Power Physique


Week 3, Day 4, Assistance

Push Press
1 x 155#
1 x 175#
1 x 185# PR
F x 190#

3 x 10 x 95#

BB Curls
5 x 12 x 55#

Calf Raises
5 x 20 x 155#

3 x 5 x BW+60#

Face Pulls
5 x 15 x Black Band

Rear Delts
5 x 13 x 5#

Abs Wheel
5 x 2 (feet appart)

Really thought I could do 190# on the PP but I'm happy with the PR. I might try PR SOHP next week.

Too much curls, the weighted pull-ups were pretty tough. I'm thinking about switching the order of exercise, start with pull-ups instead.

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How are you liking the Cube? I wanted to run it, but I was a bit weak to get anything out of it at the time. Coming back to the idea lately though.
I really love it and would definitely recommend it. Its got flexibility and variety, but you know exactly where to go, if that makes sense. You hit the main lifts in different ways (Explosive, Rep, Heavy) and hit two variances after each lift.

Then the assistance is pretty much up to you, which is great. If you run it 4 day, the 4th day is bodybuilding day.

I got my template there: http://blackironbeast.com/cube/calculator

I just finished my 3rd week, so I'm still early in the process, but I can definitely see myself sticking to this program, which is a big thing.

Week 4, Day 1, Heavy Deadlift

1 x 2 x 350#
1 x 5 x 390#
4 x 2 x 350#

Block Pulls
2 x 4 x 350#

Deficit DL
2 x 4 x 330#

BO Rows
3 x 5 x 175#

Good Mornings
4 x 20 x BW

French Press
4 x 10 x 70#

4 x 1:30min (30 sec rest)

Good workout. 390# is everything I have, I had to strap my 20# dumbbells to achieve that. I am pretty confident to open my DL with 400# now.

I got all my gear now as you can see in the video. I'm starting to train exactly with what I'll be using at the meet.

I'll have to cut a couple pound, I'm pretty much 188 everyday and signed up at 183. Shouldn't be too bad I'll start cleaning my diet (yeah right...)


Edit: Trying to fix my sig; bit.ly/1ivKk0d
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I wouldn't cut weight if I were you. Nobody is likely to even realize what weight class you are in and making the cut doesn't change the fact that you are a 188lb man. It may mess with your performance, though.

Relevant to my post:

Unless you are trying to qualify for provincials/nationals, in which case, by all means make 83. I would suggest only dropping one or two pounds in real weight and doing the rest overnight with a water cut, five pounds is no big deal.
For my defense, it is a Provincial qualifier. If I don't qualify, I do plan on competing at 205 next. I really don't wanna cut weight, that's part of why I left mma so don't even ask me why I suscribed at 183 haha. Will they just switch me to a higher weight class if I don't make weight or do you get disqualified?
They will let you compete at a higher class. They only ask for it so they can organize lifters. Wouldn't hurt to shoot the meet director a quick email letting him know, he may want to put you in a different flight.

And I've been there. I cut weight for the meet I used to qualify for provincials/nationals, and ended up getting the total I needed for the higher weight class. Went ahead and cut weight again two weeks later at provincials. Still don't know why.
I had another question, I'm testing my opener for Bench next week, I'll know my 3 openers ( Squat 315, DL 400, Bench 260-265) and then I have 3 full weeks to the meet. Should I test my 1RM before the meet ??

I know the maxes I used to design this program are now too low, especially because I didn't use a belt before.
I had another question, I'm testing my opener for Bench next week, I'll know my 3 openers ( Squat 315, DL 400, Bench 260-265) and then I have 3 full weeks to the meet. Should I test my 1RM before the meet ??

I know the maxes I used to design this program are now too low, especially because I didn't use a belt before.

I wouldn't go all out, but working up to a hard, solid single, wouldn't be a bad idea. If you find yourself saying you have 10-15 left on the squat/deadlift and 5-10 on the bench, you've done well.
Sounds good. Thanks for the help and good luck on your meet as well.

Week 4, Day 2, Rep Bench

1 x 2 x 230#
1 x 1+F x 265#
1 x 1 x 275# (ass off the bench)
1 x 3 x 240#
3 x 5 x 210#

Close-Grip Bench
2 x 3 x 225#

Pause Bench
2 x 7 x 205#

Klolov Press
3 x 10 x 95#

3 x 10 x 25# plates

Lat Raise
3 x 15 x Black band

Abs Wheel
4 x 3 (feet appart)

I'm pissed, lost all my gains from Smolov Jr. Bench already. Well not all, pre-smolov I was 260max, now I'm 265. I went up to 275 though.

