My wife holds me back from being the best I can be. Anyone else?

Who wants a woman that doesn't support what you love to do!? SOunds like a pointless relationship to me!
Who wants a woman that doesn't support what you love to do!? SOunds like a pointless relationship to me!

I know, right? My ex-wife* refused to support my banging as many girls as possible, the bitch.*

Some may call it an excuse, and as true as that may be, it's still true that I'm held back from being the best I can be.

I "had" to sell my car because it was "costing to much money" which means I have to rely on her to drive me to my Sambo classes. If I'm lucky I get to go every other week, IF I'M LUCKY.

I was offered a chance to do a kickboxing tournament on March 1st, which would be my first fight besides grappling tournaments. But I cant get rides out there and we "cant afford it".

I know that I can be at least a semi-successful fighter but that'll probably be just another dream that passes by. Anyone else in similar situations?

Whats more important to you? Your amateur grappling career or your family? When I was doing BJJ I used to get shit from the single guys who worked dinky ass jobs about missing class. I would tell them that it was my hobby and that work and family came first. If you want to do sambo more than you want to be married ditch her.
My wife knows better than to get inbetween me and my training, she is supportive... Although I've had to flip out a couple times
TS how is it that you work full time and don't control your own money? If your wife is wasting your money on freaking pot, get separate accounts, lay down the law and say you're going to split essential bills and each of you will decide how to spend the rest of your own money separately, how hard can that be?
Conversely my wife wont let me spend any money on pot. Damn her for caring about my wellbeing.
1) Don't get married unless you're a full on adult. If you can't support yourself, your wife and/or your kid(s) financially then you're not grown. Don't try to do grown up shit when you're not grown. If you can't financially support a wife then stay living with your parents, or stay single and have a roommate.

2) Blaming someone else for your plight also shows a lack of maturity leading me to think that you're not a grown up in many aspects of your life.
I "had" to sell my car because it was "costing to much money" which means I have to rely on her to drive me to my Sambo classes. If I'm lucky I get to go every other week, IF I'M LUCKY.

Why are you guys even separating your cars into "your" car and "her" car? You guys are married and a family right? Can't you make the argument to her that since you sold off one car, the remaining car belongs to both of you and should be shared? Maybe on training days you can drive her to work or whatever and then take the car to the gym yourself.

As for costing too much, what you could do is have a "personal spending" allowance or budget. You get to spend your part on whatever you want and she gets to spend her part on whatever she wants. No arguments about whether the other person's spending is reasonable or not. If after bills your personal allowance is too low to train as much as you want, well you'll just have to suck it up because that's life, but you can still train some amount and that's better than today.
wasteland this shit and dub/ban ts

we've all been trolled

Did you look at TS's prior posts over the last year or so? If it's a troll, then it's such a long, elaborate con that it's indistinguishable from reality. So it stays.
some small jeep. i add up our money and know we have enough, even after payments. but im told we don't have enough. though she magically gets money when theres something she wants.

Might have kept fooling a few, but completely gave up your hand with this one. Seems to be playing out well for you though, bravo. I do love the idea of a guy who wants to be a pro fighter letting his bitch control his whole life to the point he makes it to class once every two weeks. Funny shit.
Bumping because, um. Yeah. Let's just say I've been training a lot more.
My wife hates when I come home from sparring with my face covered in bruises. However, she always supports me no matter what, and understands that my life is not complete without sport. Not sure why you're on a forum complaining, you should be sitting down and talking to her and trying to solve the problem. If at least one person in a relationship is unhappy, then it's time for a talk. Building up anger, resentment, frustration will not do any good. If she's the one that makes 100% of the money in your relationship, then get a job. If you do work, then you need to put someone in check, quickly.
This thread may or may not have been a joke, but i legit know guys like ts.
I agree with earlier posts, you need some extra work on the side. Buy your own vehicle. Put yourself in a position to be able to go where you want, when you want. I make $0.73 less an hour than my girl and I still steer the ship at home.
Some may call it an excuse, and as true as that may be, it's still true that I'm held back from being the best I can be.

I "had" to sell my car because it was "costing to much money" which means I have to rely on her to drive me to my Sambo classes. If I'm lucky I get to go every other week, IF I'M LUCKY.

I was offered a chance to do a kickboxing tournament on March 1st, which would be my first fight besides grappling tournaments. But I cant get rides out there and we "cant afford it".

I know that I can be at least a semi-successful fighter but that'll probably be just another dream that passes by. Anyone else in similar situations?
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're wife has probably seen you spar, and was not impressed with your performance. In short, she knows deep down inside you'll get physically and emotionally crushed in real competition, and is simply sparing you the heartbreak.

Just my two pennies.