RCP pulls back call of Biden win, puts it back at 259 to 214

Biden is ahead of Trump by 275,351 votes in six key states – Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada. As of Monday evening Biden was ahead of the president by 15,432 votes in Arizona, a slim 11,595 in Georgia, 45,475 in Pennsylvania, 146,123 in Michigan, 20,540 in Wisconsin, and 36,186 in Nevada.

It was a similar story four years ago, although Trump's margin of victory over Clinton was smaller.

Trump won Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – three states that had been carried by the Democrats in presidential elections for a quarter century – by just 78,000 votes over 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. The combined 46 electoral votes in all three states were enough to put Trump over the top. And Trump carried Florida’s 29 electoral votes by a margin of just under 113,000.
A couple states with less than 15k with how insane dems were in wanting to get literally hitler (but nothing hitler at all) out of office? A couple nut bags (80% of the left) could easily mess with 1,000 votes. Anything under 20k makes me think there’s a good chance Trump could win it.

that is true but its just as true that flying spirit unicorns could have convinced tons of people to vote for biden.....

The day after the election Trumpanzees here were taking Trump's loss better than they are now. At least they pretended like they were. Some even congratulated Biden and wished him well. Didn't take long for them to drop all pretense.
The votes were just a few hundred. Trump and the Republicans want to not just recount millions but throw out votes. Perfectly legal votes.

I was just posting about FL in 2000.

I dont know what Trump thinks he'll accomplish in court, but if he has actual grievances (I doubt he has any he can prove) then he has a right to have them heard.
Biden is ahead of Trump by 275,351 votes in six key states – Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada. As of Monday evening Biden was ahead of the president by 15,432 votes in Arizona, a slim 11,595 in Georgia, 45,475 in Pennsylvania, 146,123 in Michigan, 20,540 in Wisconsin, and 36,186 in Nevada.

It was a similar story four years ago, although Trump's margin of victory over Clinton was smaller.

Trump won Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – three states that had been carried by the Democrats in presidential elections for a quarter century – by just 78,000 votes over 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. The combined 46 electoral votes in all three states were enough to put Trump over the top. And Trump carried Florida’s 29 electoral votes by a margin of just under 113,000.

Nice try man but that is way too many words for a Trump supporter to have to read. Also it has math in it. They hate that.
Dumb Trumptards believe that despite being ahead by 5+ million in the national popular vote and is clearly ahead in AZ, PA, GA, MI, WI and NV Biden is still somehow stealing this election from Trump.
<Moves>popular vote hillary<Moves>

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