Public Service Announcement: Aspartame is...

Formaldehyde Poisoning from Aspartame

I've trusted your words for many many months, but reading up on it again im starting to become uncertain.

Don't mind him. Sherdog has the worst info on dieting. This is the same guy that believes aspartame has no dangerous side effects, fast food is okay, nothing is wrong with milk or gluten. He probably thinks trans fat is good for the body as well. If you want real info, go to real sites posted by people with actual credentials, otherwise if you keep listening to sherdoggers, you're gonna be 50 pounds overweight with heart disease.
Don't mind him. Sherdog has the worst info on dieting. This is the same guy that believes aspartame has no dangerous side effects, fast food is okay, nothing is wrong with milk or gluten. He probably thinks trans fat is good for the body as well. If you want real info, go to real sites posted by people with actual credentials, otherwise if you keep listening to sherdoggers, you're gonna be 50 pounds overweight with heart disease.

Don't mind him. Sherdog has the worst info on dieting. This is the same guy that believes aspartame has no dangerous side effects, fast food is okay, nothing is wrong with milk or gluten. He probably thinks trans fat is good for the body as well. If you want real info, go to real sites posted by people with actual credentials, otherwise if you keep listening to sherdoggers, you're gonna be 50 pounds overweight with heart disease.

Some troll must have gave this guy diet advice and now he's 50lbs over weight with heart disease.
Don't mind him. Sherdog has the worst info on dieting. This is the same guy that believes aspartame has no dangerous side effects, fast food is okay, nothing is wrong with milk or gluten. He probably thinks trans fat is good for the body as well. If you want real info, go to real sites posted by people with actual credentials, otherwise if you keep listening to sherdoggers, you're gonna be 50 pounds overweight with heart disease.

1. Everything can be dangerous. Regarding asparatame, our bodies are actually designed to flush formaldehyde so, it's really not that big of a deal.
2. Fast food is ok in small quantities and infrequently.
3. There is nothing wrong with milk for most of the population. If you have a problem digesting lactose I feel sorry for you son. I got a bunch of dietary problems, but lactose intolerance isn't one.
4. Gluten is fine. Gluten is innocent. Gluten is adorable. The gmo gluten that they seem to have snuck into our food supply either by accidental mass cross contamination or on purpose is another story. Do you not think that the sudden explosion in gluten intolerance might be somehow linked to GMO foods rather than gluten itself? Most people of European and Asian ancestry have been eating gluten based foods for thousands of years without much of a problem.
5. We don't have real info here? There are more studies posted in this forum than you'll ever read in your life.
6. This isn't a real site? Why are you here? Leave.
7. Actual credentials. You mean like internet based nutrition certifications that are granted based on experience? Or do you mean something like John Berardi's site, which we cite frequently?
8. Baseless claim. Good luck to you in your endeavours.
Aspartame metabolites is a red herring, there is no research done that conclusively states whether all aspartame ingested is broken down. If aspartame builds up in organs, then saying its absolutely safe is dangerous.

furthermore, it isn't just aspartame you can enjoy with your favorite soda, but also dead babies! mmmm....pass the dead fetus flavored pepsi,

I would be willing to bet that the correlation between NASCAR viewership and Type 2 Diabetes is pretty comparable.

In other news, epidemiological correlations being reported as if they establish causation are a joke. Graduating from college has a much bigger correlation with your likelihood of having a heart attack than anything you can do with your diet. Does that degree have magical protective abilities, or does it simply tell us that the kind of people who graduate from college, as a group, live an overall heart healthier lifestyle than those who don't... much the same way that the kind of people who consume large quantities of diet soda probably aren't exactly living a lifestyle conducive to minimizing their diabetes risk?
I would be willing to bet that the correlation between NASCAR viewership and Type 2 Diabetes is pretty comparable.

In other news, epidemiological correlations being reported as if they establish causation are a joke. Graduating from college has a much bigger correlation with your likelihood of having a heart attack than anything you can do with your diet. Does that degree have magical protective abilities, or does it simply tell us that the kind of people who graduate from college, as a group, live an overall heart healthier lifestyle than those who don't... much the same way that the kind of people who consume large quantities of diet soda probably aren't exactly living a lifestyle conducive to minimizing their diabetes risk?


Epidemiological evidence is fantastic for forming a hypothesis, not so much so for testing one.
Here's an interesting article on the integrity of science even in journals, and aspartame is mentioned. However, the main overview is just how fallible the system is when people can still promote their own agendas, looking at things by face value can often be deceiving:

One thing I love about following "paleo" blogs is that they are inherently anti-establishment, which means that every study is looked at suspiciously until people have had a chance to break it down. It's insane to read the breakdowns of studies and over and over they tend to be severely flawed. (Though the paleo blogs tend to be too nice to studies that confirm their biases.)

I try to avoid aspartame. I'm concerned with the hidden effects of artificial ingredients. To me it's not always about weight gain or blood sugar or cancers, it might be hidden effects in our gut biomes that we do't even understand yet. I'll trust raw honey any day. (Also, I don't think carbonated beverages full of acid are particularly good for us, regardless.)

saw this thread, it's really annoying me that they have this misinformation in the opening post -


Yet your little graphic there has "symptoms" of "aspartame poisoning" that any two people looking at this board are likely suffering right this second.

Hey, I trained today and have joint pain, cramps, and a little bit of depression. Could it be because I workout hard but am sad about the time to workout being cut short? Hells no, must be the coke zero I just drank!
Great thread and topic. Never hurts for people to get informed. I have read tons of research, articles and opinions and it is of my conclusion that it is a safe substance. I have no problem drinking diet pop. The only real research that I have seen that showed it actually caused a problem was where they (as you said originally) were giving absolutely ridiculous amounts of it and some small subsection of rats had some issue. That was it. It is safe.

TS, another great topic would be eggs. Funny how controversial eating a whole egg can be. Many people say eating the whole egg will kill you. I say, don't toss the yellows, give them to me.
TS, another great topic would be eggs. Funny how controversial eating a whole egg can be. Many people say eating the whole egg will kill you. I say, don't toss the yellows, give them to me.

There's a WHOLE BUNCH of threads around here on the incredible, edible, egg.
I like eggs. Especially for breakfast. Which you should eat. Everyday.

Yet your little graphic there has "symptoms" of "aspartame poisoning" that any two people looking at this board are likely suffering right this second.

Hey, I trained today and have joint pain, cramps, and a little bit of depression. Could it be because I workout hard but am sad about the time to workout being cut short? Hells no, must be the coke zero I just drank!

No I'm saying the thread I linked in my post has misinformation, not this one :)

The "aspartame poisoning" is from that thread
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I would be willing to bet that the correlation between NASCAR viewership and Type 2 Diabetes is pretty comparable.

Amusingly divorce rates and margarine consumption in the US correlate perfectly.

Good thread. I hate people believing poor evidence is good evidence.
It's a well studied psychological effect, people tend to overestimate risks which are unlikely to happen (aspartame, etc). They also underestimate the risks which are somewhat likely to happen (smokers)

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