I think I'll use 245 as my opener, then 260, then 270 or 275 depending how it feels. All benching was done with a pause at the bottom to prepare for the meet.
I've been thinking about FS advice and I'll call the guy to compete at 205.

After not eating for 16 hours AND working out, I'm at 187.8# and I'm starving. I'm thinking about stuffing my face off til the meet and running Smolov Jr bench and squat, that would help me qualify Class III.
Nice, that's a real solid bench.

I'd run something less aggressive for your squat, so that you can deadlift heavy as well.

Hell yes to getting fat. Lifting is real fun when you get fat.
Light Jog
30 min

Took a lighter pace and did my full circuit with next to no stop (I died for a minute after the stairs).

Again been thinking about peaking for the meet, and I still think I'll do Smolov Jr Bench and Squat. Reason is, I only have 390# total at home so I can't DL heavy anyway. Maybe I'll go to a gym to DL heavy once or twice before the meet. I still have next week before starting Smolov Jr.

I'll add heavy rows to that and that's all I'll do. I have been following this guy for a little bit and he mentioned doing only Heavy rows and squats to improve his DL until his next meet:


Lastly, my squat is lagging so I think I'll benefit a lot from Smolov Jr., while maintaining or even improving my DL.

Edit: Read a couple times that your Rows 1RM should be as much as your Bench 1RM, I'm nowhere near that.

Week 4, Day 3, "Explosive Squat"

1 x 315#
1 x 325#
1 x 330#
1 x 335#
1 x 340# 25 # PR

Front Squat
1 x 265#

Barbell Rows
1 x 10 x 155#
1 x 5 x 175#
1 x 3 x 185#
1 x 2 x 190#
5 x 4 x 205#
1 x 1 x 225#

1 x 12 x 155#
4 x 8 x 205#

Abs Wheel
3 x 4

+ Couple curls and french presses

I'll do lunges tomorrow. Pretty happy with the workout even though I felt like shit. I knew I had 330# but didn't expect 340#. I'll take next week a big lighter, only goal is to test 1RM Deadlift. I'm hoping for 450#+


Week 4, Day 4, Assistance

Light Jog
30 min

3 x 5 x BW+65#

1 x 10 x 65#
3 x 10 x 155#

1 x 10 x bar
1 x 5 x 95#
1 x 3 x 120#
5 x 1 x 155#

Calf Raises
5 x 20 x 160#

BB Curls
5 x 10 x 60#

Face pulls
5 x 20 x Black Band

Abs Wheel
4 x 3

Abs wheel two days in a row is pretty tough. Moving pull-ups as the first exercise worked really well. Monday Heavy DL in the gym I'm fcking pumped.

Week 5, Day 1, "Explosive Deadlift"

10 x 135#
2 x 185#
2 x 225#
2 x 275#
1 x 315#
1 x 365#
1 x 405#
F x 455# (That was dumb)
1 x 425#
1 x 435#
1 x 445# PR 15#
F x 455# (Not even close)

Barbell Rows
1 x 10 x 135#
1 x 5 x 185#
2 x 10 x 155#
1 x 10 x 135#

French Press
1 x 10 x bar
3 x 10 x 65#

Reverse Push Up
3 x 10

Cliffhanger pull-ups
3 x 5

Really happy with the PR. I know I had 450# but there was no 2.5# plates in the gym. I think I'm not pulling back enough, the weight is too much in front of me. Also I need to look up when I pull.

Maxes as of March 31st 2014:
Squat: 340#
Bench: 265#
Deadlift: 445#
Total: 1,050#

Not bad not bad! My short term goal is obviously Bench 300, Squat 400, DL 500. Those sounds like achievable and respectable numbers.


I totally forgot I was recording. After the lift I was like "Damn that was heavy. Oh shit I'm recording" hahah!

Edit: I FINALLY hit 190# ! I've been at 192 for two days so I know I'm not going under 190 anymore.
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Light jog

Light work
L-Bar Squat, SOHP, BO Rows, Calf Raises, Curls, Face Pulls, Tris, Shrugs
3 x 10 x Bar/Black Band

I'll start timing my jog. I always do the same trail anyway.

Week 5, Day 2, Rep Bench

1 x 8 x 155#
3 x 8 x 210#

Close Grip Bench
2 x 3 x 225#

Pause Bench
2 x 8 x 205#

Incline Close Grip Bench
3 x (8,7,6) x 155#

3 x 10 x 20#

Lateral Raises
3 x 15 x Black Band

Abs Wheel
3 x 3

Tabarnak... I just did the same workout as last week. I forgot to switch my program sheet... I felt like shit, partied all night again. Was celebrating a good news. I have an interview Friday afternoon in a project management firm that work for owners. This is an amazing opportunity, I really hope I get it.

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