting balls is all. Don’t get him too upset, it could escalate into an uncomfortable situation.
Nobody thinks you're that poor of your picking up the bill for a whole table, I'm surprised that's what pissed you off though, I thought gramps sandbagging you would've been the trigger. I would've gone Paulie Walnuts on his old ass.

"860 dollars, that's what you owe me from last night".
lol I remember you saying you haven't worked in four years or something

But my Gramps knows me and the wife both have jobs, I got the house, I got the car, I got the 3 cats, I'm doing just fine - my extended family are going to think I'm struggling with life lol

its funny, clearly i can post on sherdog all day and play video games but hey, i dont have a "real" job. if you dont go to a 9-5 job you are not working lol

pimp the cats out on the dark web
I just watched a law and order where the Grandfather raped all the females in the family. And you are complaining about yours?
Your gramps sounds like a cool dude, old guy humor just busting balls is all. Don’t get him too upset, it could escalate into an uncomfortable situation.

"Hey gramps, let me sign for the check....."

My 84 year old Grandfather had his 75 year old cousins come down and another friend of the family - plus others, my aunt etc - 12 of us I think

Went to a nice restaurant -- My Grandfather organized this gathering and felt like he should pay for the women's meals/drinks and the guys would be on their own. He kept saying he would pay for everyone's but can't afford it, so he'll get the womens. Cool I can totally pay for my own, no problem at all.

When the waitress handed him the bill for him and the women and each other guy's individual bills my Grandfather loudly asked me in front of everyone.

"You sure you can pay for this?

Yeah I can and I've taken him out plenty and he knows I have money. But he repeated that a few times.

"You SURE You're OK for the bill!?" as everyone in my family and friend re looking at me

Then I pull out my credit card and he loudly goes

"Oh thank goodness you have your CREDIT CARD"

What in the fuck

I love my gramps but he made me look like a charity case in front of everyone, now everyone is going to go home and start a go fund me page.

I talked to my Grandfather later about this in a similar fashion as I told you guys and he just had a hearty laugh about it, he thought it was hilarious- I mean he laughed his ass off when he realized how he made me look in front of everyone


but did you grandpa leave a 20% or more tip?
if not, call him out on being a cheap tipper next time.
that'll show him!
I think you're overreacting, bud. It is kinda funny.
Rearrange the below words to form a sentence. If you can't, you deserved the burn from your grandpa.

"the" "him" "touch" "jab" "with"
My 84 year old Grandfather had his 75 year old cousins come down and another friend of the family - plus others, my aunt etc - 12 of us I think

Went to a nice restaurant -- My Grandfather organized this gathering and felt like he should pay for the women's meals/drinks and the guys would be on their own. He kept saying he would pay for everyone's but can't afford it, so he'll get the womens. Cool I can totally pay for my own, no problem at all.

When the waitress handed him the bill for him and the women and each other guy's individual bills my Grandfather loudly asked me in front of everyone.

"You sure you can pay for this?

Yeah I can and I've taken him out plenty and he knows I have money. But he repeated that a few times.

"You SURE You're OK for the bill!?" as everyone in my family and friend re looking at me

Then I pull out my credit card and he loudly goes

"Oh thank goodness you have your CREDIT CARD"

What in the fuck

I love my gramps but he made me look like a charity case in front of everyone, now everyone is going to go home and start a go fund me page.

I talked to my Grandfather later about this in a similar fashion as I told you guys and he just had a hearty laugh about it, he thought it was hilarious- I mean he laughed his ass off when he realized how he made me look in front of everyone


So your gramps is 85?

Tell me about his diet does he take metamucil?
Clippy, you should have gotten the free meal, and then shit in his shoe.

The whole point was I was trying not to look bad in my unfamiliar extended family

Shitting in a shoe wont do
