Social NBA Coach, "White people need to be made uncomfortable"

Do white people need to be made uncomfortable?

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But that is true and its not an accusation.

The conversation isn't "Hey white man, you're a pos because you have privilege and are white."

Rather it's, "Hey white man, you are not faced with the disadvantages that some of minorities have to deal with because you are white. Let's further understand what these disadvantages are and work together to get rid of them."

It's not true at all man.

White people, however you personally define them, grow up in all different kinds of environments and households and are not all the same... You are painting all people with the same brush because their skin colors are similar, and it's vaguely racist.

What if we do the same regarding black people and the disproportionate amount of violent crime they commit? Or would that be racist and wrong?

Just treat everyone the same, I have no more privilege than you or anyone else. People like you just go to further the race divide and it's isn't helping anyone.
It's absolutely key that the privilege attach to race and not to, you know, an actually privileged upbringing.

The concept of white privilege has several important uses, not listed in order of importance:

1. It's a great way to tell white people to shut up without having to address their concerns or arguments. Weirdly, this often works even if the one shutting things down is also white.

2. It allows the privileged classes to feel better about checking their white privilege, as if they were humble or woke, without addressing their more important class related privileges.

3. It becomes a way of identifying racist forces where they are otherwise undetectable. The mere presence of a honky suffices to introduce a plausible theory of racial oppression in any given situation.

I don't care about the rest of #4, but Nothing better than holding the lower classes in contempt and lecturing them for their privilege at the same time. *that's why she lost*
The cognitive dissonance I posted about.

I agree that credit and blame go hand in hand. With that said, taking pride in being part of a group doesn't necessarily involve taking credit for achievements of others. For example, I can enjoy being an American without acting as if I had something to do with how it all came about.

Let's say I did "take responsibility". Then what?
How can I prove it?...No way I can, if we hold a poll, u will say we can't be sure...only way to prove it is to track everybody down.

Everybody knows what I'm saying is true...but u probably saw infowars today and heard anecdotal evidence over and over again so here you are...asking for a study on a forum demographic, LMFAO

Sure is a lot of barking for someone who can't even support their argument with facts.

Maybe if you spent half the time crying about getting called out on our bullshit as you did on making a poll, you could resolve this and save face.
I agree that credit and blame go hand in hand. With that said, taking pride in being part of a group doesn't necessarily involve taking credit for achievements of others. For example, I can enjoy being an American without acting as if I had something to do with how it all came about.

Let's say I did "take responsibility". Then what?

Then nothing. Just pointing out it would be an inconsistent position.
If we're all engaging in real conversations about racial, and social inequality, then White people will be made uncomfortable. Why do you think people are having such a visceral reaction to the NFL protests? Honest discussions about class and society make the privileged in that society uncomfortable. We need these conversations to move our society forward to more equality, and also more feeling of a shared community. That's how you make a society grow and prosper.

Do you think white lower class people are actually privileged? Or is "privilege" a spectrum? Because apparently poor white kids are being thrown into the same boat as the 1%ers who actually control things.

Question about white privilege: If a white heroin junkie applies at the same job as a clean, intelligent black man, who do you think will get the job?

Of course it's in white majority countries, but we managed to spread it pretty far and wide with colonialism and militarism. By being the dominant societies for so long now, western white privilege is a very real thing still.

Obviously America has a particularly unique issue with the amount of African American slaves we used to help build the country. Our history is pretty unique.
We keep using terms like "we" as if you were that dutch or english explorer who expanded civilization across the planet. I understand it's a simple way to generalize history and demographics, but maybe that's one problem we continue to have. And when I say "we", I mean people and society.

Do you think we should pinpoint the African tribal leaders who sold the slaves in the first place?
It's not true at all man.

White people, however you personally define them, grow up in all different kinds of environments and households and are not all the same... You are painting all people with the same brush because their skin colors are similar, and it's vaguely racist.

What if we do the same regarding black people and the disproportionate amount of violent crime they commit? Or would that be racist and wrong?

Just treat everyone the same, I have no more privilege than you or anyone else. People like you just go to further the race divide and it's isn't helping anyone.

But don't you see the huge difference between saying white people are not disadvantaged like black people vs saying all black people are criminals?

One is generalizing how one group of people is treated in society while the other generalizes how all members of a group behave. They are two totally different things.

And yes white people come from all backgrounds and many face great hardships in life. No one denies that. No one is saying that being white is an ez pass to success. What people are saying is that they are serious disadvantages that some minorities face strictly because they are not white.

