Question for Conor haters

not really when he was trying to compare with Aldo, as if Aldo had anything to do with this.

And no.
he lives off his image. As long as he was an active fighter, he got a lot of money from brands that would stop paying him so much money.
Burger King, for instance.

His business venture had nothing to do with it because that is noty tied up to him being a fighter
To be honest, I believe greed has something to do with it, but imo pride is a biggest motivation. He wants to set a higher ppv record, and be regarded as a daredevil. I don’t believe he even cares about being a champion.
Why is Conor coming back? Because the fraud always has an excuse for his losses.

Calls Nate a "fat skinny Mexican" prefight then postfight "Nate's a man tree times his size", followed up with "I lost cause of inefficient energy use".

If it wasn't for the ref Conor almost gets KO'd stiff by Mayweather then says, "I lost but I turned you into a Mexican! [fighter]". A years worth of shit talking to Floyd went down the drain but it's okay cause he turned him into a Mexican!

What's his excuse this time after Khabib rearranges his face? "I haven't fought in 2 years". "Legal troubles took me away from the game but now I'm back after this fight".

Then he leaves 155 and gets a free shot at 45 to continue his bullshit there. Who knows maybe gets a free interim belt if the real champ gets injured and he goes up against a B/C level fighter with 6 days notice that Conor wins which he then parlays into "the real belt" after the UFC lovingly strips the real champ of the belt even if it's a quick recovery.

Fuck the UFC, fuck Conor, and fuck all you jizz stains for encouraging that manlet sociopath. Ironic that him and his fan base are the pathetic little weasels.
What critical thinking leads to hating on Conor? Because he threw a dolly through a window? You think a few mistakes takes away from all the positive? He's a hard worker, confident, and shows sincere due respect and love to those around him, while not backing down from any challenges, and he's very smart business wise and street wise.

He's a fantastic role model despite not being perfect. Haters just focus on negative stuff but go ahead and do that on yourself too then homie, see how far that gets you.

Making the same mistake over and over again is one thing, but making a mistake and learning from it? That's what you're supposed to do. And that's Conor motto. For you to hate on that is strange.
Yeah, um. That's vapid psycho babble and fantasy.
This is textbook changing the goalpost. Did you say someone isn't a real fighter for sitting out and getting stripped UNLESS one is fighting against perceived social injustice? No you didn't, you said someone isn't a real fighter for sitting out and getting stripped period. Stop backtracking on your argument. Also, whether someone is or isn't a real prize fighter has jack all to do with his political stance and social activism outside the cage.

Is Sakuraba not a real fighter if he doesn't fight for social injustice outside the ring? What if Conor has spent the last 2 years working on charity shit in Ireland, does that make him a real fighter all of a sudden? Are you really this stupid?

I'd tell you to stop embarrassing yourself, but I rather enjoy watching you keep digging this hole.
alis legal battles keeping him out of the ring so he could legit go to war, are a different situation the a coked out socialite taking maternity leave and partying for a year straight while he gets stripped. I understand the conor love man and that's cool, but you went complete retard to the point youll never recover from how bad this thread went for you. relax, breath, and just understand the difference. or don't. put ali in the same category of not being a real fighter if that makes you feel better about conor not defending his belts and getting stripped. Whatever helps you sleep better at night. But again. take a day off of sherdog and read a history book. you need some education in your life my man
Let's see if the fight actually happens before we get too excited there OP.
It doesn't change the fact that Ali took 4+ years off during his prime, and was stripped of all his boxing titles. You said "real fighters don't take 2 years off and have 2 belts stripped from them when they are in their prime." So based on that, Ali was not a real fighter. It's logic 101.

And you're still in denial about it. What gives? What made you lash out and call people fucktard and worthless? Why get angry if we're just "unintelligent children"? When's the last time you saw a mature, un-bothered adult repeatedly lash out against unintelligent kids and call them worthless fucktards?

The fact you are worthless is just a statement, kid.
You don't even contribute to the topic.
The fact you can't even talk to the subject at hand is proof perfect on how worthless you are.

