RCP pulls back call of Biden win, puts it back at 259 to 214

So when do find out when Loeffler and Perdoo get #rekt?
But all those glitches!!!

Karma is a bitch.
It comes in the form of a glitch.

What does that have to do with this election? I don't recall observers being thrown out of ongoing counting in 2016. You're pretending as though there is congruency between the 2016 election and the 2020 election (even though there is none).
Because trump is whiny entitled bitch that can't handle anything that doesnt go his way
Its even more pathetic people actually take his nonsense seriously.
I like that this is getting some of your hopes up. It will make the reality just a little bit more painful.

I don't think most of us are wired like you. There is no pain? You Leftists are too enslaved to your politics... it's cult-like.
What does that have to do with this election? I don't recall observers being thrown out of ongoing counting in 2016. You're pretending as though there is congruency between the 2016 election and the 2020 election (even though there is none).

The elections are being prosecuted in the manner they were in 2016. The only difference here is that Trump is president, and since he lost unlike 2016 he's insisting it's rigged.

Problem is, when you cried wolf for months only to win and say none of that stuff mattered? Adults won't trust your lying ass.

Running up from 0-9, let's see how low he can go!!

Bitches and moans about it being rigged, spends next 4 years doing nothing to remedy the problem, even having his boy in the Senate shelve election security bills passed from the house.


Shit like this guy not being at all reliable actually has affects on the nation, especially when you're dealing with allies..........
They never counted Pennsylvania in the first place.

Keep clinging on though guys!