Crime Officer, Court Official Killed During Tax Eviction


Gold Belt
Aug 30, 2014
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I had no idea you could be evicted from your home for not paying property taxes. That seems insane to me. Comment section pretty much sympathizes with the shooter, blaming the cops for trying to steal the man's home. Should tax evictions be legal?
Property Tax is theft, essentially

I feel bad for the cop, but why are they raiding a guys house for not paying this sham tax? It must have escalated a lot
The short answer is probably because they were ordered to. And the person who ordered them to do it, was ordered to order them. Property tax is indeed theft. I want to say taxes in general are theft.

But these cops were just doing what they were told. It was a job to them so they could put food on the table. There's heaps and heaps of bullshit just stacked on the people
I had no idea you could be evicted from your home for not paying property taxes. That seems insane to me. Comment section pretty much sympathizes with the shooter, blaming the cops for trying to steal the man's home. Should tax evictions be legal?
Yes... you can have your assets taken from you if you have unpaid debts and refuse to pay them.
Hard not to sympathize with the property owner because we all know it's theft. My father in law paid 11k a year im taxes on a paid off house that was worth 350k. I pay almost 8k a year. It's egregious. Basically rent. You never own anything
Working turning wrenches 40 years ago, an older guy predicted either in his grandson's or great grandson's lifetime, he knew that people who worked their whole life to acquire property would have to die or to kill to protect what they owned from being stolen from gubmint theft... seems as true there now as was Orwell's 1984 "fiction". Sure AF hate it for the man dying to do the "elites" dirtywork.
The short answer is probably because they were ordered to. And the person who ordered them to do it, was ordered to order them. Property tax is indeed theft. I want to say taxes in general are theft.

But these cops were just doing what they were told. It was a job to them so they could put food on the table. There's heaps and heaps of bullshit just stacked on the people

Taxes are theft, sure. Roads and the fire department should just pay for themselves by private contributions. We could all live in libertarian utopia sponsored by corn nuts - corn to the core.
Taxes are theft, sure. Roads and the fire department should just pay for themselves by private contributions. We could all live in libertarian utopia sponsored by corn nuts - corn to the core.

This is kind of a straw man. I think most libertarians believe there is a reasonable middle ground between absolutely no taxes and the absurd amount most people in the West are taxed these days.
This is kind of a straw man. I think most libertarians believe there is a reasonable middle ground between absolutely no taxes and the absurd amount most people in the West are taxed these days.

So taxation isn't theft?

I've yet to encounter a libertarian with a cohesive and practical attitude towards taxation. It's just a religious belief masquerading as economic doctrine.