So don't get mad for me proving you are worthless.
On sherdog everyone is either a rabid fanboy or a hater

there's no In between

heheh ain't that the truth...
But no. I must disagree.
there are plenty of Conor fans I can have countless arguments that are respectful and both sides accept that Conor does a lot of good and a lot of bad as well.
And the same for fans from most fighters.

then again, some fighters are located on more... extremes... than others.
This is the guy that said Conor is a GOAT, because of how much money he gets paid, after all.
heh, they think money equals skill... he's rich, so he must be good at something...
To be honest, I believe greed has something to do with it, but imo pride is a biggest motivation. He wants to set a higher ppv record, and be regarded as a daredevil. I don’t believe he even cares about being a champion.

Well, he is greedy. He wants to be champion only because of the money it is associated with.
And by Greedy, I mean he is a very good businessman. He takes the risk only after maximizing his gains and minimizing his losses.

I don't think we've seen many fighters with such view of his/her career like him.
And I don't blame him for anything other than (being more of a "purist") I don't like how he mistreats the sport that gave you so much.
It is one thing for getting those belts. But blatantly killing both divisions without any care... I think he should give back a little...
But I fault mostly the greedy fucks of the UFC that allows him to abuse it so much.
He's not back yet until he actually enter the cage, and if does make it to fight night it will a one & done pick up the check and split and we won't see him until the next leap year...
Why is Conor coming back? Because the fraud always has an excuse for his losses.

Calls Nate a "fat skinny Mexican" prefight then postfight "Nate's a man tree times his size", followed up with "I lost cause of inefficient energy use".

If it wasn't for the ref Conor almost gets KO'd stiff by Mayweather then says, "I lost but I turned you into a Mexican! [fighter]". A years worth of shit talking to Floyd went down the drain but it's okay cause he turned him into a Mexican!

What's his excuse this time after Khabib rearranges his face? "I haven't fought in 2 years". "Legal troubles took me away from the game but now I'm back after this fight".

Then he leaves 155 and gets a free shot at 45 to continue his bullshit there. Who knows maybe gets a free interim belt if the real champ gets injured and he goes up against a B/C level fighter with 6 days notice that Conor wins which he then parlays into "the real belt" after the UFC lovingly strips the real champ of the belt even if it's a quick recovery.

Fuck the UFC, fuck Conor, and fuck all you jizz stains for encouraging that manlet sociopath. Ironic that him and his fan base are the pathetic little weasels.

The fact you are worthless is just a statement, kid.
You don't even contribute to the topic.
The fact you can't even talk to the subject at hand is proof perfect on how worthless you are.

So don't get mad for me proving you are worthless.

"No I'm not mad lashing out when I called you a fucktarded worthless piece of shit! I'm just calmly stating facts!"


You want to talk about "facts"? Like the "fact" that Conor had become irrelevant without the dolly incident?,/m/05bzyf3,/m/0h_d_h5

Or the "fact" that Aldo isn't relevant when talking about Conor's career?

Nothing but salt and denial from you. But guess what, salt and denial is what I live for, so keep going.
Well, he is greedy. He wants to be champion only because of the money it is associated with.
And by Greedy, I mean he is a very good businessman. He takes the risk only after maximizing his gains and minimizing his losses.

I don't think we've seen many fighters with such view of his/her career like him.
And I don't blame him for anything other than (being more of a "purist") I don't like how he mistreats the sport that gave you so much.
It is one thing for getting those belts. But blatantly killing both divisions without any care... I think he should give back a little...
But I fault mostly the greedy fucks of the UFC that allows him to abuse it so much.
Perfectly put. They think by someone calling him too scared to defend, means that he is too scared to scrap someone. When the reality of it is, he is too scared to lose, because of the hit his brand would take, and knows his easy ride would be over.
Perfectly put. They think by someone calling him too scared to defend, means that he is too scared to scrap someone. When the reality of it is, he is too scared to lose, because of the hit his brand would take, and knows his easy ride would be over.

He's too scared to lose, so he fights Aldo, the false FW GOAT?
He's too scared to lose, so he agrees to fight the LW champion RDA and then Alvarez?
He's too scared to lose, so he agrees to fight Khabib, whom his haters call the worst matchup at LW?
He's too scared to lose so he fights Mayweather, a far greater challenge than anyone he could fight in MMA?

What's comically absurd is people are still calling Conor's UFC tenure a easy ride in 2018. I mean how delusional do you have to get? Holloway, Poirier, Mendes, Aldo, Diaz, Alvarez, that's what you call an easy ride?
LouisBaloney and SADdows get a room and just fuck already.

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