Social Ocasio-Cortez : 'World is gonna end' in a dozen years due to global warming

Hey, that's what Al Gore said 12 years ago.

And honestly things are worse than what he said. Media has just ignored it want to focus on bs instead. Big issue is for a lot of conservatives if they don't see something happen immediately they just discount it. Funny thing is biggest conspiracy from climate scientists is to remain optimistic even though most of them secretly agree with what AOC just said and think we're all going to die.
In 12 years if climate change isn't adressed the world will be doomed. Heck many believe the world is doomed already and there's obviously a bias towards hope. Will the world be physically over in 12 years now. But will we be doomed if we aren't close to carbon neutral by then? Yup.

It's funny how conservatives make up all these fake crises like the caravan yet an actual existential crisis is being fought and they think it's a hoax. Biggest traitors in the history of the human race, millenia of rich history and a bunch of stupid assholes who listened to fossil fuel propaganda are the one's who'll likely punch our ticket sad.

The fact this is seen as funny as if SHE's the one being stupid is just plain sad.

One of a handful of real representatives who's actually not an idiot and she's seen as an idiot. God damm it's reasons like this where I get Socrates point hating Democracy.

This shit is way more about the identity politics rage over AOC than it is about honestly talking about anything she says. Yeah, we get it, she enrages the right. A lot. A lot, a lot.
The way you right wingers keep her in the news constantly and have marked her as your next big enemy is only going to make her more successful and go further due to all the free air time you guys are givin

When shes president in a decade its going to because you guys made her

Didn't work out that well for Palin. Who knows maybe she'll get a reality tv show out of it.
Didn't work out that well for Palin. Who knows maybe she'll get a reality tv show out of it.

Did work for trump though . The left loved to mock him , The media gave him all the free air time in the world , Then presto he beat one of the most connected politicians of all time.

The game has changed a lot in a decade . Things that would have been career suicide arent any longer and alternative facts are a thing

By the way im not saying I want her to be president I am predicting a cause and effect
Did work for trump though . The left loved to mock him , The media gave him all the free air time in the world , Then presto he beat one of the most connected politicians of all time.

The game has changed a lot in a decade . Things that would have been career suicide arent any longer and alternative facts are a thing

By the way im not saying I want her to be president I am predicting a cause and effect

You could be right but honestly Trump barely won there were so many things going on in that election that it was just the perfect storm for Trump to win. Clinton being the most hated dem in a while, the investigation, Comey's crazy announcement like a week before, Clinton refusing to campaign in area's she lost after being told she needed to by her own husband, and the emails.

Like you said though things have changed from a decade ago that much is clear.

Dude, the media and the political left this girl into their new star. She's gets as much airtime as she wants. She goes on any show she wants. She gets to speak at any event she wants.

They care bc she's a woman and not white. They are pushing her. They did this. All she did was have a Latina name on a ballot in a heavily Latino district.

It's unfortunate that she's an idiot. But the left can't stand criticism of her. So here we are.
You could be right but honestly Trump barely won there were so many things going on in that election that it was just the perfect storm for Trump to win. Clinton being the most hated dem in a while, the investigation, Comey's crazy announcement like a week before, Clinton refusing to campaign in area's she lost after being told she needed to by her own husband, and the emails.

And now trump is the one you can call a polarizing figure under investigation with an air of scandal about him True or false matters much less in this game than perception something I think republicans have been quick to embrace but some dems are also figuring out.

Hes going to have his work cut out for him if the democrats can field someone who can talk decent on tv and is relatively scandal free and not seen as an insider. I think liz warran would get smoked. I think Joe bidan would come up just short. I think bernie is too old and AOC too young . beto needed that win over cruz in my opinion to be viable but I could be mistaken he does check a lot of boxes. Right now if I had to pick a dem to beat trump I would pick gabbard or harris but leaning towards Tulsi . She isnt my favorite politician by far but in my mind she checks the most boxes for best chance . But a lot can change by the time the election is actually here and I can only speak for today
Yes, clearly she was speaking figuratively, but we all know how big of sticklers you Republican surrogates are when it comes to literal accuracy from politicians. That's why we see daily threads from you when Trump says shit like Frederick Douglas is alive, Israel in in Europe, the Baltics are the former Yugoslavia, or the Civil War intersected with the disco era.

And vice versa. Are extreme adversaries not typically breathlessly pedantical?
Steve King said stupid things, that is true.

But at least he knew what the 3 branches of Government are. <Lmaoo><Lmaoo><Lmaoo><Lmaoo><Lmaoo>
Cortez thought they were the twig, the bough and the trunk!
Who cares, if she wants people to take her seriously she probably shouldn't say things like that. That's something that our dumb ass president would do.. "Al Gore should be stripped of the Nobel Prize because it's cold outside!"

Those are not remotely comparable. When Trump tells Lebanon they are fighting ISIS and Hezbollah, that's embarrassing because he's showing that he's talking to a country not only without knowing their major party but while thinking that major party is actually ISIS....even though it's actively fighting....against ISIS. But when I say Trump is the dumbest human on the planet, the fact that there are actual people who are brain-dead, therefore making that incorrect, does not make it comparable to Trump's statement because I was communicating an expression - meaning he's really fucking stupid - not relaying a point of genuine ignorance.

Everyone here knows Trump didn't know Hezbollah was a political party in Lebanon. No one here actually thinks that Ocasio-Cortez believes the world will end in 12 years.

And vice versa. Are extreme adversaries not typically breathlessly pedantical?

Can you imagine if Trump haters were proportionally pedantic and went after not only his factual misstatements but his use of expressions as well? Everything the guy says is in superlative form. Worst economy ever, biggest electoral win ever, highest taxes in the world, etc., the last of which was meant to be taken literally and was absolutely idiotically wrong.

The disparate standards are absolutely insane, and I have to think that at least some of you know it. It's like that one poster who tried insisting that Obama was a worse liar than Trump because him saying "you'll be able to keep your doctor" was of greater gravity than all of Trump's lies. It's unreal.
And now trump is the one you can call a polarizing figure under investigation with an air of scandal about him True or false matters much less in this game than perception something I think republicans have been quick to embrace but some dems are also figuring out.

Hes going to have his work cut out for him if the democrats can field someone who can talk decent on tv and is relatively scandal free and not seen as an insider. I think liz warran would get smoked. I think Joe bidan would come up just short. I think bernie is too old and AOC too young . beto needed that win over cruz in my opinion to be viable but I could be mistaken he does check a lot of boxes. Right now if I had to pick a dem to beat trump I would pick gabbard or harris but leaning towards Tulsi . She isnt my favorite politician by far but in my mind she checks the most boxes for best chance . But a lot can change by the time the election is actually here and I can only speak for today

I agreed with everything here. If AOC was running against Trump she would have pretty much the same setup Trump had against Clinton. The dems should easily be able to win in 2020 with the right person. Gabbard I think has the best chance IMO because of her military experience.
This shit is way more about the identity politics rage over AOC than it is about honestly talking about anything she says. Yeah, we get it, she enrages the right. A lot. A lot, a lot.

They are making her a superstar. A few threads a week on here. Her career will be interesting to watch over the years.

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