Media Poatan posts training montage for the Hill fight

That pad holder who was working with Poatan for this camp has some ridiculously high level pad holding. I remember watching the video on Poatans Youtube of them working together and I was like <TheWire1>

that dude is fucking GOOD. A lot of people often too busy looking at the one hitting pads than the one holding and it's a shame.

Pad holders always get overlooked sir.
Good pad holders actually improve the fighter, and this guy definitely does that for sure.

Throwing kicks and mimicking the opponent is something you don't normally see.
Love his calf kicks. They look like there's not much in them, but they do absolutely massive damage. Best in MMA and it's not even close.

They do, but people assume that it's easy to hold down a 6'4" guy carved from oak, or that the 205 top ten are some type of NCAA ADCC champions when they aren't. Jan took him down and did no damage, Izzy took him down for half a round and did nothing, Jiri tried to take him down and got elbowed to death for it.
People assume you can just walk up to guys and initiate grappling, and there is no way you get hit or anything.

You have to create a safe opening for a takedown attempt or risk blowing your gas tank or getting decapitated. Alex isn’t easy to create an offensive opening on.
lmao. Did hear the usual dumb shit from the usual talking heads "hOw'S hE gOiNg To LoWkIcK a SoUtHpAw??????" and there he is...