Proof of the Mandela effect

To me the biggest "proof" of the Mandela Effect is the Sinbad/Shazaam genie movie in the early 90's. I, like many many others, remember clearly hearing of that movie back in the early 90's. It's NOT the Shaq genie movie Kazaam --- let me repeat that, I am NOT confusing the Shaq genie movie with the Sinbad genie movie. I remember clearly when the Shaq movie came out, and it was definitely in the mid 90's. Plus Shaq was well known by the mid 90's, as was Sinbad, and NOBODY would EVER confuse Shaq with Sinbad. Just wouldn't happen. Plus I clearly remember wondering why they even made that Shaq movie, when just a few years earlier Sinbad made a genie movie and it tanked.

Now I'm not saying it's time travel effects or parallel universes or anything. But it IS truly strange that SO MANY people can remember something wrong in the EXACT same way. WHY do we remember an early 90's movie starring Sinbad, specifically? That's pretty specific for a wrong memory, and thousands of people have that erroneous memory. That's just weird.

Shazam is what really opened my eyes to this Mandela effect. I remember the movie and I too made fun of Khazam for being a rip off of it.
I too remember mocking Khazam for ripping off Shazam by Sinbad.
In another Mandela effect thread I posted the YouTube vid of the dude watching it on a vhs tape and talking about it

I’ll have to see if I can find it again, it takes ALOT of digging but it’s there
In another Mandela effect thread I posted the YouTube vid of the dude watching it on a vhs tape and talking about it

I’ll have to see if I can find it again, it takes ALOT of digging but it’s there
Hey i watched the movie here in South America, year 91 or 92, that was the first time i saw this actor called Simbad, i always thought someday i have to google it to watch it again, i did that a couple of years ago and i discover all this
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The Mandela effect has some heavy evidence in favor of it. The premise, though, that someone or -thing could alter events from the past, seems ridiculous.

This is one freaky rabbit hole I'm not prepared to jump into.
You know who thought Mandela died in prison? People who didn't pay a moment's attention to Mandela's life that's who. There's no Matrix style fuckery going on here. What there are though are a bunch of people with false memories and gullible dingbats who don't know shit looking for excuses for why they don't know shit.
You know who thought Mandela died in prison? People who didn't pay a moment's attention to Mandela's life that's who. There's no Matrix style fuckery going on here. What there are though are a bunch of people with false memories and gullible dingbats who don't know shit looking for excuses for why they don't know shit.
Or the countless nerds of people my age that all have the same exact memory of watching the news on TV in school homeroom morning news , they made a big deal out of it

“As I remeber it” but , don’t you find it odd THOUSANDS of people have the same memories of the event?

And I am a highly intelligent human being, with a SHARP memory, it’s unusual for me to have mixed up memories, but I suppose it’s possible that with the time from then till now, what I watched was some other Mandela news event in school, and with the talk of his death, I couldn’t remeber what the event was and my brain filled in the blanks

Or then there is this possibility

Its interesting because so many people believe they remember it a certain way, but it is likely a case of false memory. Would they remember it wrong way had it not been mentioned? Another possibility with this particular statue is they remember it how they would most likely pose themselves. A lot of people put their hand to their head when they are in deep thought so may taint their memory. They could also be confusing it with another statue / painting they saw. I now have changed my mind to remember it as a white statue with the hand on his head for some reason but Im sure I remembered it the correct way before I started thinking about it.

I think the one thing it proves is just how fickle our memory actually is. Like when the woman who witnessed the 'Unabomber' made a new sketch to the FBI several years after her first one, she remembered the original Criminal sketch artist as being the unabomber instead of Kaczynsk (the unabomber).

It's optic illusion. Depending on the angle you see it or the level of attention you pay you can definitely think his hand is on the forehead.

Believing in the Mandela effect is only slightly less idiotic than believing in Flat Earth.
Believing in the Mandela effect is only slightly less idiotic than believing in Flat Earth.
Flat Earth is not a believe is REAL SCIENCE, i don't believe the Earth is flat, I KNOW IS FLAT

You have FAITH in NASA and the Heliocentrism, you neither them can prove all that bullshit they say

The Mandela effect is something real, maybe is about bad memory but is a real thing anyways and have this name
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You know who thought Mandela died in prison? People who didn't pay a moment's attention to Mandela's life that's who. There's no Matrix style fuckery going on here. What there are though are a bunch of people with false memories and gullible dingbats who don't know shit looking for excuses for why they don't know shit.
Yea I thought Mandela becoming free and then becoming President of South Africa was like a big deal.
They taught it too us in school growing up.
People are fuckin morons thats what it is.

Like the moron thinking Shazam was Kazam.
Shazam is a saying from the 70's you clowns.
Hey i watched the movie here in South America, year 91 or 92, that was the first time i saw this actor called Simbad, i always thought someday i have to google it to watch it again, i did that a couple of years ago and i discover all this

Do you remember the plot of the movie? Specific scenes?
Yea I thought Mandela becoming free and then becoming President of South Africa was like a big deal.
They taught it too us in school growing up.
People are fuckin morons thats what it is.

Like the moron thinking Shazam was Kazam.
Shazam is a saying from the 70's you clowns.
I think these people learned the same about Mandela but was a surprise that he was still alive
Nothing, i just remenber Sinbad face and i think he was the Genie of a kid in some urban area
What people are mixing up is Sinbads wardrobe from the early 90s, Kazaam, and Sinbads 1994 TNT appearance where he had a turban on for TNT's "Favorite Movies" where they were playing one of the Sinbad sailor movies.

Shazam was never a movie

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