Social NBA Coach, "White people need to be made uncomfortable"

Do white people need to be made uncomfortable?

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Oh so just a bunch of anecdotal evidence and nothing based on facts.

As you were 'tardo.
Wow bro, you're so fucking delusional.

I'm just a guy posting a forum yet you expect me to travel the world and find out each sherdoggers race? LMFAO.

I know u r just being annoying and trying to say I can't prove it...your right I can't.

But everything I said are facts...The UFC #1 demographics is Young White American Males....This forum is largely about UFC discussion...thats a fact.

Everybody here knows I'm right, most people here are white.

So pathetic....The far right wingers are truly retarded
The point is that whenever there is change when it comes to racial injustices, it comes in part because the white majority becomes split. The moral argument affects a critical mass of white persons who then feel the need to act to change the system. For that to happen that critical mass has to become uncomfortable with the status quo.
Yes white people should feel uncomfortable knowing that black people are treated for the most part unfairly in this country. Don't be so dramatic.

Where do you get that from?

"Black people are treated for the most part unfairly in this country"

Explain that to me. If anything, "black" people (I hate that term) have more advantages.
If the powers that be got their power in a society that was less divided, what incentive do they have to divide their societies they now control?

Because the powers that were in control 200+ years ago aren't the same powers in control now.

I honestly don't know enough of the motivations behind these two things but on the face I would say they do not necessarily have to be racist. The bolded part certainly is not racist in and of itself.

When white people do any of that, it's automatically classed as racist.

What is the racial hierarchy?

It's based on intelligence.

Also I'm glad you clearly state that you're racist, seriously.

I didn't. But everyone has their own idea of what racism is.

I was explaining the reasons behind race and racism being created and used. Not how it is currently applied to our society.

Then this discussion is pointless. I'm talking about what is currently going on, because that's really what matters.

I think it's just white people guilt tripping themselves.

Ah yes, it's all white people's fault.

That's clearly what it looks like to me.

Then you're not paying attention. It's an alliance of self-hating white leftists, other kinds of leftists, black racists, and racists of other races who are all united in their hatred of white people. They are all highly invested in guilt-tripping white people. It is a psychological war, with the intent to demoralise white people so they eventually become incapable of putting up a defence and will just be walked all over.
Wow bro, you're so fucking delusional.

I'm just a guy posting a forum yet you expect me to travel the world and find out each sherdoggers race? LMFAO.

I know u r just being annoying and trying to say I can't prove it...your right I can't.

But everything I said are facts...The UFC #1 demographics is Young White American Males....This forum is largely about UFC discussion...thats a fact.

Everybody here knows I'm right, most people here are white.

So pathetic....The far right wingers are truly retarded

No I just expect you to back your claims with facts, not your feelings and adecdotal experiences.

Ahhh and now you assumed my political ideology and were wrong again.

For somebody that assumes this often you sure aren't any good at it.
You helped spread colonialism and had slaves? That's messed up, man.

There is a weird cognitive dissonance to say "I never owner slaves or spread colonialism". Which is true for everyone in the thread.

But on the other hand take responsibility for "our culture and society"

We like to shed the sins of our ancestors while wearing their accomplishments on our sleeves.

Me personally I think it's wealth privilege than a race thing. But after the Civil Rights movement local governments did everything they could to try and ensure black people couldn't get a leg up especially with school funding.

Unfortunately poor whites were caught on the crosshairs
Having some sort of inherent "privilege" based off the color of their skin.

But that is true and its not an accusation.

The conversation isn't "Hey white man, you're a pos because you have privilege and are white."

Rather it's, "Hey white man, you are not faced with the disadvantages that some of minorities have to deal with because you are white. Let's further understand what these disadvantages are and work together to get rid of them."
It's not a strawman. It's the argument for the existence of white privilege in its most common form. Your argument was simply "white privilege is obviously true". I don't find it obvious and I am skeptical that it is true. You mocked @goldennirvana for "having a really deep point" for simply alleging that white privilege doesn't exist, but your claim is the mirror image of his, with precisely the same depth.

You said we were one or two generations removed from legal segregation and one more generation removed from slavery. Two, maybe three generations was the estimate you gave of how from we are removed from slavery. How many people do you think live in the US whose parents or grandparents were slaves in the US?

I brought it up mainly because you argumentatively acted as if this is something I'm ignorant of and asserted that they are facts that need consideration , and you are acting as if I'm taking a cheap shot? I'm not, you made a mistake and I corrected it.

I think you make a strong point to be made about the way the history of blacks unfolded in this country, if you are trying to show how blacks may be at a disadvantage in several key ways, but back disadvantage =/= white privilege. We don't live in a black and white only country, and other racial groups have the same or greater advantages over blacks that you claim whites enjoy.
It wasn't a mistake that was material to our conversation. And you haven't addressed the problems I pointed out with your argument. Finally, black disadvantages do equal white privilege.

And I never brought up metrics, you did. And I already pointed out that success does not mean white privilege exists.
Lol triggered
No I just expect you to back your claims with facts, not your feelings and adecdotal experiences.

Ahhh and now you assumed my political ideology and were wrong again.

For somebody that assumes this often you sure aren't any good at it.
How can I prove it?...No way I can, if we hold a poll, u will say we can't be sure...only way to prove it is to track everybody down.

Everybody knows what I'm saying is true...but u probably saw infowars today and heard anecdotal evidence over and over again so here you are...asking for a study on a forum demographic, LMFAO
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