That's it.
I'm curious when rip went from frequent religious poster to frequent race bait poster.
He's always been that way. About a year or two ago I debated "race" with him, and he figured that the lack of baseball was causing inter city struggles, and basketball was bad.

Ofcourse, he can't really articulate his words sometimes, what he really meant was that the issue with black parents leaving should be addressed. He just used baseball as a metaphor.

I have noticed that @ripskater has been losing some of his "aw gee wiz" humility though.

The spoiled millionaires taking a knee are nothing like what Rosa Parks did. What a ridiculous thing to write.
Lol, 'spoiled' millionaires are taking a stand for those still riding the bus. You're a ridiculous person for denying that racism still exists

FYI: those spoiled millionaires have skills and work ethic which is completely rare to your average person. They should be respected and their viewpoints considered
Nah, we just want to be treated equally. That's all really.

And Pop is a 100% right. The Civil Rights Movement achieved its success because it made white people feel ashamed with how they were treating black people. The only way to combat racism is for white people to be made aware of racial injustice and to feel ashamed enough to stop it.

accidental quote, but to make people aware and ashamed, you have to be selective on the examples. When most examples are actual lawful shootings and in support of criminals, you lose both. Obama really hurt this from the start with his race baiting, it was used to divide and conquer--call everyone a nazi who was against him instead of educate or provide solutions. Now black people are more upset at white people and white people are upset for being called bigots, a lot which voted for Obama. If trump wins in 2020, well, it's because middle America is bigots and not because or jobs.

Wow bro, you're so fucking delusional.

I'm just a guy posting a forum yet you expect me to travel the world and find out each sherdoggers race? LMFAO.

I know u r just being annoying and trying to say I can't prove it...your right I can't.

But everything I said are facts...The UFC #1 demographics is Young White American Males....This forum is largely about UFC discussion...thats a fact.

Everybody here knows I'm right, most people here are white.

So pathetic....The far right wingers are truly retarded

you can stay in my guest room.
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He's always been that way. About a year or two ago I debated "race" with him, and he figured that the lack of baseball was causing inter city struggles, and basketball was bad.

Ofcourse, he can't really articulate his words sometimes, what he really meant was that the issue with black parents leaving should be addressed. He just used baseball as a metaphor.

I have noticed that @ripskater has been losing some of his "aw gee wiz" humility though.

It's fascinating watching the evolution of a gimmick.
But don't you see the huge difference between saying white people are not disadvantaged like black people vs saying all black people are criminals?

One is generalizing how one group of people is treated in society while the other generalizes how all members of a group behave. They are two totally different things.

And yes white people come from all backgrounds and many face great hardships in life. No one denies that. No one is saying that being white is an ez pass to success. What people are saying is that they are serious disadvantages that some minorities face strictly because they are not white.

That's it.

Your first sentence hits the issue squarely. For many people who complain about white people not all being advantaged and that "white privilege" isn't a real thing, they will still discuss all black people in the context of the most negative statistics they can find...and call it just being honest.

So, you'll see someone go from "Not all white people are privileged," to "black culture promotes violence," and never note the hypocrisy of demanding individual treatment for themselves while applying group treatment to others.
Nah, we just want to be treated equally. That's all really.

And Pop is a 100% right. The Civil Rights Movement achieved its success because it made white people feel ashamed with how they were treating black people. The only way to combat racism is for white people to be made aware of racial injustice and to feel ashamed enough to stop it.
I agree that shame and remorse was needed in the 1960s, way before actually. Massachusetts abolishes slavery in 1780. John Adams was a badass, etc. It is now 2017.

But there has to come a time when actual equality, not just systemically, but in minds of people of all races, becomes the norm. There doesn't need to be a movement to push things in the other direction, because then you're just going to have reactionaries and a lot of pissed off white people who had nothing to do with it. Enough with the BS. Yes, some people are racist. There is nothing to fix that but time, patience and ORGANIC openmindness. Apparently being white is a sin. That needs to change, just as much as being black, asian, mexican, or even God forbid French, etc. is a sin, etc. If you disagree, you're racist imo.

Yes, some cops are racist assholes who should never touch a gun. Do we need to push the weight into the other direction so that the cycle continues? Do we need to protest, loot and burn down honest businesses just because CNN and twitter told you why to be pissed off one day? How does that fix your community?

None of this makes any sense to me, to be honest. But the perpetual cycle will continue to spin, because humans are stupid and love their agendas to be nicely packaged for consumerism. Capitalism worked afterall.
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